Open Access Publication Fund

Funding from the "Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft" (TMWWDG) and third-party funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) can provide financial support for open access publications by members and affiliates of the University of Erfurt. 

According to the regulations of the funding bodies, only Gold Open Access publications in pure open access journals are funded.

Publications in hybrid journals can only be funded within the framework of open access agreements.

To profit from the available funding, please consider publishing your research results as Gold Open Access publications in pure open access journals.

If you have further questions regarding funding opportunities for your open access publication we are happy to support you.

Eligibility Conditions

  • Applicant must be a member of the University of Erfurt at the time of application
  • Applicant is responsible for the publication as "corresponding author"
  • the publication must have gone through a peer review process
  • the application is submitted in the year when the payment is due
  • publication must take place in the same year you apply for a grant
  • the publication should be published under the Creative Commons Attribution License. The DFG recommends in particular the Creative Commons licenses CC-BYCC-BY-SAor CC-BY-ND

Open access articles

  • Publications in pure open access journals (Gold Open Access) are eligible for funding
  • Open access articles in pure open access journals are funded with up to EUR 2,000 including VAT. Pure open access journals are usually listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals(DOAJ).
  • If  the legal prerequisits for self-archiving are met, the publication is additionally published and archived on the institutional repository of the University of Erfurt (DBT).

Search and find pure Open Access journals (selection)

The University of Erfurt has publishing agreements with the following publishers.

  • Cambridge University Press (CUP)
  • De Gruyter
  • Hogrefe PsyJournals
  • Sage
  • Springer Nature
  • Taylor & Francis
  • Wiley

Publication fees are billed directly to the University Library, and there is no need to apply for funding.

For further information on searching and finding open access publication venues, please visit our website Open access publishing

Open access books

  • Publications in pure and hybrid open access books are eligible for funding
  • Open access books resulting from a DFG project are funded with up to 5,000 EUR including VAT
  • Open access books without DFG project are funded with up to EUR 3,500 including VAT

Search and find publishers for open access books (selection)

Publishers should be listed in the Directory of Open Access Books(DOAB) or OAPENor be members of the  Open Access Scholary Publishers Association(OASPA).

The Open Access Publication Fund does not cover

  • Publications without scientific content or
  • Publications in so-called "mirror journals" or
  • Publications in "predatory journals"
  • Publications in hybrid journals
  • Incidental costs such as color charges, page charges, submission fees, license fees, archive fees and other administrative fees
  • Subsidies for closed access publications or printing costs

further information

  • please use your university e-mail account for communication with publishers
  • for uploading your articles please use the university network if possible (also eduVPN)
  • please indicate your institutional affiliation at the University of Erfurt correctly, so that the assignment to the institution in the submission process and bibliometric analyses and entries in databases (e.g. Web of Science) can be done correctly. Please note the correct spelling based on the ROR-ID

Overview of funded publications

A list of publications supported by the Open Access Publication Fund of the University of Erfurt can be found on our overview page


Dr. Franziska Wein
Head of Department Collection Development / Electronic Publishing
(Erfurt University Library)
C16 – library / C16.00.54
Martina Schlütter
Electronic Text Center ETC
(Erfurt University Library)
C16 – library / room 151