Dr. Jasmin Lorch


Dr. Jasmin Lorch

Short Biography

Jasmin Lorch is a Postdoctoral Fellow (Annemarie Schimmel Scholarship) at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt. Before joining the Willy Brandt School, she was a Research Fellow at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg/Berlin and, earlier, at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) in Berlin. She holds a PhD (doctorate) in Political Science from the University of Freiburg and an M.A. (Diplom) in Political Science from the Free University of Berlin.

Jasmin has researched and published widely on the role of civil society in weak states and in processes of democratization and autocratization. She has also written extensively about Islamism, political Salafism, and secular-Islamist relations in South- and Southeast Asia and the Maghreb. Jasmin has conducted extensive field research in Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Algeria, and Tunisia and has learned a lot from collaborating and exchanging views with local colleagues and academic experts in these countries. The findings of her research have been published by Palgrave Macmillan and the Middle East Institute (MEI) in Washington as well as in Democratization, Politics and Religion, the Journal of Civil Society, Asian Survey, Mediterranean Politics and Middle East Law and Governance (MELG), among others.

In addition, Jasmin has provided advice to foreign and development policy makers, including representatives of the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and different German political foundations.


  • Civil society
  • COVID-19 and Shrinking Space
  • Democratization and autocratization
  • Islamism and political Salafism
  • Secular-Islamist relations
  • State weakness
  • South- and Southeast Asia (esp. Bangladesh, Myanmar, Philippines)
  • Maghreb (esp. Algeria and Tunisia).


  • “From Quietism to Politics: The Egyptian Salafist Movement 1970 to 2012” (refocussed on the Maghreb in 2016), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, headed by Prof. Dr. Henner Fürtig), based at the Institute for Middle East Studies (IMES) of the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), 2016-2020.
  • “Civil Society Organizations as Supporters of Authoritarian Rule? A Cross- Regional Comparison (Vietnam, Algeria, Mozambique)”, funded by the DFG (headed by Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner), based at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies (IAS), 2013-2015.


  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde (DGA)


Lorch, Jasmin (2020), “Elite Capture, Civil Society and Democratic Backsliding in Bangladesh, Thailand and the Philippines”, Democratization (online first), DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2020.1842360

Lorch, Jasmin (2020), “Terrorism in Bangladesh: Understanding a Complex Phenomenon”, Asian Survey: A Bimonthly Review of Contemporary Asian Affairs, 60(4) (July/August), 778-802

Hassan, Mazen; Lorch, Jasmin and Ranko, Annette (2020), “Explaining Divergent Transformation Paths in Tunisia and Egypt: The Role of Inter-Elite Trust”, Mediterranean Politics 25(5), 553-578 (nominated for the best 2020 APSA MENA section article award)

Lorch, Jasmin and Chakroun, Hatem (2020), “Othering Within the Islamist Spectrum: Ennahda and the Political Salafists in Tunisia”, Middle East Law and Governance, 12 (2020), 198-221

Lorch, Jasmin (2019), “Islamization by Secular Ruling Parties: The Case of Bangladesh”, Politics and Religion, 12(2), 257-282

Wischermann, Jörg; Bunk, Bettina; Köllner, Patrick and Lorch, Jasmin (2018), “Do Associations Support Authoritarian Rule? Evidence from Algeria, Mozambique, and Vietnam”, Journal of Civil Society, 14(2), 95-115

Lorch, Jasmin (2017), “Civil Society Support for Military Coups: Bangladesh and the Philippines”, Journal of Civil Society, 13(2), 184-201

Lorch, Jasmin and Bunk, Bettina (2017), “Using Civil Society as an Authoritarian Legitimation Strategy: Algeria and Mozambique in Comparative Perspective”, Democratization, 24(6), 987-1005

Lorch, Jasmin (2008), “Stopgap or Change Agent? The Role of Burma’s Civil Society after the Crackdown”, International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 39(1-2), 21-54

Lorch, Jasmin (2007), “Myanmar’s Civil Society – a Patch for the National Education System? The Emergence of Civil Society in Areas of State Weakness”, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Issue 3/2007, 54-88

Lorch, Jasmin (2006), “Civil Society under Authoritarian Rule: The Case of Myanmar”, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Issue 2/2006, 3-37

Lorch, Jasmin and Sombatpoonsiri, Janjira (2020), “Southeast Asia: Between Autocratization and Democratic Resurgence”, in: Youngs, Richard (ed.), Global Civil Society in the Shadow of the Corona Virus, Washington DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 5-10

