Privacy policy of Erfurt University Library

General information

This data protection declaration refers to offers and services of the Erfurt University Library. It supplements the general data protection declaration of the University of Erfurt, where you will find further information on data protection.


Verwaltungsgebäude / Raum 1.40

Data Protection Officer

Anabell Köhler
Data protection officer
(University of Erfurt)
C16 - Universitätsbibliothek / 045

Legal basis for data processing

The legal basis for the processing of the data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. e GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in connection with § 16 para. 1 ThürDSG, § 2 para. 2 ThürBibRG, § 11 and § 44 para. 1 ThürHG and § 7 of library rulesof  Erfurt University Library dated 20 February 2019.
The legal basis for the temporary storage of data for anonymous use and for the storage of log files is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

Video surveillance in the library

There is video surveillance in the exhibition room and in the entrance area of the exhibition room on the 2nd floor of the University Library.

Information on your rights as data subjects

Personal data transfer

As part of the admission and enrolment procedures at the University of Erfurt, personal data is collected and transferred to the library system of the University of Erfurt Library on a regular basis.

The following personal data are imported:

  • of enrolled students: matriculation number,  last name, given name, gender, date of birth, e-mail address, date of enrolment
  • of exmatriculated students: matriculation number, last name , given name, e-mail address

Further information: Data protection information of Department 1: Registrar's Office

The data will be used in the case of personal registration as a library user and processed on the basis of the University Library's user regulations. Data not used for registration will be deleted at the end of the calendar year.

Integration of third-party providers

The data protection regulations of the respective responsible providers (e.g. DBIS, EZB, interlibrary loan, Citavi) apply to all third-party services listed on our pages, further Internet pages and links to electronic resources on the websites of external providers.

To the data protection provisions of individual third-party providers:


Where personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail addresses) are collected on our website (e.g. in a contact form), this is always done on a voluntary basis. In the forms, only those fields that are absolutely necessary for the use of the respective service are indicated as mandatory fields.

When enquiries are sent via the contact form, your contact details on the form will be stored for the purpose of processing the enquiry and in the event of follow-up questions. We will not pass on your transmitted data to third parties without your express consent.

We would like to point out that data transmission by Internet (e.g. when communicating by e-mail) may be subject to security vulnerabilities. Complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible.

See  Forms to print and Electronic forms

Change notification (printed)

We need the following personal details for the "Change notification" form:

  • Name, date of birth, registration address, other addresses
  • optional telephone no.
  • e-mail address

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for user administration purposes and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally and kept until the end of the user registration and the settlement of all outstanding claims.

Registration (printed, PDF)

We need the following personal details for the "Registration" form:

  • Name, date of birth, registration address, other addresses
  • optional telephone number
  • matriculation number of the University of Erfurt
  • E-mail address, user type assignment

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us and kept until the end of the user relationship and the settlement of all outstanding claims.

Registration for library introduction (electronic)

For the form "Registration for a library introduction" we need the following personal data :

  • E-mail address (to confirm the registration, possibly for queries)
  • The name details are voluntary

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the purpose of answering your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. We will delete the form once the process has been completed. By submitting the form, you agree to the storage and use of your data for a specific purpose under the conditions listed above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Acquisition proposal (electronic and printed)

We need the following personal details for the "Acquisition proposal" form:

  • The name and e-mail address (to receive notification of the requested item) are voluntary

Data processing and forwarding

The information will be used exclusively for the purpose of answering your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. We will delete the form after a period of one year. By submitting the form, you agree to the storage and use of your data for a specific purpose under the conditions listed above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Issue of ... (printed)

We require the following personal details for the "Issue" form:

  • Name, user number

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored for the duration of the process; the form will be destroyed after the process has been completed.

Request single issues of journals (printed) in bookbinding process

We require the following personal details for the "Request single issues of journals (printed)" form:

  • Name, user number
  • e-mail address

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the purpose of providing the journals and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. After completion, the data will be deleted and the form destroyed.

Order FB Gotha / daily newspapers (electronic, printed)

For the form "Order from the FB Gotha / daily newspapers" we need the following personal data from you:

  • Name
  • User number (to allocate the order)

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the purpose of answering your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. We will delete the form once the process has been completed. By submitting the form, you agree to the storage and use of your data for a specific purpose under the conditions listed above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Order form special collection (printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Special collection order form":

  • Name, user number

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of your order and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. Once the process has been completed, we will destroy the form.

Declaration of consent for minors (printed, electronic)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Consent" form:

  • Name of the minor
  • Name and address of the legal representative

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data provided by you will be stored together with the registration form until the end of the user relationship and the settlement of all outstanding claims.

Parent-child room (printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Use of parent-child room" form:

  • Name, user number

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored for the duration of the process and the form will be destroyed after the process has been completed.

Notification by e-mail (electronically)

We require the following personal data from you for the "Notification by e-mail" form:

  • E-mail address (for future notification by e-mail in accordance with the agreed service)
  • The name and user number are optional

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively within the scope of the agreed service and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us until cancelled. By submitting the form, you agree to the storage and use of your data for a specific purpose under the conditions listed above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Inter-library loan credit (printed)

We need the following personal details from you for the "Inter-library loan credit" form:

  • Name, user number

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. Once the process has been completed, we delete the data and destroy the form.

Interlibrary loan (electronic)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Interlibrary Loan Request" form:

  • Name
  • User number (offer only valid for registered library users)
  • Providing your e-mail address (for queries) is voluntary

Data processing and forwarding

The information you provide will only be used to answer your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. We will delete the form after a period of 5 years. By submitting the form, you consent to the storage and use of your data for a specific purpose under the conditions listed above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Interlibrary loan order on own holdings (printed)

For the form "Interlibrary loan request: missing item; item at the bookbinder" we need the following personal details from you:

  • Name, user number
  • E-mail address (optional for queries)

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. After a period of 5 years, we delete the data and destroy the form.

