Scanning Service

The library offers a copy delivery service for all members of the University of Erfurt, which means for students, staff, teachers and graduates of all faculties and institutions.

In the Discovery search portalthe scan order can be placed directly after the search via an order button. Afterwards only a few data have to be added. To place an order you have to log in with your library account information.

You may also send your copy request to the library by web form.

We will search for the literature, scan the articles and make the PDFs available for download.

You are a member of the University of Erfurt.


The delivery service includes the scanning and electronic provision of journal articles and book chapters (max. 10% for books, in compliance with copyright laws) from the  holdings of Erfurt University Library.

Not available are articles from e-media, articles from items on loan (incl. reference collections) and scans from the holdings of the Research Library Gotha. For scans from items of special value and media published before 1851, please contact the special reading room of Erfurt University Library:

We will supply a PDF of the item within 1-3 working days. You will receive an e-mail with a link for download. The availability is 30 days.

For reasons of copyright you may only use the reproductions provided for your own academic work and may not distribute them as printed or electronic copies, either for a fee or free of charge.
Teachers may note the summary of the most important aspects concerning electronic resources in digital learning spaces and term papers.


Lending Services. Inter-library Loan Division (UB)
Scan service
(Erfurt University Library)
Order button in Discovery