Conferences & Workshops

Erfurt, Gotha and the world

A colloquium to mark the 400th birthday of the Ethiopian scholar and polymath Job Ludolf (1624-1704)

Chair: Professor Dr Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha)

Venue/time: 15 June 2024 , lecture hall of the FZG am Schloßberg

The Gotha Research Centre is dedicating a colloquium to Job Ludolf (1624-1704), who studied law, medicine and languages in Erfurt and Leiden, founded Ethiopian studies, was in the service of Christina of Sweden, Emperor Leopold I and Elector Charles II of the Palatinate and, last but not least, worked at the court of Ernest the Pious in Gotha, in the place where the polymath's home once stood.


13.00 Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha): Ludolf and Abba Gorgoryos at work
13.45 Asaph Ben-Tov (Dartmouth/Wolfenbüttel): Job Ludolf and his Jewish contacts
14.30 Wolbert Smidt (Mekele/Jena): In search of Job Ludolf the Ethiopian: The failed journey of the Ethiopian Akalexos across Europe
15.15 Coffee break
15.45 Susanne Friedrich (Munich): Die Selbstdarstellung des Hiob Ludolf oder die Arts, wie Gelehrte sich so "verhalten, dass sie bey Potentaten, Fürsten und Republiquen bekand werden"
16.30 Stefan Weninger (Marburg): Studien zum späten Gəʿəz: Sprache und Stil von Abba Gorgorius
17.15 Verena Böll (Stützerbach/Dresden): How would Job Ludolf and Abba Gorgoryos have bent over these three manuscripts? Splendours from the Monumenta Vitruvii collection

The programme will be accompanied by exhibits from the Monumenta Vitruvii collection in Stützerbach.

Here you can find the programme of the colloquium as PDF.

Martin Mulsow on Job Ludolf, article in Wortmelder 2015

Worlds of Knowledge - Knowledges of the World. 15th Conference of the Early Modern Period Working Group 2024 in Gotha

The 15th working conference of the Early Modern Period Working Group under the theme"KnowledgeWorlds" will take place from 19-21 September 2024 in Gotha, hosted by the Gotha Research Centre.


Illustration of the Second Akbar-nama: left half of a miniature in the Chester Beatty Library, In03.236
Midwife at work, from: Jakob Rueff: Ein schön lustig Trostbüchle ..., Zurich 1554.
Thomas Wyck: Interior with Alchemist (Painting)
Willem Isaacsz Swanenburgh: Anatomical Theatre of the University of Leiden (1610)