Historisches Seminar der Universität Erfurt

Willkommen / Welcome


On October 24 & 25, 2024, the Research Unit on "Voluntariness" is happy to present an international workshop in co-operation with colleagues and research projects from Erfurt and Jena. Diverse topics and lectures by guests from Africa and Europe and…

The 15th conference of the Early Modern Period working group of the Association of German Historians (VDH) took place at the Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt from 19 to 21 September. Under the title "WissensWelten" (Worlds of…

"The Orient in Gotha" is the title of the annual exhibition to which the Gotha Research Library of the University of Erfurt cordially invites all interested parties from 8 September to 3 November. The exhibition, which is also being held to mark the…

From 19 to 21 September, the Gotha Research Centre at the University of Erfurt will host the 15th working conference of the Early Modern Period Working Group of the German Association of Historians. Under the title "WissensWelten" (Worlds of…


meeting point is the Till Eulenspiegel monument behind the town hall
Meeting point: Tourist Information Centre (Benedikstplatz)
Buch in der Bibliotheca Amploniana
Professorships Professorships

Seminar speaker

Holder of the Chair for the History of Science
(History Department)
Lehrgebäude 4 / Raum 121