Dear lecturers,
Are you interested in establishing international university partnerships for your subject area, in organising excursions abroad with students and in the internationalisation and networking of your teaching?
We cordially invite you to the meeting of the "Lehramt.International" working group to get to know you and support you in realising your plans!
- Programme:
Welcome by the Vice President for International Affairs (Professor Beate Hampe) - Presentation of the DAAD-funded project "ELsA² - Erfurt student teachers abroad²"
Professor Sandra Neumann/ Dr Amelie Abarca Heidemann (Professorship for Inclusive Educational Processes with Impairments in Language and Communication) Jeanette König-Wendel (Professorship for Vocational Education and Further Education) - (Digital) cooperation opportunities with foreign universities
- Organisation and promotion of excursions (with students) abroad
- Information on stays abroad (e.g. guest lectureships, work meetings) for lecturers
- Networking and exchange
Please register your participation via the following e-mail address:
We look forward to your participation in the event!