Project management Prof. Dr. Michael GabelDuration
09/2012 - 09/2017
Funding Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF): 500 000 €
Michael Gabel: The BMBF-funded project is a fundamental investigation in the field of cultural education for about 40 locations of student communities (KSG and ESG) in Eastern Germany. On the basis of the research results to be published, this will open up a wide range of scientific projects for universities, colleges, social science institutions and institutions of political education: in the fields of politics, (contemporary) history, education, sociology, philosophy, theology, law, ethics and…
Cesare Cuttica: A historiographical consensus simply accepts that in the early modern period democracy was reputed to be the worst form of government. However, this scholarly trend leaves a few major questions unanswered: why was this so? How was criticism of democracy articulated? In what ways did different authors and genres depict popular government? Which political concerns and social prejudices informed this anti-democratic paradigm? What is the legacy of such a mindset? In order to address…
Project management Prof. Dr. Iris SchröderDuration
10/2023 - 09/2026
Funding Gerda Henkel Stiftung: 120 600 €
In diesem Projekt wird naturkundlich-geografisches und politisches Raumwissen anhand ausgewählter, auf Reisen angefertigter Texte untersucht. Das Vorhaben fragt nach den unterschiedlichen Akteuren, den Formen und Inhalten kollaborativer Wissensproduktion und damit nach den Genealogien sozialer und politischer Räume vor Ort. Es stützt sich auf in der Sammlung Perthes überlieferte Notizen, Tagebücher, Berichte, Briefe und kartografischen Arbeiten, die aus der Region nach Gotha gelangten, und…
Marco Pasi: My project at the MWK focuses on the complex interplay between religious individualisation, nationalism, and alternative spirituality in modern Europe. I intend to carry out my research by focusing on four case studies, based on four exemplary figures of European history: the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1855), the Italian political activist Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872), the Irish poet William Butler Yeats (1865–1939), and the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888–1935).
Peter Schröder: My project builds on my previous work Trust in Early Modern International Political Thought, 1598–1713 (forthcoming with Cambridge University Press in spring 2017) to explore the role of trust and mistrust between European states in the emergence of international political thought through the first half of the 18th century, from the Peace of Utrecht in 1713 to the Peace of Paris in 1763.
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