Lexical vs. constructional licensing: German adversative sentences and construction-internal relations, Ziem, Alexander; Willich, Alexander (University of Düsseldorf)
Anchor points, blending and construction grids – NPs in a CxG model, Herbst, Thomas (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Where cognitive automation and socio-communicative ritualisation meet to produce unidirectional grammaticalisation, Neels, Jakob (University of Leipzig)
Epistemic adverbs as lexical fillers in large-scale constructions, Benen, Marie-Christine (University of Osnabrück)
1.B: Cognitive Approaches to Spoken Language and Discourse
The status of word class sub-categories based on evidence from multivariate frequency densities, Rauhut, Alexander (Free University Berlin)
How vector space models disambiguate adjectives, Montes, Mariana; Geeraerts, Dirk (KU Leuven, BE)
Differences in the constructional behaviour of quasi-synonymous intensifying adverbs, Altmann, Matthias (University of Erfurt)
Reflexive motion construction in German: Is it equivalent to the way construction in English? Miyashita, Hiroyuki (Kwansei Gakuin University, JP)
2.A: Issues in Construction Grammar
The status of word class sub-categories based on evidence from multivariate frequency densities, Rauhut, Alexander (Freie Universität Berlin)
How vector space models disambiguate adjectives, Montes, Mariana; Geeraerts, Dirk (Catholic University Leuven, BE)
Differences in the constructional behaviour of quasi-synonymous intensifying adverbs, Altmann, Matthias (University of Erfurt)
Reflexive motion construction in German: Is it equivalent to the way construction in English? Miyashita, Hiroyuki
2.B: Cognitive Approaches to Spoken Language and Discourse
Corona pandemic: How we talk about it is how we understand it, Schönefeld, Doris (University of Erfurt)
Image schemas as potential news stories: A case of BBC texts, Potapenko, Serhiy (Kyiv National Linguistic University, UA)
Cognitive bases for the persuasive effectiveness of implicit strategies, Lombardi Vallauri, Edoardo (Università Roma Tre, IT)
A cognitive rhetorical approach to reporting speeches in the news: The case of Queen Elizabeth II Christmas message, Talavira, Nataliia (Nizhyn University, UA)
Air Quotes in Media Discourse - A Usage-Based Study, Uhrig, Peter (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
3.A: Construction Families/Networks
The expression of speed-related information: a corpus study of Estonian motion verbs, Taremaa, Piia; Kopecka, Annetta (University of Tartu, EE; Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage & Université de Lyon, FR)
Stellen or setzen – The distribution of causative light verbs in German, Fleischhauer, Jens (Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf)
Persian (Farsi) Complex Predicates from a Cognitive Construction Grammar Perspective, Pakzadian, Maryam (FAU Erlangen–Nürnberg)
A constructional sketch of the BIG MESS family in English, Sommerer, Lotte (University of Freiburg)
3.B: The Phonetics and Phonology of Construction
Systematicity and iconicity in English counT and maSS nouns: Phonological correlates of bounded construals, Winter, Bodo (University of Birmingham, UK)
Phonetic properties as a cue to modal disambiguation: must in a large corpus of spoken American English, Flach, Susanne¹; Hilpert, Martin² (¹ University of Zürich, CH; ² Université de Neuchâtel, CH)
Dativus-ethicus-Constructions (DeCs) and the Neglected Role of Prosody in Linguistic Constructions, Zhang, Bin (University of Göttingen)
3.C: Second/Foreign Language Acquisition
Ditransitive argument structure constructions in FLT, De Knop, Sabine;¹ Mollica, Fabio² (¹ Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, BE; ² Universita degli Studi di Milano, IT)
Need for Cognition, multiple Intelligenz und Grammatikverständnis in heterogenen Klassen der Sekundarstufe I – Ein Schlüssel zum Erfolg?!, Peleki, Eleni (Europa-Universität Flensburg)
The Effect of Cognitive Linguistic Inspired Interventions on Noticing and Usage of Formulaic Chunks, Rott, Susanne (University of Illinois at Chicago, US)
Learning to predict - second language perception of reduced multi-word sequences, Tizón-Couto, David1; Lorenz, David2 (¹ Universidade de Vigo, ESP; ² University of Rostock)
4.A: Constructional Variation
Genitive variation in Danish and Swedish – the iconic motivation, Piotrowska, Alicja (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań; PL)
We don't play politics with it. The play-X-with-Y Argument Structure Construction in Varieties of English, Brunner, Thomas (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Nobody don't realise there's phenomena more greater than this. A study case of multiple-marking in NZE, Cetra, Celeste (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
The Impact of Internal Factors on the Loss of Grammatical Structures - Evidence from German Dialects and Luxembourgish, Fischer, Hanna¹; Frank, Marina ² (¹ Philipps-Universität Marburg; ² Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg)
4.B: Psycho- and Neurolinguistic Methods
Exploring the conceptualisation of locative events in French, English and Dutch: Insights from eye-tracking on two recognition tasks, Lesuisse, Megane (Université de Lille, FR)
Frames als Frame-Systeme: Angewandte Frame-Forschung und Assoziationsexperimente, Neumair, Phillip Alexander (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf)
