thoska (students and employee identity card)

thoska - Thüringer Hochschul- und Studentenwerkskarte (Thuringian university and student service card)

The thoska (Thuringian University and student service card) is a multifunctional card that includes various functions (library card, time recording, access or driveway) and serves as an identification card in the university sector. 

Requests and services

For general requests (especially routing slips, reports of loss and applications for replacement cards) you can contact the IT service desk in the KIZ room 0.11 during opening hours.

Special inquiries and problems are handled by the thoska service team.

Please send inquiries by e-mail directly to

Campus map of the University of Erfurt with references to the locations of the thoska devices

Thoska service office
Entry via room 0.11 !
(University Computer and Media Centre)
C21 – Centre for Communication and Information / room 0.12