Beisheim, Marianne; Ellersiek, Anne and Lorch, Jasmin (2018), “INGOs and Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships”, in: Thomas Risse, Tanja A. Börzel and Anke Draude (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Governance and Limited Statehood, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 211-230

Lorch, Jasmin (2016), „Algeriens säkulare Zivilgesellschaft: Zwischen Reformbeiträgen und Systemerhalt”, in: Sigrid Faath (ed.), Nordafrikas säkulare Zivilgesellschaften: Ihr Beitrag zur Stärkung von Demokratie und Menschenrechten, Berlin: KAS, 53-83

Lorch, Jasmin (2015), „Myanmar“, in: Ostasiatischer Verein (OAV) (ed.), Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien-Pazifik 2014/2015, Hamburg: OAV, 365-385

Beisheim, Marianne; Liese, Andrea and Lorch, Jasmin (2014), “Introduction”, in: Marianne Beisheim and Andrea Liese (eds.), Transnational Partnerships: Effectively Providing for Sustainable Development?, Governance and Limited Statehood Series edited by Thomas Risse, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 3-16

Janetschek, Hannah and Lorch, Jasmin (2014), “Mastans in Bangladesh”, in: Marianne Beisheim and Andrea Liese (eds.), Transnational Partnerships: Effectively Providing for Sustainable Development?, Governance and Limited Statehood Series edited by Thomas Risse, Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 138-139 (textbox)

Lorch, Jasmin (2014), „Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Aussicht. Perspektiven und Widersprüche des myanmarischen Reformprozesses“, in: Ute Köster, Phuong Le Trong und Christina Grein (Hrsg.), Handbuch Myanmar. Gesellschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Entwicklung, Leck: Horlemann, 419-439

Lorch, Jasmin (2008), “The (Re)emergence of Civil Society in Areas of State Weakness: The Case of Education in Burma/Myanmar”, in: Monique Skidmore and Trevor Wilson (eds.) (2008), Dictatorship, Disorder and Decline in Myanmar, Canberra: ANU E-Press, The Australian National University, 151–176

Lorch, Jasmin (2007), „Auf der Suche nach Lücken im autoritären System. Trotz Militärdiktatur verfügen zivilgesellschaftliche Selbsthilfegruppen in Birma über gewisse, wenngleich begrenzte Handlungsspielräume”, in: Heinrich Geiger (2007) (Hrsg.), Myanmar. Bildung und Entwicklung in einem multiethnischen Staat, Bonn: Köllen, 35-54

Lorch, Jasmin (2006), “Do Civil Society Actors Have any Room for Manoeuvre in Myanmar/Burma? Locating Gaps in the Authoritarian System”, in: Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF) (ed.), Active Citizens under Political Wraps: Experiences from Myanmar/Burma and Vietnam, Chiang Mai: HBF, 2006, 120-139

Lorch, Jasmin (2005), “Bieschke, Eduard”, in: Siegfried Mielke in Verbindung mit Günter Morsch (Hrsg.), Gewerkschafter in den Konzentrationslagern Oranienburg und Sachsenhausen. Biographisches Handbuch, Berlin: Edition Hentrich, 359-363

Lorch, Jasmin (2005), “Hannemann, Erich”, in: Siegfried Mielke in Verbindung mit Günter Morsch (Hrsg.), Gewerkschafter in den Konzentrationslagern Oranienburg und Sachsenhausen. Biographisches Handbuch, Berlin: Edition Hentrich, 347-350

Lorch, Jasmin (2005), “Stahl, Ewald”, in: Siegfried Mielke in Verbindung mit Günter Morsch (Hrsg.), Gewerkschafter in den Konzentrationslagern Oranienburg und Sachsenhausen. Biographisches Handbuch, Berlin: Edition Hentrich, 535-536

Lorch, Jasmin and Chakroun, Hatem (2020), “Salafism Meets Populism: The Al-Karama Coalition and the Malleability of Political Salafism in Tunisia”, in Middle East Institute (MEI) (ed.), Middle East Asia Project (MAP) Series, 12 May 2020, www.mei.edu/publications/salafism-meets-populism-al-karama-coalition-and-malleability-political-salafism

Lorch, Jasmin (2018), “Trajectories of Political Salafism: Insights from the Ahle Hadith Movement in Pakistan and Bangladesh”, in Middle East Institute (MEI) (ed.), Middle East Asia Project (MAP) Series, 30 October 2018, www.mei.edu/publications/trajectories-political-salafism-insights-“ahle-hadith-movement-pakistan-and-bangladesh