Constructional families in the laboratory: Novel experimental approaches to the study of constructional relations, Ungerer, Tobias (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Non-linear dynamics of eye movements during text reading, Monika Tschense, Sebastian Wallot (University of Lüneburg, MPI for Empirical Aesthetics Frankfurt)
5.A: Conceptual Metaphor/Metonymy, Figurativity
Metaphor and onomatopoeia in the language of bird song, Winter, Bodo; Perlman, Marcus (University of Birmingham, UK)
Motion metaphors in the specialised discourse of music criticism, Julich-Warpakowski, Nina (University of Erfurt)
An empirical approach to identifying ontological cognitive metaphors for energy in physics, Hull, Peter (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
An analysis of the metaphorical etymological network structure of the English language, Teich, Marie (MPI für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig)
5.B: Psycho- and Neurolinguistic Methods
Lexical Integrity: Exposing a further fissure in a forty- or fifty-year-old principle, Cappelle, Bert (University of Lille, FR)
Entrenchment revisited: old and new concepts and their empirical validation, Balog, Evelin (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Building Deep Learning Models to understand Language Processing in the Human Brain, Krauss, Patrick (University Hospital Erlangen)
The use of action verbs by Parkinson’s Disease patients in spontaneous production – A semantic vector analysis, Lohmann, Arne¹; Gupta, Abhijeet; Henkel, Julia ; Biermann-Ruben, Katja; Kallmeyer, Laura (¹ Leipzig University)
6.A: Usage-based First Language Acquisition
Providing interactional support in the arena of language use: Linguistic correlates to mother-child attachment types, Behrens, Heike ¹; Pfänder, Stefan² (¹ University of Basel; ² University of Freiburg)
Acquisition of demonstratives in cross-linguistic perspective, Diessel, Holger; Monakhov, Sergei (FSU Jena)
Native language knowledge: Links to implicit and explicit memory, Llompart, Miquel; Dabrowska, Ewa (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
The influence of information structure on the processing of anaphoric reference in German-speaking children and adults, Lehmkuhle, Ina (Osnabrück University)
6.B: Meaning extensions
The face of the sky – Body-part extensions from a cross-linguistic perspective, Tjuka, Annika (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena)
Patterns of meaning extension of common nouns in Japanese and Czech, Kanasugi, Petra (Charles University, Prague, CZ)
Towards a Typology of Extended Spatial Description in Japanese, Telegina, Maria (Tokyo University, JP)
KONTAKT konkret, KONTAKT abstrakt: Verbale Argumentstrukturmuster mit PP-"an", Zeschel, Arne; Proost, Kristel (IDS Mannheim)
7.A: Cognitive Approaches to Tense and Aspect
The conceptual motivation of the English system of aspect, Radden, Günter (University of Hamburg)
The Spanish future tense and subjectivity, Kratochvílová, Dana (Charles University, CZ)
7.B: Linguistic Creativity
When ‘very crazy’ is not crazy enough: Creative and productive ADJ-intensifying constructions, Kohn, Birgit (Osnabrueck University)
What do violists and linguists have in common? The viola joke! – A linguistic analysis, Salzinger, Julia (Technical University Dortmund)
"Was zum verfickten Kuckuck soll denn das?" On the variation in German IAW structures, focusing on "zum/zur X", Schoonjans, Steven (AAU Klagenfurt, AUT & Catholic University Leuven, BE)
Constructionist Approaches to Creativity, Hoffmann, Thomas (Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Theme Session 1: Usage-based Approaches and the Psychology of Language Learning
Emerging Networks: The Traceback method and the early constructicon, Hartmann, Stefan 1; Endesfelder Quick, Antje 2; Koch, Nikolas³ (1 University of Düsseldorf; 2 Universität Leipzig; ³ LMU Munich)
Prior knowledge of distributional information boosts statistical learning in adults and eight-year-old children, Stärk, Katja¹; Kidd, Evan²; Frost, Rebecca L.A. ³ (¹ Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics Nijmegen, NL; ² The Australian National University, AUS; ³ ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language, AUS)
Transfer phenomena in bilingual language acquisition: The case of caused-motion constructions, Koch, Nikolas; Günther, Katharina (LMU Munich; Independent Scholar)
Interactions between false-belief understanding, linguistic form, and function, Brandt, Silke (Lancaster University, UK)
A Usage-Based Semantic Analysis of Children's Everyday Use of the Wort 'Pretend', Pleyer, Michael (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torún, PL)
Applying the usage-based perspective to language disorder: Schematic constructions in aphasia, Hatchard, Rachel (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)
Theme Session 2: Language and Emotions
Behavioural Profiles and Cognitive Models. A usage-based approach to the conceptual structure of ANGER in English and Russian, Glynn, Dylan; Aliya Gimadieva (University of Paris 8, FR)
A Behavioral Profile Approach to Lexical Equivalence of the Chinese Emotion Concept 紧张 ‘tension’ in French, Bai, Jing (University of Paris 8, FR)
Controlling Boredom: A quantitative cross-linguistic and context-dependent analysis of the emotion concept BOREDOM, Biryukova, Avgustina (University of Paris 8, FR)
Conceptualization of negative social emotions. A behavioral case study in Japanese. Kumamoto, Mai (University of Paris 8, FR)