During the Student Orientation Days at the beginning of the winter semester there are guided tours at the library to introduce you to our main services. Tours for Bachelor students are organised by your tutors. Master students are welcome to register on Moodle for one of our tours in English or German.
Online course on using the library (in Moodle):
Library basics (German)
Self-study course library research (English)
Virtual library tour: the Erfurt University Library as a 3D model
All other regulations can be found in the user regulations.
Your student identity card (thoska) is also your library card. Please have it activated at the service desk on the ground floor.
With the student identity card (thoska) you can borrow items and place orders or reservations. You also get access to your personal user account on the online catalogue or the Discovery search portal. Here you can find all information about your loans, reservations or outstanding fees. You can also renew the lending periods of borrowed media.
To log in to your user account you need the number on the back of the thoska. The default password is your date of birth in the form DDMMYYY. You should change the password to protect against misuse.
Further information:
Library account (pdf tutorial)
The reading room extends across all floors. Books, journals and other media are on open shelves by subject area and topic.
The textbook collection is located on the ground floor. Important literature on current courses is compiled in "course reserve collections" on the second floor.
On all floors there are terminals and PCs for working and researching as well as devices for copying, printing and scanning.
WLAN (eduroam) is available throughout the building.
For working in groups, we recommend the group study rooms on the 2nd floor; prior reservation in the UB-Raum booking system is advisable.
Further information:
Search for literature on a topic or a specific book in the Discovery search portal or in the library's online catalogue.
You will receive information on where to find the media requested in the library and whether they are available for loan or order.
E-books, electronic journals, databases and other electronic documents can be accessed directly from the catalogue, many of them also from off campus.
Further information:
The lending period for books and other media is 4 weeks.
Reference books, journals and newspapers as well as literature from the course reserve collections are not for loan.
A reminder fee is charged on the 1st day after the lending periods are exceeded :
Please pay outstanding fees by student identity card (thoska) at the payment machine in the entrance area opposite the counter or in cash at the cash desk.
The lending periods can be renewed twice in your personal user account, unless the literature has been reserved by another person.
You will receive an email two days before the end of the lending periods reminding you to return or renew borrowed media.
Items can be returned during all the library's opening hours.
Not everything is freely accessible in the library; some of the stock is located in closed stacks. These media must be ordered via the online catalogue or the Discovery search portal and can be collected from the library service desks after a certain period of time.
Further information on borrowing
You can contact us during service hours in person at the service desks in the library or by telephone. You can also contact us any time by e-mail or electronic form.
Contact information
+49 361 737-5800 information.ub@uni-erfurt.de
Contact lending
+49 361 737-5830 ausleihe.ub@uni-erfurt.de
Further information:
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Subject librarians and expert information
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