Lorch, Jasmin and Burkhard, Jonas (2017), “Online and Traditional Forms of Protest Mobilization: Morocco’s Rif Protests and Beyond”, in Middle East Institute (MEI) (ed.), Middle East Asia Project (MAP) Series, 22 August 2017, www.mei.edu/publications/online-and-traditional-forms-protest-mobilization-moroccos-rif-protests-and-beyond

Lorch, Jasmin (2016), “Varieties and Dilemmas of Activism in Informal Spaces of Resistance: The Case of Burma under Military Rule“, in: Middle East Institute (MEI) (ed.), Middle East Asia Project (MAP) Series, 6 September 2016, www.mei.edu/publications/varieties-and-dilemmas-activism-informal-spaces-resistance-case-burma-under-military

Wischermann, Jörg; Bunk, Bettina; Köllner, Patrick and Lorch, Jasmin (2016), Do Associations Support Authoritarian Rule? Tentative Answers from Algeria, Mozambique, and Vietnam, GIGA Working Paper, No. 295, Hamburg: GIGA

Lorch, Jasmin and Ranko, Annette (2016), Salafisten im Maghreb: Politische Ambitionen nach dem “Arabischen Frühling“, GIGA Focus Nahost, 07/2016, Hamburg: GIGA

Lorch, Jasmin and Bunk, Bettina (2016), Gender Politics, Authoritarian Regime Resilience, and the Role of Civil Society in Algeria and Mozambique, GIGA Working Paper, No 292, Hamburg: GIGA

Lorch, Jasmin (2015), “Civil Society, Political Alliance-Building, and Democratization in the Philippines: An Instructive Example for the MENA Region?”, in: Middle East Institute (MEI) (ed.), Middle East Asia Project (MAP) Series, 8 October 2015, www.giga-hamburg.de/de/publication/civil-society-political-alliance-building-and-democratization-in-the-philippines-an

Wischermann, Jörg; Bunk, Bettina; Köllner, Patrick and Lorch, Jasmin (2015), Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen in Autokratien: Akteure des Wandels?, GIGA Focus Global, 06/2015, Hamburg: GIGA

Lorch, Jasmin (2014), “Elections in Bangladesh: Political Conflict and the Problem of Credibility”, in: E-International Relations, 2 February 2014, http://www.e-ir.info/2014/02/02/elections-in-bangladesh-political-conflict-and-the-problem-of-credibility

Lorch, Jasmin and Roepstorff, Kristina (2013), Myanmar’s Peace Process. The Importance of Federal Reforms and an Inclusive National Dialogue, SWP Comments 2013/C 29, Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) (also published in German)

Lorch, Jasmin (2011), Peace Talks in the Philippines: Ways out of the Impasse. National Reforms Needed to End Local Conflict in Mindanao, SWP-Comments 2011/C 27, Berlin: SWP (also published in German)

Lorch, Jasmin (2011), Bangladesh: Successes in the Fight against Islamist Militancy. Democracy and the Rule of Law as a Bulwark against Radicalism, SWP-Comments 2011/C 11, Berlin: SWP (also published in German)

Lorch, Jasmin and Will, Gerhard (2009), Burma's Forgotten Conflicts. A Risk for the Region's Security, SWP-Comments 2009/C 10, Berlin: SWP (also published in German)

Lorch, Jasmin (2008), Politischer Islam in Bangladesch. Wie schwache Staatlichkeit und autoritäre Regierungsführung islamistische Gruppen stärken, SWP-Studie 2008/S 34, Berlin: SWP

Lorch, Jasmin and Will, Gerhard (2008), Birma: Intervention oder Konsultation? Die Antwort der internationalen Gemeinschaft auf die humanitäre Katastrophe, SWP-Aktuell 2008/A 52, Berlin: SWP

Lorch, Jasmin (2008), Review of Mikael Grawers (ed.) (2007), Exploring Ethnic Diversity in Burma, NIAS Studies in Asian Topic Series, 39, Copenhagen: NIAS Press, International Quarterly for Asian Studies, 39(1-2), 190-192

Lorch, Jasmin in cooperation with Gerhard Will (2008), Review of Michael von Hauff (2007), Economic and Social Development in Burma/Myanmar. The Relevance of Reforms, Marburg: Metropolis –Verlag, 2007, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Issue 1/2008, 115-116

Lorch, Jasmin and Pasch, Paul (2007), Myanmars Waffenstillstände und die Rolle der internationalen Gemeinschaft, FES Kurzberichte aus der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Kuala Lumpur: FES

Lorch, Jasmin (2005), „Myanmar – ein Fall für den Sicherheitsrat?“ Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Issue 6/2005, 11-18

