Zusatzangebote des Sprachenzentrums

English Café

Während des Semesters findet das English Café statt. Wir treffen uns für lockere Gespräche immer dienstags von 18.30 - 20.30 Uhr im Café Nerly, Marktstraße 6, 99084 Erfurt.  

Come join us!

English Writing Centre

The ENGLISH WRITING CENTER (formerly English Writing Lab) will be offered again this semester, and tutors are there to

  • check your writing task for problems (and find solutions; tutor does not correct, but rather point out)
  • listen to your talk or presentation (prerecorded on a sound file, and the two of you listen to it together)
  • go over presentation points to help with layout and structuring of the presentation
  • listen to your ideas re a presentation
  • listen to you read a text  (pronunciation practice)
  • listen to your reading (prerecorded on a sound file, and the two of you listen to it together)

The EWC is mandatory for all English students taking part in a GLP 1 or GLP 2 course, but students from all fields of study are welcome.

Moodle link for the English Writing Center 

Password: SPZ_WiSe2024