Brandt School Network

Franz Markus Haniel holding a framed painting of Franz Haniel

The establishment of the public policy educational program made partnerships with practitioners, organizations in the public sector, business and academic institutions central to its educational mission. This international network is one of the great strengths of the Brandt School. It comprises of individuals in the forms of

and organizations as

  • long-term institutional partners, who have helped build the school and continue to supports its mission in various ways,
  • project partners, who work with the school on specific projects, and through
  • memberships in several networks that foster cooperation and exchange in research, teaching, and outreach
  • Furthermore, we cooperate with partner universities i.a. for student and faculty mobility.

Long Term Institutional Partners

Logo of the Haniel Foundation

The Haniel Foundation is a non-profit foundation which was established in 1988 by Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH and is based in Duisburg. Their mission is to promote value-oriented entrepreneurship; build bridges between different social spheres; and facilitate international dialogue and knowledge-transfer for its projects. As our strategic partner in education, the foundation has contributed towards building up the Brandt School into one of the leading professional schools in Europe. The Brandt School and the Haniel Foundation share a commitment for entrepreneurial values and responsible leadership. The foundation solidified its commitment to the Brandt School by granting it institutional funding for the first time in its history. This way, they have supported the establishement of the Franz Haniel Chair for Public Policy from 2008-2012, the Aletta Haniel Professorship for Public Policy and Entrepreneurship from 2012-2017, and the Gerhard Haniel Professorship for Public Policy and International Development (since 2018). Students showing excellence are supported through the Haniel Foundation’s prestigious Haniel Stipends for high-performing students from all over the world.

Logo of the DAAD

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the world’s largest funding organization supporting international exchange of students and scholars. The DAAD has been a major partner of the Brandt School since 2008. The Brandt School’s MPP is part of the DAAD’s comprehensive „Helmut Schmidt Program“ (formerly „Public Policy and Good Governance Program“). In the past, the “Good Governance Afghanistan Program“ and the establishment of the “Conflict Studies and Management Program” were supported by the DAAD. All of these programs aim to qualify future leaders according to the principles of good governance and prepare them for their professional life. Through the STIBET funds, DAAD enabled Brandt School to provide a limited number of partial scholarships for international second-year students. Last but not least, DAAD has supported selected alumni activities, notably the 2018 alumni meeting of the Conflict Studies and Management alumni.

Project Partners

Logo "Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft"

The Donors' Association for German Scholarship awarded the Brandt School of Public Policy with the Research Lectureship for Public Policy. The only such Research lectureship in former East Germany was established with the financial support of the Marga and Kurt Möllgard Foundation.

Logo "Commitment Award"

The Engagementpreis-Stiftung awards prizes for fascinating new social engagement and is our partner for the Commitment Award.

Logo "EICF"

EU - India Cooperation Forum (EICF) is an independent non-profit think tank based in Chennai. To foster closer relationship and better understanding between policy makers, institutions, academic community, business community, NGOs, and other civil society actors as well as media.

Logo "DSF"

The German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF) is an institution that promotes and funds research in the field of peace and conflict studies. It supported the Brandt School with the event "Women for Peace" with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman.

Logo "Thüringer State Chancellery"

The Thuringian State Chancellery is the central office for the government of the Free State and official seat of the minister-president. It supported the Brandt School with the event "Women for Peace" with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Tawakkol Karman.

Logo "Town & Country Stiftung"

The Town & Country Stiftung supports developers and home owners who find themselves in difficult situations through no fault of their own, and is dedicated to helping children who are not living on the sunny side of life and can thus not enjoy a carefree childhood. In this spirit, the Town & Country Stiftung also supports the Commitment Award.

Logo "Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society"

The Brandt School cooperates with the Thuringian Ministry of Economics, Science and Digital Society in the framework of its Fellowship program. The Ministry’s Fellows may participate in selected courses of the MPP, while the Ministry occasionally offers internship placements for MPP students.

Logo "Universitätsgesellschaft Erfurt e.V."

The Universitätsgesellschaft Erfurt e.V. sees itself as the link between Erfurt and the Universiy. It aims to promote networking between the two through its diverse offerings and supports the University in various matters. In this sense, it also supports selected projects of the Brandt School.

Logo "Fritz Thyssen Stiftung"

The Fritz Thyssen Stiftung was the first large private individual foundation promoting science and research to be founded in the Federal Republic of Germany after the Second World War, with the sole aim of promoting science and research at universities and research institutes primarily in Germany, with a special emphasis on junior researchers. The support of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung made the Brandt School's "Affordable Housing Project" possible.

Brandt School students work in project groups with partners as external clients during a project phase which is part of the curriculum. Some examples are given on the Practical Training page.


Logo "International Public Policy Association"

We are a member of the International Public Policy Association (IPPA). IPPA is an international network that promotes scientific research in the field of Public Policy, organizes international conferences to foster exchange of knowledge among its members and aims to make Public Policy research more visible.

Logo "German Association of Postgraduate Programmes with Special Relevance to Developing Countries"

Since April 2017, the Brandt School is a member of the German Association of Postgraduate Programmes with Special Relevance to Developing Countries(AGEP), a network of more than 40 development-related programs of study in Germany. AGEP organizes workshops and webinars, and AGEP member programs open individual courses for each others‘ students or jointly supervise master's theses.

Logo "German-Colombian Peace Institute"

The Brandt School is an associate member of the German-Colombian Peace Institute (CAPAZ), a DAAD Center of Excellence in Research and Teaching („Exzellenzzentrum in Forschung und Lehre“). The institute aims to accompany the peace process in Colombia from a perspective that combines research, teaching and outreach. The CAPAZ Institute seeks to establish itself as a cooperation platform for disseminating knowledge about peace studies in order to contribute to the consolidation of a society that transcends the post-conflict stage.