A linkresolver is an electronic service that helps to indicate the availability of scientific publications. It takes you from a search in a database or a search platform such as Google Scholar directly to the document you are looking for. Ideally, this is an electronic full text, but it can also be a reference in the library's online catalogue or in the Common Union Catalogue (GVK, online interlibrary loan).
Erfurt University Library uses ReDi-Links, a non-commercial service of the UB Freiburg. It makes the library's holdings more visible in databases and search portals, and helps with getting access to the requested literature.
If a link resolver is active in a database, a button appears in the hit list for each literature reference during the search. A click on the button starts a search in various sources, which in the best case leads to an electronic full text. Alternatively, you will get to a menu with further references and information:
Electronic full text: if applicable, information on why no full text could be determined.
Local availability: checking the holdings in the library's online catalogue and the Discovery search portal.
Holdings of other libraries: check of the holdings in the Common Union Catalogue (GVK), if necessary an interlibrary loan order can be sent. Search in other supra-regional library catalogues is possible (KVK, WorldCat).
Search on the Internet: further search in Google or Google Scholar.
Contact: for questions and suggestions please use the contact form of the UB Erfurt, for technical problems please contact the ReDI team (info@redi-bw.de).
The information of the originally searched item is always kept, i.e. re-entering the search terms is not necessary.