Lorch, Jasmin (2005), „Der Rückzug des UN Global Fund aus Myanmar: Chancen und Risiken humanitärer Hilfe im autoritären System“, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Issue 5/2005, 8-13

Deutsche Welle „Der Tag“ I 10.03.2021: „Der Tag“, Myanmar, interview with Jasmin Lorch

taz Talk I 05.02.2021: taz Talk #97 „Nach dem Putsch in Myanmar“, Discussion with Dr. Wolfram Schaffar (University of Tübingen) und Sven Hansen (taz), https://youtu.be/UdlCF5lS9gw

Deutsche Welle „Auf den Punkt“ I 04.02.2021: „Auf den Punkt: Putsch in Myanmar: Todesstoß für die Demokratie?“, TV-Discussion with Dr. Felix Heiduk (SWP) und Rodion Ebbighausen (Deutsche Welle), https://www.dw.com/de/auf-den-punkt-putsch-in-myanmar-todessto%C3%9F-f%C3%BCr-die-demokratie/av-56454507

Deutsche Welle „To the Point“ I 04.02.2021: “Myanmar Coup: Death Knell for Democracy?”, TV-Discussion with Sou-Jie van Brunnersum (DW Asia Desk) and Dr. Felix Heiduk (SWP), https://www.dw.com/en/to-the-point-myanmar-coup-death-knell-for-democracy/av-56454928

GIGA NDR-Grenzgänger I 04.06.2018: GIGA NDR-Reihe Grenzgänger Auslandskorrespondenten treffen Wissenschaftler: „Terror gegen Muslime – Flucht aus Myanmar“, participant in panel disucssion with livestream, Hamburg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9RVMphnowE

ZDF heute | 19.09.2017: Rede von Aung San Suu Kyi: "Keine Kritik am Militär in Myanmar",  interview with Jasmin Lorch

ORF 1 | 19.09.2017: Myanmar: Zurückhaltende Rede von Suu Kyi, interview with Jasmin Lorch

RBB Inforadio | 15.09.2017: Die Gewaltsame Vertreibung der Rohingya, interview with Jasmin Lorch

SRF | 13.09.2017: „Aung San Suu Kyi will sich nicht mit dem Militär anlegen“, interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.srf.ch/play/radio/echo-der-zeit/audio/aung-san-suu-kyi-will-sich-nicht-mit-dem-militaer-anlegen?id=ef87c456-7bc5-4fd2-8422-f33ca30ba754&station=69e8ac16-4327-4af4-b873-fd5cd6e895a7

SR 2 | 12.09.2017: Hintergründe zum Exodus in Myanmar, interview with Jasmin Lorch

MDR Kultur | 12.09.2017: Lage der Rohingya in Myanmar, interview with Jasmin Lorch

Welt Sichten | 13.03.2017: Doch kein Frieden auf den Philippinen, interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.welt-sichten.org/artikel/32769/doch-kein-frieden-auf-den-philippinen

Deutsche Welle | 10.01.2017: Duterte wants Mindanao peace, does MILF want it too? Interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/en/duterte-wants-mindanao-peace-does-milf-want-it-too/a-37078888

Deutsche Welle | 06.01.2017: Philippinen: Wachsender Frust über stockenden Friedensprozess auf Mindanao, interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/de/wachsender-frust-%C3%BCber-stockenden-friedensprozess-auf-mindanao/a-37034042

Deutsche Welle | 30.06.2016: Philippines: Will President Duterte live up to his campaign promises?  interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/en/will-president-duterte-live-up-to-his-campaign-promises/a-19368885

NDR Info | 30.06.2016: Philippinen: Große Herausforderung für Rodrigo Duerte, interview with Jasmin Lorch

Deutsche Welle | 08.06.2016: Außenpolitischer Kurswechsel in Manila? Article with Jasmin Lorch, www.dw.com/de/au%C3%9Fenpolitischer-kurswechsel-in-manila/a-19314355

Deutsche Welle | 11.04.2016: Challenges await Myanmar's quest for change, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/en/challenges-await-myanmars-quest-for-change/a-19177619

Wiener Zeitung | 30.03.2016: Myanmar: Stunde der Wahrheit für Suu Kyi, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.wienerzeitung.at/nachrichten/politik/welt/809454-Stunde-der-Wahrheit-fuer-Suu-Kyi.html

E+Z | 23.02.2016: Myanmar: Suu Kyi muss ihre Macht ausweiten, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dandc.eu/de/article/hohe-erwartungen-erstes-frei-gewaehltes-parlament-myanmar

