If you have lost your service card, have it blocked immediately. The University of Erfurt accepts no liability for the misuse of lost cards.
You can block your student identity card (thoska) in three ways:
- Sending an e-mail from your official e-mail account to thoska@uni-erfurt.de.
- by telephone (0361/737-5858), stating your first name, surname and place of employment
- in person at the University Computer and Media Centre (URMZ) service area (KIZ, R0.11).
As soon as your message is received by the thoska Service Office, the card will be blocked in the system and the Studierendenwerk and the library will also be informed. The money on a lost card is gone unless an honest finder turns in the card.
A handling fee of 10 EUR will be charged for replacement of a service card in case of loss/theft or damage due to improper handling.