Jayane dos Santos Maia


Jayane dos Santos Maia

Short Biography

Jayane dos Santos Maia is a doctoral researcher at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies and at the University of Erfurt, and head of the Research Group Subnational and Multilevel Politics at the Brazilian Research and Studies Center-University of Würzburg. She is also scholarship holder from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). She is currently working on her doctoral thesis on how subnational party systems in Argentina and Brazil change in face of different electoral systems.

Her research interests comprise party systems, local politics, democratization, and elections with a focus on Latin America. Her work has been featured in journals such as South European Society and Politics, Agenda Política, Teoria & Pesquisa, among others. She recently edited the special issue ‘Subnational Politics: An Emerging Research Agenda’ (Agenda Política, 2021).  More information on: Jayane Maia (giga-hamburg.de)