When payments are made with the "electronic purse", the cashier debits the funds on the card and on the card user's shadow account in the computer system. In this process, neither data on the purchase or consumption, nor data on the person or matriculation or personnel number are recorded or forwarded. Only the card number, the number of the cash register or terminal and the amount are processed for the booking.
The thoska (Thuringian university and student identity card) can be used as a library card for employees and students of the University of Erfurt. The thoska is recognized by university libraries throughout Thuringia as a library card. It also serves as a copying card.
If you are a member of the University of Erfurt, please contact the library circulation desk to activate your thoska as a library card. Your previous library card must be returned for this and loses its validity.
Initially, there is no obligation to exchange your old library card for the thoska.
Students of the University of Erfurt who start a new course of study receive the thoska as a student identity card (thoska). It is activated as a library card after registration in the library. Students who are already registered in the library can have the thoska activated as a library card if they wish.
In case of loss or theft, you should have the card blocked immediately to prevent misuse by third parties. To do so, please contact the thoska office at the university. To have a new thoska (thoska) activated as a library card, please contact the library's circulation desk.
The student identity card (thoska) is used to record the time of all employees affected by the flexitime regulations. If you have any questions about flexitime, please contact us by e-mail at
All information about printing and copying can be found on this page.