English Literary Studies

English Literary Studies at the Philosophical Faculty are interested in literature and culture of the Anglophone world outside the USA and are represented in both the BA courses in English and Literary Studies as well as in the teaching degree-related MEd and the MA programme in Literary Studies. The courses in English Literary Studies cover the field of English-language literature since the early modern period in its historical depth and geographical breadth, taking into account cultural, social and political contexts as well as central theories, methods and problems of Literary Studies.


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Prof. Dr. Kai Merten
Prof. Dr. Kai Merten


Prof. Dr. Kai Merten

University professor

Dr. Dunja Mohr
Dr. Dunja Mohr


Dr. Dunja Mohr

Habilitation candidate

René Porschen


René Porschen

Doctoral Student




Ann-Katrin Preis
Ann-Katrin Preis

Ann-Katrin Preis 


Mahtab Dadkhah
Mahtab Dadkhah


Mahtab Dadkhah

Doctoral student

Chaniga Chaipan
Chaniga Chaipan


Chaniga Chaipan

Doctoral student


substituted by:

Verena Ferda
Sekretariat der Professur für Neuere englische Literaturwissenschaft
(Literary Studies)
C23 – staff building 1 / room 709
Office hours
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