Prochazka, F. (2020). Vertrauen in Journalismus unter Online-Bedingungen. Zum Einfluss von Personenmerkmalen, Qualitätswahrnehmungen und Nachrichtennutzung. [Trust in journalism under online conditions. On the influence of personal characteristics, quality perceptions and news consumption.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Available at
Schweiger, W., Weber, P., Prochazka, F. & Brückner, L. (2019). Algorithmisch personalisierte Nachrichtenkanäle. Begriffe, Nutzung, Wirkung. [Algorithmically personalized news channels. Terms, use, impact.] Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Prochazka, F. (2022). Vertrauen in Journalismus unter Social-Media-Bedingungen. [Trust in journalism under social media conditions.] In: M. Graßl & J. Schützeneder (Eds.): Journalism and Instagram. Springer VS. link.
Paus-Hasebrink, I., Sinner, P., Prochazka, F. & Kulterer, J. (2018). Auswertungsstrategien für qualitative Langzeitdaten: Das Beispiel einer Langzeitstudie zur Rolle von Medien in der Sozialisation Heranwachsender. [Evaluation strategies for qualitative long-term data: The example of a longitudinal study on the role of media in the socialization of adolescents.] In M. Meyen & A. Scheu (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative evaluation methods in communication science (pp. 209-225). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Paus-Hasebrink, I. & Prochazka, F. (2016). Medienformate als Gegenstand qualitativer Forschung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft. [Media formats as the subject of qualitative research in communication studies.] In S. Averbeck-Lietz & M. Meyen (Eds.), Handbook of non-standardized methods in communication studies (pp. 401-413). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Paus-Hasebrink, I., Sinner, P. & Prochazka, F. (2014). Childrens' online experiences in socially disadvantaged families: European evidence and policy recommendations.
Prochazka, F. & Sinner, P. (2013). Medienkindheit - Markenkindheit. [Media childhood - brand childhood.] In I. Paus-Hasebrink, S. Trültzsch, A. Pluschkowitz & C. Wijnen (Eds.), Integrative AV and online communication research. Perspectives - positions - projects (pp. 162-172). Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Paus-Hasebrink, I., Prochazka, F. & Sinner, P. (2013). What constitutes a 'rich design' in qualitative methodology? In M. Barbovschi, L. Green & S. Vandoninck (Eds.), Innovative approaches for investigating how children understand risk in new media. Dealing with methodological and ethical challenges (pp. 23-26). London: LSE.
Paus-Hasebrink, I., Sinner, P., Prochazka, F. & Dürager, A. (2012). Austria. In L. Haddon & S. Livingstone (Eds.), EU Kids Online: National perspectives (pp. 5-6). London: LSE.
Paus-Hasebrink, I., Sinner, P. & Prochazka, F. (2013). FAQ 8: When is it good to use a longitudinal design? In K. Ólafsson, S. Livingstone & L. Haddon (Eds.), How to research children and online technologies? Frequently asked questions and best practice (pp. 27-29). London: LSE.
Sinner, P., Prochazka, F., Paus-Hasebrink, I. & Farrugia, L. (2013). FAQ 34: What are good approaches to conducting focus groups with children? In K. Ólafsson, S. Livingstone & L. Haddon (Eds.), How to research children and online technologies? Frequently asked questions and best practice (pp. 90-92). London: LSE.
Prochazka, F. (2013). Using the evidence base - Austria. In K. Ólafsson, S. Livingstone & L. Haddon (Eds.), Children's Use of Online Technologies in Europe. A review of the European evidence base (pp. 29-30). London: LSE.
Prochazka, F. (2020). Review of Mollen, Anne (2020). Digital Spaces of Civic Communication. The Practices and Interfaces of Online Commenting. Publizistik,
Prochazka, F. (2017). Review of Haller, Michael (ed.) (2018). Öffentliches Vertrauen in der Mediengesellschaft. [Public trust in the media society.] Media & Communication Studies, 66 (2), 240-242.
Prochazka, F. (2017). Review of Mehlis, Katja (2016). Nachrichtenqualität im Internet. Nutzung und Bewertung von Online-News-Angeboten. [News quality on the internet. Use and evaluation of online news offerings.] Media & Communication Studies, 65 (1), 129-130.
Prochazka, F. & Sinner, P. (2013). Review of Krämer, Benjamin (2014): Mediensozialisation. Theorie und Empirie zum Erwerb medienbezogener Dispositionen. [Media sozialization. Theory and empiricism on the acquisition of media-related dispositions. Media & Communication Studies, 62 (2), 294-295.