Questions to the library (electronic)

We require the following personal data from you for the "Questions to the library" form:

  • E-mail address (for answering your enquiry)
  • The name details are voluntary

Data processing and disclosure

The information will be used exclusively for the purpose of answering your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. We will delete the form after a period of one year. By submitting the form, you agree to the storage and use of your data for a specific purpose under the conditions listed above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Application for reference collection (printed, PDF)

We need the following personal details from you for the "Application for a reference collection" form:

  • Name
  • Work address
  • Work e-mail address

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored for the duration of the process; the form will be destroyed when the quick reference collection is cancelled.

Copy order (electronic and printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Copy order" form:

  • Name
  • User number (offer only valid for registered library users)
  • In the case of delivery by post: Postal address (street, house number, town and postcode)
  • Providing a telephone number (for queries) is voluntary

Data processing and forwarding

The information will be used exclusively for the purpose of answering your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. We will delete the form after a period of 5 years. By submitting the form, you agree to the storage and use of your data for a specific purpose under the conditions listed above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Comments and requests/Your opinion (electronic, printed)

We require the following personal data from you for the "Comments and requests / Your opinion" form:

  • Name and e-mail address (for receiving a reply) are voluntary

Data processing and forwarding

The information will be used exclusively for the purpose of answering your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. We will delete the form after a period of 5 years. By submitting the form, you agree to the storage and use of your data for a specific purpose under the conditions listed above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Receipts (printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Receipt" form:

  • Name, user number

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored and destroyed after the process has been completed.

Receipt borrowed media (printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Borrowed media" form:

  • Name, user number
  • Shelf mark and barcode of the borrowed media

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored and destroyed after the process has been completed.

Receipt return (printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Return receipt" form:

  • Name

Data processing and forwarding

The information will not be processed or stored; you will receive the form.

Scan order for members of the University of Erfurt (electronic)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Scan order" form:

  • E-mail address (for sending the download link)
  • your name
  • Entering the user number/thoska) is voluntary

Data processing and forwarding
The data will be used exclusively for processing your order and will not be forwarded to third parties.

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. We will delete the form once the process has been completed. By submitting the form, you agree to the storage and use of your data for the purpose stated above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Claim compensation (printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Claim for compensation" form:

  • Name, user number
  • your address
  • Bibliographic data of the lost/damaged medium
  • Confirmation of payment

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for processing purposes and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. After a period of 5 years, we delete the data and destroy the form.

Loss of keys (printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Lost keys" form:

  • Name, user number
  • address
  • Number of the locker/wardrobe or carrel whose key has been lost

Data processing and forwarding

The information will only be used for processing purposes and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. Once the process has been completed, we delete the data and destroy the form.

Secreted literature (printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Use of secrteted literature" form:

  • Name, user number
  • Bibliographical data of the secreted publication

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for this process and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored and the form will be destroyed after a period of 3 years.

Application course reserve collection (printed, PDF)

We need the following personal details for the "Application for a course reserve collection" form:

  • Name
  • Faculty/chair
  • E-mail address, telephone number
  • Details of the course 

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored for the duration of the process; the form will be destroyed when the semester collection is cancelled.

Search request (printed)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Search request" form:

  • Name, user number

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored for the duration of the process; the form will be destroyed after one year.

Agreement Use of Carrel (printed, PDF)

We require the following personal details for the "Agreement Use of Carrel":

  • Name, user number, e-mail address, period of use

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us for the duration of the process and then deleted.

Agreement Use of Locker (printed, PDF)

We require the following personal details for the "Agreement use of Locker":

  • Name, user number

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored digitally by us for the duration of the process and then deleted.

Lecture room (printed, pdf)

We require the following personal details from you for the "Lecture room" form:

  • Name of the organiser, institution
  • Telephone number or e-mail address
  • Date and title of the event

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored and the form will be destroyed at the end of the calendar year.

White list (electronic)

We require the following personal data from you for the "Application for the inclusion of new Internet addresses" form:

  • The information on the e-mail address (for receiving a notification regarding the requested address) and the user type (as a decision-making aid regarding the inclusion of the address) is voluntary

Data processing and forwarding

The data will be used exclusively for the purpose of answering your enquiry and will not be passed on to third parties.

Data storage

The data you provide will be stored digitally by us. We will delete the form after a period of one year. By submitting the form, you agree to the storage and use of your data for a specific purpose under the conditions listed above. The data is transmitted via an encrypted connection.

Second library card (printed)

We need the following personal details from you for the "Request for a second library card" form:

  • Name, user number

Data processing and disclosure

The data will be used exclusively for the provision of this service and will not be passed on to third parties.


The data you provide will be stored digitally by us and kept until the end of the user relationship and the settlement of all outstanding claims.

Citavi and EndNote

The reference management programmes Citavi and EndNote belong to US companies: Lumivero and Clarivate respectively, so your personal data may be transferred to the USA. The USA is not a safe third country within the meaning of EU data protection law. US companies are obliged to disclose personal data to security authorities without you as the data subject being able to take legal action against this. It cannot be ruled out that US authorities may process, analyse and permanently store your data on US servers.

For students of the University of Erfurt, the use of Citavi and EndNote is therefore always voluntary and cannot be made mandatory for study purposes.

Special reference is made to the obligation to comply with data protection regulations when processing personal data. (May 2022)

Citavi: Privacy policy of the provider Lumivero

EndNote: Privacy policy of the provider Clarivate