| Campus Gotha, Philosophische Fakultät, Historisches Seminar, Seminar für Literaturwissenschaft, Studium, Veranstaltungen

"The little freedom: celebration, photography, culture of remembrance"

In a seminar at the University of Erfurt, students explore the freedoms that festivals bring on the basis of photographs from the Friedenstein Foundation's collections. The seminar is part of the Studium Fundamentale and brings together students from very different disciplines to work together on socially relevant topics under the guidance of interdisciplinary seminar teams.

Friedenstein Castle Gotha
View from the main market square to Friedenstein Castle in Gotha.

The seminar began in April 2024, with the students first viewing and discussing photographs from the Friedenstein Foundation's collections before the group was expanded to include senior citizens from the city of Gotha. The great interest of the older generation in this project was already clear at the introductory meeting with the senior citizens at the end of April. At further meetings, the group focussed on historical photographs from the collection and also included private photographs of the senior citizens.

On Friday, 14 June, the project group will now take the senior citizens on a tour of Gotha's city centre. The meeting point is at 1 pm at the main market square (Friedenstein Foundation branch, Jüdenstraße 1). Stops on the tour will include Jüdenstraße, Brühl, Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz, Neumarkt and the Orangery. The tour ends with a visit to the historic pump and the waterworks, organised by a committed citizen of Gotha.

To round off the summer semester, an entertaining photo karaoke is planned for 21 June, in which the historical and private photographs of the participants will be cheerfully commented on. The new photo show will culminate in an entertaining summer party.

More information about the seminar as part of the "Cultural Techniques of Collecting" cooperation project can be found at: https://www.uni-erfurt.de/forschungskolleg-transkulturelle-studien/forschung/forschungsprojekte/drittmittelprojekte-und-verbundvorhaben/kulturtechniken-des-sammelns (in German only).

further information / contact:
phone: 03621 8234 510
email: solveig.negelen@stiftung-friedenstein.de