Research news

Introduced: Professor Thomas Mikhail

General didactics is "totally my thing", he says of himself. "Perfect", we say and welcome Thomas Mikhail to the University of Erfurt, who will take up the professorship for "School Pedagogy and General Didactics" at the Faculty of Education in the…

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"WissensWelten": Early Modern Period Day in Gotha Emphasises Global Interdependencies in the Early Modern Period and Advocates a Cosmopolitan Outlook

The 15th conference of the Early Modern Period working group of the Association of German Historians (VDH) took place at the Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt from 19 to 21 September. Under the title "WissensWelten" (Worlds of…

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Emerald Literati Award 2024 for Benjamin Dreer-Göthe

For his article "Well-being and mentoring in pre-service teacher education: an integrative literature review", the Editorial Advisory Board has honoured Dr Benjamin Dreer-Göthe, Scientific Managing Director of the Erfurt School of Education, with the…

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About the lives and experiences of Ethiopians and Eritreans in Thuringia

On Wednesday, 18 September, the Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt invites you to a lecture entitled "Even today, the colourful Orient enlivens Gotha: The lives and experiences of Ethiopians and Eritreans in Thuringia". The event…

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Ulrich Jasper Seetzen and the cartography of the Orient

As part of its annual exhibition "The Orient in Gotha" and its series "Perthes in Conversation", the Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt invites you to a lecture on the Oriental traveller and manuscript collector Ulrich Jasper Seetzen…

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"The Orient in Gotha" – annual exhibition of the Gotha Research Library

"The Orient in Gotha" is the title of the annual exhibition to which the Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt cordially invites all interested parties from 8 September to 3 November. The exhibition, which is also being held to mark the…

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"WissensWelten": Early Modern Period Conference in Gotha

From 19 to 21 September, the Gotha Research Centre at the University of Erfurt will host the 15th working conference of the Early Modern Period Working Group of the German Association of Historians. Under the title "WissensWelten" (Worlds of…

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Dr Kinga Szücs receives Fellowship for Innovations in Digital Lecturing

For the 7th time, the "Stifterverband" and the Thuringian Ministry of Science have now honoured teachers for the introduction of innovative digital teaching projects at their universities. As part of the "Fellowships for Innovations in Digital…

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