Agriculture, Property and Habits. A Comparison of Adam Smith and James C. Scott, in: Bernhard Kleeberg et al. (eds.): Nomad Properties. Political Anthropologies of Nomadism from the 18th Century until Today, Frankfurt Main/New York: Campus, March 2025.
Entry Liberalism, in: Cary J. Nederman, Guillaume Bogiaris (eds.): Research Handbook in the History of Political Thought. Cheltenham: Edward Elger, 2024.
Ethische Defizite des Kosmopolitismus: Johann Georg Hamanns Kritik an Kant, in: Rebecca Pates et al. (eds.): The Persistence of the Nation. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Functionality of the National in Germany, Springer VS, 2024 (forthc.).
(ed. with Anna Möllers and Bernhard Kleeberg) Nomad Properties. Political Anthropologies of Nomadism from the 18th Century until Today, Frankfurt am Main/New York: Campus, March 2025.
Annotated edition
John Locke, Gedanken über Erziehung, Philosophische Bibliothek vol. 736, Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 2020.
since April 2021 Research fellow in TP A03 Besitz und Gewohnheit (Property and Habit in Western Modernity) in the SFB-TR 294 Strukturwandel des Eigentums (Structural Change of Property)
2020 - 2021 Managing assistant at the Seminar for Scientific Policy, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau
since 2018 Associate Researcher, Franco-German Research Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin
2017 - 2018 Adjunct lecturer, Institute for Political Science, University of Leipzig
2016 - 2020 Work in the field of social psychiatry, Health Department, City of Berlin
2012 - 2015 Scholarship holder, Walter-Rathenau-Kolleg, Moses Mendelssohn Centre for European-Jewish Studies, Potsdam
2008 - 2018 Worked in the field of political communication, BBGK Berliner Botschaft Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH
2016 Doctorate (Dr phil.), Institute of Political Science, University of Leipzig
2007 Master's degree (M. A.), Institute of Philosophy, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main