Rules & Regulations

book and pen

The legal framework for the Public Policy Program (MPP) is the Prüfungs- und Studienordnung (Examination and Study Rules), which contains rules and regulations on the admissions procedure, examination guidelines, graduation requirements, and the examinations committee.


Click here to download the current Prüfungs- und Studienordnung (Examination and Study Rules):

German version 2020

English version 2020

The 2020 examination and study rules are valid in the framework of the general examination regulations for master programs at the University of Erfurt (M-RPO). Please find below link to the current German original version on the university’s website, as well as our unofficial English translation

German version 

English version

You can also download the previous Prüfungs- und Studienordnung (Examination and Study Rules). Those are still valid for students who joined the program before 2020: 

German version 2011

English version 2011

Please note: The English translation is unofficial and a service to non-native German speakers. Only the German version is legally binding.

Essential rules guiding academic conduct at Brandt School are also summarized in our "Academic Code of Honor".

All Examination and Study Rules (Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen) are based on the Higher Education Act of Thuringia (Thüringer Hochschulgesetz), which outlines the rules and regulation for higher education in the whole state. The current regulations (dated May 2018 with additions from March 2021) can be found on the online-administration website of Thuringia (only German version available).

For a collection of the legal bases of the university, please visit the relevant section of website of the registrar's department

Examinations Committee

Head of the Examinations Committee:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Goldthau


Prof. Dr. Achim Kemmerling (Deputy Head)
Prof. Dr. Heike Grimm
Priscilla Boatemaa Appiah
Yashaswini Nand (MPP 2024-2026)


Evans Tindana Awuni
Michelle Aluoch (MPP 2024-2026)                                                                                          

Please address any appeals directly to the head of the examinations committee.