Dr. Tania Arcimovich

Portrait photo of Tania Arcimovich

Postdoc Researcher in the project "Protecting Academia at Risk - Towards a New Policy Agenda for a Thriving Culture of Higher Education in Europe"






Tania Arcimovich is a researcher whose primary focus is cultural studies, feminist theory, and art history. She earned her Master’s in Sociology (Cultural Studies) from the European Humanities University (Vilnius) and defended her dissertation at the International Centre for the Study of Culture (Justus Liebig University Giessen). In 2017-18, she participated in the interdisciplinary research project “Transformation of Emotional Culture and Dissemination of the Depression Discourse in the Post-Soviet Societies” (EHU, Vilnius). In 2018-2021, she contributed to the international research project “Reclaimed Avant-garde. Central and Eastern Europe” (Dariusz Kosiński, ed. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde). She is an author of the book Belarusian Experimental Theatre in the Thaw period. Between Modernism and Avant-garde (in Russian, Vilnius: EHU 2020).


2024. "Vitebsk as a 'Third Space' of Belarusian Avant-garde", in Dariusz Kosiński (ed.). A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw; Performance Research Books, pp. 153-162.

2023 "Trajectories of Displacement: (Non)Written and Erased Biographies". Topos, Journal of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, no2 (2023): 165-184.

2023. "Belarus", in Aneta Mancewicz, Ralf Remshardt (eds.). Routledge Companion to Contemporary European Theatre and Performance. Taylor & Francis, pp. 25-30.

2021. "'People Are Missing.' And What Can Performance Do?", KULT_online, no. 63.

2020. belarusian eksperimentalnyj teatr v period ottepeli. Mezhdu modernizmom i avangardom [Belarusian Experimental Theatre in the Thaw period. Between Modernism and Avant-garde]. Vilnius: European Humanities University.

2020. "The Transformation of the Language of New Drama in Belarus as a Reflection of a New Model of Identity", in J.A.E. Curtis (ed.), New Drama in Russian. Performance, Politics and Protest in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Bloomsbury Academic.