Making invisible (his-)stories visible.

Deaf and hard-of-hearing people in German-speaking countries from the 19th century to the present day

Below are summaries in German Sign Language (DGS) of all contributions to our 2024 multi-author volume

Anja Werner / Marion Schmidt (eds.). Unsichtbare Geschichte(n) sichtbar machen. Gehörlose und schwerhörige Menschen im deutschsprachigen Raum vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in die Gegenwart [Making invisible (his)stories visible. Deaf and hard-of-hearing people in German-speaking countries from the 19th century to the present]. Frankfurt a./M.: Campus. Underneath each video is a script of the respective contribution as a barrier-free PDF for download. The scripts are currently only available in German.

Anja Werner, Marion Schmidt: Introduction

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Innovative approaches in the history of the d/Deaf and the history of sign languages

Hanna Jaeger: Possibilities and limitations of historical sign descriptions for research on changes in sign languages

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Radu Harald Dinu: German influences on the Swedish deaf movement and deaf education

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Sylvia Wolff: The history of German sign language as a subjec of tteaching

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Markus Spöhrer: Deaf Clan: Community of deaf gamers in Germany

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Building blocks of a history of differently hearing and hard-of-hearing people

Nathalie Zechner: The development of pedagogy for the hard-of-hearing using the example of Austria

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Beate Winzer: Acoustics between optimisation and restoration of the human being

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Paula Mund and Juliane Wenke: Reducing barriers for persons with hearing impairment in history teaching and research

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Case study Germany: Self-determination of deaf people in the mid-20th century

Sebastian Schlingheider: The deaf movement in the Weimar Republic

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Jens Gründler: Continuing as before or turning away and heading towards reform. Westphalian "institutions for the deaf and dumb", 1933-1965

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Ulrika Mientus: Struggles for recognition in the German newspaper for the deaf in the 1950s and 60s

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Lisa Maria Hofer: Deaf in the Habsburg Monarchy. Everyday school life and life paths in Linz 1812 - 1869

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Anja Werner: The school years of the deaf missionary Berta (Zuther) Foster in the divided Berlin, 1945-1961

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Ines Potthast and Bettina Lindmeier: Deaf history in family histories. A case reconstruction from the Nazi era to the present day

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