Sarah Pelull


Sarah Pelull works as project and network coordinator in the HEATCOM project, which focuses on how German citizens behave in heat situations, which factors influence their protective behavior and how interventions can contribute to a health-promoting adaptation.

Prior to her work at the University of Erfurt, Sarah was part of establishing the network Global Health Hub Germany which unites relevant stakeholder groups and sectors in global health. She was responsible for publishing discussion papers on relevant political topics on global health and enabled the exchange between non-state actors and policymakers in global health. Sarah studied Sociology and Social and Cultural Anthropology in Göttingen and Berlin.

Area of interest: Planetary Health, Climate and Health, Urban Health, Health Politics, Behavioural Insights

Curriculum Vitae

Academic career

  • 2010-2014     Master of Arts (M.A.) in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie University of Berlin
  • 2006-2010    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Social and Cultural Anthropology and Sociology, University of Göttingen


  • 2019-2024     Global Health Hub Germany (funded by the Federal Ministry of Health)
  • 2016-2019    Advisor (GIZ) of the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development on Health System Strengthening and on the Global Fund (AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) and the Vaccine Alliance Gavi
  • 2014-2016    Junior Advisor Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Yemen Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)


Policy Briefs