Süddeutsche Zeitung | 02.12.2015: Myanmar: Warm und offen, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/myanmar-warm-und-offen-1.2764075

The Guardian | 08.11.2015: Aung San Suu Kyi casts vote in Myanmar's first free election for 25 years, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/nov/08/aung-san-suu-kyi-casts-vote-in-myanmars-first-free-election-for-25-years

Deutsche Welle | 15.10.2015: What Myanmar's limited ceasefire deal means, interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/en/what-myanmars-limited-ceasefire-deal-means/a-18785295

Deutsche Welle | 17.06.2015: Myanmar media facing 'climate of fear' ahead of elections, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/en/myanmar-media-facing-climate-of-fear-ahead-of-elections/a-18521936

ARD Tagesschau | 04.06.2015: Politische und ethnische Konflikte in Myanmar, interview with Jasmin Lorch

BR 2 | 26.05.2015: Flüchtlinge in Südostasien (Rohingya aus Myanmar), interview with Jasmin Lorch

World Politics Review | 02.03.2015: Global Insider: Myanmar Fighting Imperils Broader Peace Efforts With Ethnic Rebels, interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/trend-lines/15197/myanmar-fighting-imperils-broader-peace-efforts-with-ethnic-rebels

Deutsche Welle | 13.02.2015: Renewed fighting in Myanmar's Shan State 'threatens nationwide peace deal', interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/en/renewed-fighting-in-myanmars-shan-state-threatens-nationwide-peace-deal/a-18257088

Deutsche Welle | 03.02.2015: Bangladesh's government 'seeking to marginalize' the opposition, interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/en/bangladeshs-government-seeking-to-marginalize-the-opposition/a-18232080

HR 1 | 14.08.2014: "Die Abu Sayyaf ist ein Verschnitt aus einer islamistischen Terrorgruppe und einer kriminellen Vereinigung", interview with Jasmin Lorch

Deutsche Welle | 17.07.2014: Flüchtlinge sollen nach Myanmar zurück, interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/de/fl%C3%BCchtlinge-sollen-nach-myanmar-zur%C3%BCck/a-17792251 

RBB Inforadio | 10.04.2014: Myanmar: Sind die Reformen von Dauer? Interview with Jasmin Lorch

Saarländischer Rundfunk | 11.02.2014: Ein Goethe-Institut für Myanmar,  interview with Jasmin Lorch

Frankfurter Neue Presse | 08.02.2014: Die "disziplinierte Demokratie", article with Jasmin Lorch

Deutsche Welle | 07.01.2014: Bangladesh: Military intervention would harm democracy, interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/en/military-intervention-would-harm-democracy/a-17345370

Deutsche Welle | 02.01.2014: Violence could compromise Bangladesh poll, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/en/violence-could-compromise-bangladesh-poll/a-17338179

Deutsche Welle | 13.12.2013: Bangladesch hängt Kriegsverbrecher, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/de/bangladesch-h%C3%A4ngt-kriegsverbrecher/a-17292797 

Tagesspiegel | 03.12.2013: Wie Opfern des Klimawandels geholfen werden kann, Op-Ed by Jasmin Lorch and Susanne Dröge, https://www.tagesspiegel.de/meinung/gastkolumne-kurz-gesagt-wie-opfern-des-klimawandels-geholfen-werden-kann/9163976.html

ZDF Spezial | 14.11.2013: Taifun auf den Philippinen – Die Hilfe kommt, interview with Jasmin Lorch

SRF | 11.11.2013: Die Philippinen brauchen Hilfe aus dem Ausland, interview with Jasmin Lorch

Tagesspiegel | 05.04.2013: Harte Hand statt Dialog, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/harte-hand-statt-dialog/8021254.html 

Deutsche Welle | 08.10.2012: Langer Weg zum Frieden in Mindanao, interview with Jasmin Lorch, https://www.dw.com/de/lorch-langer-weg-zum-frieden-auf-mindanao/a-16292162-1

Frankfurter Rundschau | 12.08.2009: Dort werden ganze Dörfer niedergebrannt, interview with Jasmin Lorch

Financial Times Deutschland | 15.05.2009: Myanmars Junta verhaftet Regimegegnerin, article with Jasmin Lorch

Newsweek | 26.06.2008: The Stealth Rescue, article with Jasmin Lorch, https://sanooaung.wordpress.com/2008/05/19/the-stealth-rescue/

Focus | 10.05.2008: Birma. Ein Volk wartet auf Hilfe, Artikel mit Jasmin Lorch