Jalale Getachew Birru


Jalale Getachew Birru

Short Biography

Jalale Getachew Birru is a doctoral candidate at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, University of Erfurt, under the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Program (GSSP): Managing Fragility- Critical Perspectives on Good Governance. Her doctoral research titled “Replacing the Breaking of Heads with Counting of Heads": Managing the Conflict Triggering Elements of Liberal Peace Theory” is supervised by Prof. Dr. Solveig Richter.  She holds a Master of Public Policy (M.P.P) from Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Erfurt University, Germany, and a Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B) from Haramaya University, Ethiopia. For the fulfillment of L.L.B she wrote her thesis titled “Fire Brigade without Fire Engine: Analyzing the UN’s Peacekeeping Functions Based on the Rwanda Genocide and the Somalia Conflict”. During her master studies she specialized on International relations and International political economy fields and her thesis focused on the role of peacebuilding on the democratization process: towards sustainable peace or another conflict? She has worked as a public prosecutor, an attaché and a peace project officer in Ethiopia. She worked as a guest researcher at Leibniz sponsored Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) in Germany.

  • Birru, Jalale Getachew & Wolff, Jonas (2018): Negotiating international civil society support: the case of Ethiopia’s 2009 Charities and Societies Proclamation, Democratization. DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2018.1553957 [Link]
  • Blog Post: Birru, Jalale Getachew (October 29, 2019): Abiy Ahmed and his achievements in Ethiopia. From lost hope to new optimism with the “Medemer” concept?. PRIF Blog. [Link]
  • Birru, Jalale Getachew (December 10, 2019): Who is Behind Dr. Abiy’s First Nobel Peace Prize Nomination?. The Bulletin, Willy Brandt School Blog. [Link]
  • Birru, Jalale Getachew (May 18, 2020). Normative Jurisprudence: Finding a Solution for the Current Constitutional Impasse on the Postponement of the 2020 General Election in Ethiopia. EDP WIRE. Link
  • Birru, Jalale Getachew (May 18, 2020). Constitutional Impasse in Ethiopia: Finding a Solution for the Current Postponement of the 2020 General Election in Ethiopia. Verfassunsblog. Link


Courses taught at the Brandt School