Conditions of use and access

Electronic resources acquired or licensed by Erfurt University Library can be used free of charge from all devices providing internet-connected devices (including wi-fi for members of the University) on the campus of the University in Erfurt and Gotha.

Access from outside the campus and Gotha Research Library is mainly made possible by Shibboleth or VPN. Some journals and online databases licensed allow access via special identifiers and passwords. For access please contact the information desk of the University Library. Please contact your subject librarian for any detailed questions.

Please consider copyright regulationsand terms of use of every provider or you may be held liable in case of abuse.

Specialist Information Service Benelux / Low Countries Studies

Nationwide access to these journals is provided by the programm "Specialist Information Services for Science" with financial support from the German Research Foundation (DFG) and organised by the Specialist Information Service Benelux / Low Countries Studies.

  • De Moderne Tijd
  • Jaarboek De Achttiende Eeuw
  • Mens en Maatschappij
  • Pro Memorie
  • Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde

Further information:


Remote access is possible for academic staff of the University of Erfurt (password-protected, personal access). If required, please fill out the following agreement:
Verpflichtungserklärung (pdf).

Juris (remote access)
Access from outside the campus of the University and the Gotha Research Library is limited to professors and academic staff of the Erfurt University.
For access data please fill in the following agreement: Verpflichtungserklärung.

NBER Working Papers
For access from outside, an e-mail address of the Erfurt University must be entered after calling up the document. As soon as this has been confirmed you will receive an answer by e-mail after a few seconds. This e-mail contains an Internet address with which the respective paper can be opened.

Remote access to ressources at the ZB MED, Information Center Life Sciences
The ZBMED allows for a small selection of ebooks and ejournals, e.g. for Karger E-Journals and parts of Proquest Ebook Central , the use of remote access with a virtual library card.

In the Discovery search portal (extended search space), these titles can be recognised by the note "Remote access after free registration", e.g.

Further information:


Terms of use see  Index of providers