Equal opportunity office, Faculty of Philosophy, Historisches Seminar, Education, School, and Behaviour, Religion, Society, and World Relations, Events

Fighting the Backlash – Gay and Queer History in Populist Times

3. Jul 2024, 6.00 pm
Small Synagogue
"Handlungsfähigkeit statt Schockstarre. Von der Komplexität der Gegenwart und der Wehrhaftigkeit der Demokratie"
Department of History at the University of Erfurt
David Johnson (University of South Florida), Steve Estes (Sonoma State University California) and Franziska Kosian (Queeres Zentrum Erfurt) & Helen Gibson (University of Erfurt)
Event type
Event Language(s)

Guests of the panel discussion in the Little Synagogue Erfurt are David Johnson (University of South Florida), Steve Estes (Sonoma State University California) and Franziska Kosian (Queer Centre Erfurt). Moderation: Helen Gibson (University of Erfurt).

This evening we will discuss potentials of a gay and queer history as well as the situation of the LGBTQ community in the United States and here in Erfurt. We will open the evening with a lecture by US historian David Johnson, whose current project focuses on a history of LGBT issues in presidential politics. The contribution will be commented on by the US historian Steve Estes, who has conducted an interview project with gay and lesbian veterans and is currently a visiting professor at the University of Erfurt. Franziska Kosian will add a local perspective to these contributions and talk about her experiences working at the Queer Center Erfurt. The evening will be moderated by historian Helen Gibson. The event will be in English.

If you have any questions about the programme, please contact:

Elena Marie Elisabeth Kiesel
Elena Marie Elisabeth Kiesel
Research Associate Research Group "Freiwilligkeit"
(Faculty of Philosophy)
LG 4, Raum 1 07

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