Zahra Donyai
2011 – 2020 Promotionsstudium in Philosophie an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Dissertation: „Ich habe nur eine Zeit, die Weltzeit.“ – Eine Untersuchung zu Husserls Zeitanalysen
2012 – 2017 Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Forschungsprojekt Grammar - Logic - Rhetoric, Linguistic Disciplines in Arabic Culture 800-1200
2004 – 2007 M. A. in Philosophie an der Universität Teheran, Iran
2000 – 2004 B. A. in Philosophie an der Universität Teheran, Iran
Between Logic, Dialectics and Rhetoric: Rereading the fallacious arguments in the logical works of the Islamic World (Zwischen Logik, Dialektik und Rhetorik: Untersuchung der Trugschlüsse in den Logikwerken der islamischen Welt)
Logicians in Islamic tradition have rarely neglected fallacious arguments. However, since the study of fallacious arguments goes beyond the rules of syllogisms and takes into account the practical contexts and thus as such is not merely a matter of form, the importance of discussing fallacious arguments in formal logic treatises has gradually declined. Furthermore, some new disciplines in Arabic-Islamic culture replaced the abstract discussions of fallacious arguments in formal logic with more concrete themes and problems. Nevertheless, and even after the establishment of these new disciplines logicians have been fascinated with this topic for decades. Some logicians in the Islamic tradition, during the medieval period, engaged the fallacious arguments in a way that put this subject matter in a new direction.
Aristotelian legacy in the study of fallacious arguments and his logico-centric approach shaped the main framework that dominated the study and discussions of fallacious arguments for centuries. The logicians in the Islamic world addressed the fallacies within the framework of Aristotelian logic. Their discussion of fallacies can be traced back to the Baghdad Peripatetics and their preoccupation with the Organon. However, due to the Alexandrian arrangement of the Organon, expanded by Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Poetics in the Arabic logical milieu the framework for discussing the fallacies was also expanded. This resulted in a gradual shift from a purely logical to a communicative and psychological approach to fallacies. Thus, manipulation strategies were considered not only from a logical point of view but also in relation to the feelings and behaviors of those involved. This project proposes to address the gap in the study of fallacious arguments in the framework of argumentation studies in the Islamic tradition by introducing the apparently first surviving writing on this issue by the most prominent figure of Baghdad Peripatetics, Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī.
After al-Kindī and his lost epistle on this subject, Epistle on Guarding against the Deceits of the Sophists (Risāla fī l-iḥtrās min ḫoda’ as-sūfisṭāʾīya) (Ibn an-Nadīm, 1970, pp. 616-617), al-Fārābī is one of the first logicians in the Islamic world who wrote on Sophistry. In his treatise, On Deceptive Topoi (Kitāb al-amkina al-muġliṭa), al-Fārābī follows the central concern of Aristotle’s On Sophistical Refutations and focuses on the fallacious arguments. This epitome of al-Fārābī’s logical collection (al-Manṭiqīyāt lil-Fārābī or al-Manṭiq ‘inda l-Fārābī) has hardly been studied and is the first and one of the main sources which can be considered in exploring the fallacious arguments in Islamic intellectual thought.
„Ich habe nur eine Zeit, die Weltzeit.“ – Eine Untersuchung zu Husserls Zeitanalysen, Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag, 2021.
Übersetzung ins Persische
Phenomenological Method and the Achievement of Recognition: Who’s Been Waiting for Phenomenology? (David R. Cerbone), in Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology (ed. Giuseppina D’ Oro, Søren Overgaard), Elmi va Farhangi Pub. Tehran (Forthcoming).
Logos und Ergon in Platons Lysis (Hans-Georg Gadamer), in: Nameh Farhang 2012, 114–138
- Phänomenologie
- Epistemologie und Argumentationstheorie
- Philosophie in der islamischen Welt
- Geschichte der Logik
SS 2022
Proseminar: Wahrheitstheorien des 20. Jahrhundert Philosophisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
WS 2021/22
Proseminar: Zeitphänomenologie Husserls, Philosophisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
SS 2021
Proseminar: Logik und Psychologismus: Husserls Prolegomena zur reinen Logik, Philosophisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
SS 2020
Proseminar: Husserls Auseinandersetzung mit Descartes (mit J. Abel), Philosophisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
WS 2019/20
Proseminar: Descartes, Meditationen (mit J. Abel) Philosophisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
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