The first article focuses on pseudepigraphical letters as instruments for the creation of a normative past in early Christianity and the use of this past as a basis for the enforcement of certain positions in doctrine and discipline among Christians.
Th.J.Bauer: “In der Maske des Paulus. Motive und Strategien pseudepigraphischer Briefe im frühen Christentum”, in: Émeline Marquis / Peter von Möllendorff (Hgg.), Brief und Macht. Die pseudepigraphischen Briefsammlungen der Antike. Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies. Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr. 109, Berlin u. a. 2024, 149–171.
The second article on “law” in Strabo's Geographica has now been published in the new volume of the journal “Religion in the Roman Empire”. It is worth reading Strabo to gain an insight into the thinking and knowledge of the educated in the Greco-Roman world around the early Christians. Reading and studying Greek and Roman authors like Strabo is essential for everyone who seeks to understand the New Testament and Early Christianity. So let's start reading them. They are worth it and more entertaining than most people usually imagine.
Th.J. Bauer: „Das Recht ist das Modell und die Form der Verfassung“ (Strab. 1.1.18). Überlegungen zu Recht, Sitte und politischer Ordnung in Strabos Geographica“, in: Religion im Römischen Reich 10/2 (2024), 193-221.
Enjoy reading!
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