Dr Nadiya Kiss

Portraitfoto Nadiya Kiss

Postdoc Researcher: Protecting Academia at Risk - Towards a New Policy Agenda for a thriving Culture of Higher Education in Europe



mail: nadiya.kiss@uni-erfurt.de

Research projects, workshops etc

Research projects

04/2021 - 09/2024 Prognostic methods and future scenarios in language policy - multilingual Russia as an example (supported by the DFG)

04/2020 - 12/2023 Contested Language Diversity - Dealing with Minority Languages in post-Soviet Ukraine and Russia (supported by the Volkswagen Foundation)

01/2017 - 03/2021 Regions of Conflicts in Eastern Europe (supported by LOEWE Hessen)

09/2011 - 12/2011 Language Policy in Ukraine: National identity vs Multilingualism: Visiting scholar, University of Washington, Seattle, USA (Carnegie Fellowship)

09/2006 - 09/2008 Language Policy in Ukraine: anthropological, linguistic and further perspectives: (supported by INTAS )


10/2024 Workshop Language ideologies in the EU and wider Europe: reconsidering present and prognosing future (financed by EUPeace University Alliance, co-organised with Dr. Liudmyla Pidkuimukha)

05/2024 Conference Languages and Cultures in times of war: (im)possible, (re)imagined, (un)manageable (hybrid format, 60 participants from the EU, Great Britain, Ukraine, Georgia, Canada, USA, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Palestine, place University College London, co-organised with Professor Dr. Alex Krouglov UCL)

07/2023 Workshop The Future of Slavic languages and Slavic studies: Sociolinguistics, multilingualism, scenarios, prognostic methods (hybrid format, 24 participants from the EU, Great Britain and Ukraine, co-organised with Professor Monika Wingender)

12/2022 International online conference Contested language diversity in contemporary Ukraine: national minorities, bilingualism and language ideologies in times of war (20 participants from Germany, Ukraine and Sweden, co-organised with Professor Monika Wingender)

Conferences (with presentation)

05/2024 Oxford Migration Society Conference Transformation and Resilience, University of Oxford

09/2023 Conference Approaches to Migration, Language, and Identity, University of Zurich

06/2023 International conference Migration and Societal Change, University of Utrecht


01/2017 - 09/2024 Postdoctoral researcher at the Giessen Centre for the Eastern European Studies, Justus Liebig University of Giessen, Germany

10/2022 Co-founder (together with Dr.Liudmyla Pidkuimukha, Dr.Lesya Skintey and Dr Dariia Orobchuk) of the research network Vision Ukraine: Education, Language, Migration

09/2008 - 12/2016 University teacher, associate professor at the Department of Ukrainian, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine

09/ 2005 - 06/2009 PhD Ukrainian Terminology of Legislation in XXth century Yuri Fedkovych National University of Chernivtsi, Ukraine

09/2003 - 06/2005 Master Theory, History of Literature and Comparative Literature, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine


Kiss, N. (2024). Between abrogation and appropriation: Language strategies of Ukrainian forced migrants in Germany. Routed Magazine. www.routedmagazine.com/post/between-abrogation-and-appropriation-languagestrategies-of-ukrainian-forced-migrants-in-germany

Kiss, N., Pidkuimukha, L., Skintey, L., Orobchuk, D. (2024). Abrogation. Ukrainian Decolonial Glossary. decolonialglossary.com.ua/abrogation-en-1

Кісс, Н., Цар, І. (2024). Кримські татари в умовах війни та вимушеної міграції: мовна політика та мовна поведінка [Crimean Tatars in the situation of war: Language policy and language behaviour]. In Б. Ажнюк (ред). Мова і війна: динаміка мовної системи і мовна політика. Київ, 229-266.

Kiss, N., Wingender, M. (accepted). Developments and current trends in language policy in Ukraine. Language Contact. Volume 2 (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft / Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science [HSK], 45/2, Vol. 2), De Gruyter.

Kiss, N., Pidkuimukha, L., Skintey, L., Orobchuk, D. (accepted). Present and future of teaching Ukrainian and Ukrainian studies in Europe. In: Routledge Handbook of the Sociopolitical Context of Language Learning.

Kiss, N. (accepted). Space for displaced: Ukrainian language and symbols in the semiotic urban landscapes of Germany. In Sociolinguistic Studies. Special issue: Kulyk, V., Bilaniuk, L. (eds.) Language and War: Sociolinguistic Shifts in Ukraine and among Ukrainians Abroad.

Kiss, N., Wingender, M. (2023). Contested language diversity in contemporary Russia and Ukraine - minority language legislation, language situation, and activism. European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Brill, 32-65.

Kiss, N. (2022). Key actors in the organised language management of Ukraine: On the materials of language legislation development and adoption. Nekula, M., Sherman, T., Zawiszová, H. (eds.) Interests and Power in Language Management, Peter Lang. 177-202.

Kiss, N., Orobchuk, D., Pidkuimukha, L., Skintey, L. (2022) The four most common myths about the Ukrainian language. Understanding Ukraine. ukraineverstehen.de/die-vier-haeufigstenmythen-ueber-die-ukrainische language/

Kiss, N. (2021). Bloggers as Social Actors in Language Policy Debates in Ukraine, 5(1) Journal of Belonging, Identity, Language, and Diversity (j-bild), 161-186

Pidkuimukha, L., Kiss, N. (2020). Battle of Narratives: Political Memes During the 2019 Ukrainian Presidential Election. Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives 20(20),

Kiss, N. (2020). "Language matters": Language Activism in Contemporary Ukraine. In: A. Jašina-Schäfer, M. Wingender (eds.). Cultural Contact and Conflict Zones in Eastern Europe. Final conference of the thematic network of the same name in Giessen (1 and 2 December 2016), Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 105-124.