Access to history for people with hearing impairments

Researching the history of d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing people

In which ways can research into the history of d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing people be stimulating and broaden perspectives for historiography in general? To what extent do d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing peope themselves have access to this (and any) historical research--not only as recipients of their own history, but also as active contributors, researchers and teachers?

This website introduces two initiatives that address these questions and provide materials to reduce communication barriers in research and teaching and to develop historical research by and for d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing people further both for general public and also for academic use.

Working group on accessibility at the University of Erfurt

Guidelines for alternative, barrier-free forms of communication such as written conversations and speech-to-text translations

Click here to go to the website of the working group on accessibility

Contact us

For questions and suggestions, but also for feedback and reports about your own experiences, you can reach the members of the working group by email at

Deaf History network (German Research Foundation, DFG)

Find out more about the work of the DFG Deaf History network! You will find, among other things, barrier-free videos in German Sign Language (DGS) on historical topics

Click here to visit the website of the Deaf History network

Contact us

For questions and suggestions, but also for feedback and reports about your own experiences, you can reach the Deaf History network via email at