Students of the English and American Studies have to take classes that are opened for the respective modules (AA01-AA23). The sequence is only a recommendation and can be changed within the O and Q phase respectively, for instance if a seminar cannot be attended.
The curriculum on this page corresponds to the Examination Regulations of 2021.
Curriculum according to Examination Regulations of 2012
Some classes are not offered every semester, but only annually.
❄ – only in autumn/fall term
☀ – only in spring/summer term
◕ – primarily in autumn/fall term (¾ / ¼)
◔ – primarily in spring/summer term (¼ / ¾)
"Spr en B2.2" or "Spr en C1.1" according to OPT
6 credit points:
➔ 2× #01 oder #02
Studierende, die im Einstufungstest das Niveau B2.2 nicht erreichen, können die Module der O-Phase nicht belegen, sondern müssen zunächst im allgemeinen Sprachenstudium den Rückstand aufholen (siehe Rahmenprüfungsordnung: Sprachensemester), bevor die Module im zweiten Jahr absolviert werden können.
English native speakers take “Spr en C2” instead.
Proof of required language proficiency by means of a test one week before the start of term
Course catalogue: Find the classes you require by their module code, e.g. AA 01 GS #02. You also find the link to the course registration here. Register for the classes.
6 credit points:
➔ 2× #01 oder #02
In order to promote multilingualism, existing knowledge of a further modern language acquired at school or elsewhere should be maintained or expanded and a proficiency of level A2 or higher proven by the end of the qualification phase. An externally acquired Latinum or Graecum can be recognised towards these language requirements.
6 credit points:
The internship comprises 180 hours. A certificate from the company confirming the internship must be submitted through the course advisor.
Certificate programme see minor subject
9 credit points:
6 credit points:
➔ 2× #01 oder #02
In order to promote multilingualism, existing knowledge of a further modern language acquired at school or elsewhere should be maintained or expanded and a proficiency of level A2 or higher proven by the end of the qualification phase. An externally acquired Latinum or Graecum can be recognised towards these language requirements.
6 credit points:
Die Präsenzstunden verteilen sich auf 110 Stunden Praktikum an einer Regelschule und 35 Stunden seminaristische Vor- und Nachbereitung an der Universität. Der Praktikumsnachweis ist zusammen mit einem Reflexionsportfolio dem Praktikumsreferat der ESE vorzulegen.
Certificate programme see minor subject