My interest in motivation in foreign language learning (L2 motivation) arose from my work as a German and English language instructor: L2 motivation has proven to be a vital factor for language learning success, not just in my personal teaching experience, conversations with course participants and colleagues, but also in the research literature.
The doctoral project focuses on adult participants in work-related German courses. The reason for this is that, despite the growing interest in this population in recent years, relatively little is known about their motivation. The aim of the project is to explore and describe the context under investigation and to reflect on the extent to which existing theories from L2 motivation research can be applied here.
University of Basel, Switzerland
(2022). Sprachliches Reclaiming als gesellschaftliche Präventionsmaßnahme. Ein Beispiel aus dem DaZ-Literaturunterricht [Language reclaiming as a social prevention practice. An example from the L2-German literature class]. In J. Schmidt, & J. Thiemann (Eds.), Reclaim! Postmigrantische und widerständige Praxen der Aneignung [Reclaim! Post-migrant and resistant practices of appropriation] (pp. 165-180), Berlin: Neofelis.
(2021). Ästhetik und Partizipation. Anregungen für den Deutschunterricht aus der Verbindung von DaZ-Forschung und Theaterpraxis [Aesthetics and participation. Suggestions for German lessons at the intersection of German as a foreign language research and theatre practice]. In J. Standke (Ed.), Drama und Theater der Gegenwart. Literarisches Lernen und ästhetische Bildung zwischen Textanalyse und Aufführungsrezeption [Drama and contemporary theatre. Literary learning and aesthetic education between text analysis and performance reception] (pp. 179-196), Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.
(2020). [review on] Max Czollek (2018): Desintegriert euch! Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, Perspektiven,
(2019). Zukünftige Selbstkonzepte von Fremdsprachenlernenden als Basis empirischer Motivationsforschung im DaF-Unterricht an der Hochschule [Foreign language learners’ future self-concepts as the basis of empirical motivational research in L2-German teaching in higher education]. Scientific Journal of German Language, Literature and Culture, 4 (4), 319-324.
Inwiefern kann sprachliches Reclaiming im L2-Unterricht als soziale Präventionsmaßnahme eingesetzt werden? [To what extent can linguistic reclaiming be used in L2 instruction as a social prevention practice?], Interdisciplinary conference Reclaim! Postmigrantische Diskurse der Aneignung [Reclaim! Post-migrant discourses of appropriation] (University of Hamburg, Germany), 18th September, 2020.
Datenerhebung in der Unterrichtsforschung DaF. Einige Beispiele aus Indonesien [Data collection in German as a foreign language teaching. Some examples from Indonesia], Series Webinare für Indonesische Germanisten [Webinars for Indonesian German studies scholars] (DAAD regional office Jakarta, Indonesia), 14th May, 2019.
Wie Studierende in Lerntagebüchern Auskunft über ihre Motivation geben – und wie sich diese Daten zur Aktionsforschung eignen [How students provide information about their motivation in learning journals – and how this data lends itself to action research], 4th International conference of the Indonesische Germanistenverband (UN Yogyakarta, Indonesia), 29th September, 2018.