Lecture “Introduction to the New Testament Gospels” ( standing in for Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Johann Bauer) for the first year of study (presence)
Seminar „Himmelswesen und Höllenmächte. Engel und Dämonen in neutestamentlichen und frühchristlichen Texten“ for the 2nd-5th year of study (presence)
Seminar on the methods of biblical theology and church history (together with Prof. Jörg Seiler) for the first year of study (presence)
Seminar "Bach meets Matthäus. Die Matthäuspassion in Wort und Musik" (together with Floriane-Luisa Thorak) for the 2nd-5th year of study (presence)
Studium Fundamentale „Marginalisiert und dennoch stark. Was Man(n) von den Frauen im Stammbaum Jesu für gesellschaftliche und innerkirchliche Diskurse lernen kann“, together with Dr. Cornelia Aßmann and Inga-Maria Schütte M.A. (University of Eichstätt), presence
Seminar on the methods of biblical theology and church history (together with Prof. Jörg Seiler) for the first year of study (presence)
Tutorial for the course "Jesus of Nazareth. Gestalt und Anspruch" (lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Johann Bauer) for the second and third year of study (digital)
Seminar on the methods of biblical theology and church history (together with Dr. Daniel Greb) for the first year of study (presence)
Tutorial for the course "Jesus of Nazareth. Gestalt und Anspruch" (lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Johann Bauer) for the second and third year of study (hybrid teaching format)
Tutorial for the course "Introduction to the New Testament Gospels" (lecture by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Johann Bauer) for the first year of study (hybrid teaching format)
Tutorial for students of the courses Latin I + II with Dr. Katja Kersten-Babeck, practice and repetition of forms and sentences as well as preparation for the Latin exam (in presence and digital)
Tutorial for students of the courses Greek I + II with Dr. Katja Kersten-Babeck, practice and repetition of forms and sentences as well as preparation for the Graecum examination (in presence and digital)
a. Articles in journals and encyclopaedias
b. Articles in the area of corporate knowledge transfer
c. Editorial assistance
a. Articles in journals
b. Handouts and pastoral working materials
T. Söding / P. Greiner-Bär / K. Schäfers: Eine Friedensvisison für alle Völker (Mi 4,1–5) and Siehst du diese Frau? (Lk 7,36–8,3), Working material on the Biblical Impulses for the Katholikentag 2024 in Erfurt, in collaboration with Charlotte Dietrich, Berlin/Erfurt 2024.
Wo sind Ochs‘ und Esel? Eine exegetische und motivkritische Annäherung an die Weihnachtsevangelien, at: Community Evening „Gott und die Welt“ catholic parish St. Peter and Paul Zeitz (20.11.2024)
Siehst Du diese Frau? Eine Annäherung an Lk 7,36–50, at: ecumenical womens's group Erfurt (24.09.2024)
… und wo sind Ochs und Esel? Ein Blick in die Weihnachtsevangelien, at: Hörenswertes. Der Podcast im Bistum Erfurt, 20.12.2024
Katholikentag 2024 – das Leitwort, at: Hörenswertes. Der Podcast im Bistum Erfurt, 16.02.2024
Meine Eine-Welt-Jahr III. Israel – das Heilige Land, at: Hörenswertes. Der Podcast im Bistum Erfurt, 19.08.2022
Thoughts on the day in the series “Augenblick mal” on mdr radio:
“Thoughts for the night” on mdr radio: