Date: 4 to 6 December 2024
Location: Gotha Research Centre | Schloßberg 2, 99867 Gotha | Lecture Hall
Organiser: Hannah Boeddeker (University of Hamburg) as part of the DFG project: "The Gotha" - A study of the most important genealogical reference work in modern Europe" in cooperation with the Gotha Research Library and the Gotha Research Centre
The "Gothaische Hofkalender"/"Almanach de Gotha" was published as a German-French parallel edition from 1764 to 1944. The "Gotha" was a typical calendar enterprise of the Enlightenment, "designed for use and pleasure". In the course of the 19th century, the "Gotha" underwent profound changes. It was replaced by genealogical pocket books, which depicted the complex social stratigraphy and hierarchy of the nobility. The "Gotha" thus rose to become the most important genealogical directory of the European nobility. At the same time, it developed into a diplomatic-statistical yearbook of the 19th and 20th century state. This reshaping of the Gotha in terms of content, media and function took place interdependently with the scientification and professionalisation of statistics and genealogy, and in the case of genealogy, its broad popularisation in all social classes. The driving force behind this development was not least the publishing house itself, the Europe-wide map publisher Justus Perthes Gotha, through which genealogy, statistics and cartography entered into close disciplinary and economically driven interdependencies.
Surprisingly, the "Gotha" as one of the standard works of modernity has so far received little attention in the historically working humanities. The DFG project "Der Gotha - Studien zum wichtigsten genealogischen Kompendium der Moderne" (The Gotha - Studies on the most important genealogical compendium of modernity) will place the "Gotha" at the centre of research for the first time. As part of the conference in Gotha, the focus will be on the context in which it was created and the functional contexts of the publishing house and publication.
Conference programme (PDF)
Flyer for the "Gothaische Hofkalender"/"Almanach de Gotha" (PDF)
Registration is requested by 22 November at
Date: 14 - 15 November 2024
Leader: Hendrikje Carius (Gotha) and Olaf Simons (Halle/Gotha)
In conjunction with NFDI4Memory and in cooperation with the FBG.
The event will also take place our lecture hall.
More information can be found on the Blog of the Gotha Research Library
Date: 13 to 15 November 2024
Directed by: Melanie Sehgal (Wuppertal) and Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha)
Venue: Wuppertal, Institute for Grundlagenforschung zur Philosophiegeschichte
In cooperation with the IGP of the University of Wuppertal and with funding from DFG, DGPhil and FABU.
What consequences does the climate crisis have for the humanities, especially for philosophy and the history of ideas? Can the already problematic history of the Enlightenment still be told as a success story if we know that the foundations of the age of burning fossil fuels were laid at the same time, which will bring planet Earth to the limits of its habitability in the near future? How could modern philosophy have conceived ideas such as progress and freedom completely independently of the material conditions and frameworks in which these ideas were to take effect? Dipesh Chakrabarty has shown that the hermeneutical foundations of the humanities are compromised when we cut off our own future horizons. Pierre Charbonnier considers an ecologically sensitized retelling of the history of ideas to be necessary, in which the extent to which the "freedom" of liberalism is based on the "abundance" generated by fossil fuels is revealed. Isabelle Stengers speaks of the "intrusion of Gaia", which fundamentally shifts the political and philosophical horizons of modernity. According to Bruno Latour, a new cosmology is even needed in order to reorient ourselves on an earth shaped by a new climate regime.
In the light of these questions and positions, the conference will examine the systematic and methodological challenges of readjusting philosophy and the history of ideas in the face of the current multiple planetary crises. The aim of the conference is, on the one hand, a historically saturated reflection of one's own philosophical and history of ideas practice and, on the other hand, an exploration of possible tasks and contours for work in the humanities in the new climate regime. On the one hand, the aim is to work out the implicit preconditions regarding the material and environmental conditions of human life that modernist thought has developed and to outline the contribution that philosophical ideas such as nature, society or progress have played in the emergence of the current crisis. On the other hand, it is also important to reflect on which of these conditions have remained effective in our own methods to this day. In other words: What is the climate of philosophy?
Programme (PDF)
Date: 14 October 2024, 10:00 to 16:00
Leader: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha) and Thomas Moenius (Inzlingen)
Date: 10 - 11 October 2024
Directed by: Daniel Gehrt (Gotha) and Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha)
In cooperation with the Gotha Research Library (FBG).
The 15th conference of the Early Modern Period Working Group under the theme "Worlds of Knowledge" took place from 19-21 September 2024 in Gotha, hosted by the Gotha Research Centre.
Chair: Professor Dr Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha)
Venue/time: 15 June 2024 , lecture hall of the FZG am Schloßberg
The Gotha Research Centre is dedicating a colloquium to Job Ludolf (1624-1704), who studied law, medicine and languages in Erfurt and Leiden, founded Ethiopian studies, was in the service of Christina of Sweden, Emperor Leopold I and Elector Charles II of the Palatinate and, last but not least, worked at the court of Ernest the Pious in Gotha, in the place where the polymath's home once stood.
13.00 Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha): Ludolf and Abba Gorgoryos at work
13.45 Asaph Ben-Tov (Dartmouth/Wolfenbüttel): Job Ludolf and his Jewish contacts
14.30 Wolbert Smidt (Mekele/Jena): In search of Job Ludolf the Ethiopian: The failed journey of the Ethiopian Akalexos across Europe
15.15 Coffee break
15.45 Susanne Friedrich (Munich): Die Selbstdarstellung des Hiob Ludolf oder die Arts, wie Gelehrte sich so "verhalten, dass sie bey Potentaten, Fürsten und Republiquen bekand werden"
16.30 Stefan Weninger (Marburg): Studien zum späten Gəʿəz: Sprache und Stil von Abba Gorgorius
17.15 Verena Böll (Stützerbach/Dresden): How would Job Ludolf and Abba Gorgoryos have bent over these three manuscripts? Splendours from the Monumenta Vitruvii collection
The programme will be accompanied by exhibits from the Monumenta Vitruvii collection in Stützerbach.
Here you can find the programme of the colloquium as PDF.
Under the direction of Dr Corinna Dziudzia (Erfurt/Gotha) and Professor Dr Kirsten von Hagen (Gießen), four virtual study days (02.11. & 14.12.23 and 11.01. & 15.02.24) will take place on Thursday mornings via Webex.
The series of events aims to use concrete examples to ask, among other things, how much need for rediscovery and rediscovery still exists with regard to women writers and what the dynamics of forgetting or systematic exclusion and marginalisation processes might consist of. Is a re-consolidation of the canon actually currently being observed (Stefan Neuhaus & Uta Schaffers) - or why does knowledge about writing, scholarly, artistically active women often appear weak, implicit, marginalised and peripheral? Or (to paraphrase Robert Proctor) do we suppress or ignore what we could actually know?
Registrations are requested.
International Workshop
Organisation: Dr Emily Teo
Date: 10 and 11 January 2024
Location: Gotha Research Centre/ Friedenstein Castle Foundation
Over the course of the eighteenth century, East Asian objects were acquired by European collectors for very different reasons: to decorate homes or to use them as a source of knowledge about foreign cultures. The workshop brings together academics and curators to shed light on the complex history of Chinese collections in European contexts.
The workshop will focus on the East Asian collections in Gotha. Around 1800, Duke August of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (1772-1822) founded the Chinese Cabinet, a collection of East Asian artefacts in Gotha's Friedenstein Castle. The rich and diverse collection included over 2000 objects, such as reverse glass paintings, lacquer works, watercolour albums, clothing, household objects and musical instruments.
The topics of the two-day workshop include the global circulation of works of art, Chinese fashion in 18th century Europe and the practices of collecting and exhibiting Chinese objects in European collections. The aim of the workshop is to historicise these collections and explore their contexts in order to give new impetus to research on East Asian collections in Europe.
The workshop will be held in English.
Lecture: Lisa Hellman (Bonn), Between Oppression and Opportunity. Prisoners of War in 18th-century Asian Borderlands, in cooperation with the Historical Institute of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (in Jena), 12 January 2022.
Lecture: Claus Oberhauser (Innsbruck), The First Antagonist of the Illuminés. Alexander Horn, John Robison and the Illuminati, 27 January 2022.
Lecture: Tilman Haug (Duisburg-Essen), Paul Jacob Marperger und das kameralwissenschaftliche Feld in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts 14 April 2022.
Lecture: Vera-Simone Schulz (Florence), Kunsthistorische Provinzialisierungen Europas. Transcultural Dynamics along the Swahili Coast, 28 April 2022.
Lecture: Linda Colley (Princeton), On Writing The Gun, the Ship and the Pen, 12 May 2022.
Lecture: Wolfgang Breul (Mainz), Zinzendorf's and Oetinger's visits to Berleburg and the attempt to initiate a Philadelphian community there, 7 July 2022.
Lecture: Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (Berlin) Friedrich Wilhelm I von Preußen: Ein Werkstattbericht, 3 November 2022.
Lecture: Georg Schmidt (Jena), Under the Spell of the Hegemon: Duke August of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg and Emperor Napoleon, 24 November 2022.
Workshop: The Order of the Illuminati: Ideals and Contradictions, Workshop of the Gotha Centre for Illuminati Research with Claus Oberhauser (Innsbruck), 28 January 2022.
International conference: International conference of the research network "Natural Law 1625-1850" and the subproject A03 "Natural Law and Property. Political Anthropology in the Context of Colonialism" of the CRC "Structural Change of Property" , Head: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 8 April 2022.
International conference: What is Enlightenment? Epochal concepts and discourse terms of the 20th and 21st centuries, chaired by: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Gideon Stiening (Münster), Friedrich Vollhardt (Munich); the event will take place at the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation Munich, 20-22 April 2022.
Conference: Interdisciplinary conference Rudolph Zacharias Becker and the intellectual Gotha around 1800, chaired by Martin Mulsow, Dirk Sangmeister (both Erfurt/Gotha); funded by the Theodor Springmann Foundation (Heidelberg), 9-11 June 2022.
Workshop: Workshop of the Alchemy Network, Alchemy in the Early Modern Period, chaired by Thomas Moenius (Basel), Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 27 June 2022.
International conference: Berleburg at the time of Dippel and Edelmann. Radical Pietism, Alchemy and Freethought (1729-1741), chaired by Vera Faßhauer, Martin Mulsow (both Erfurt/Gotha), Hermann Stockinger (Vienna), 7-8 July 2022.
Online Study Days: Wald: Re-Mythisierung in Zeiten des Digitalen, led by Corinna Dziudzia (Erfurt/Gotha), in collaboration with Kirsten von Hagen (Gießen), 10 November 2022, 1 December 2022, 19 January 2023, 9 February 2023.
International conference: Emil/Emilie: Herzog August von Sachsen-Gotha-Altenburg: Fürst, Literat und Kunstkenner mit fluider Geschlechteridentität, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), in cooperation with the Friedenstein Castle Gotha Foundation, 23-25 November 2022.
Lecture: Claire Gantet (Fribourg): "Die Verbreitung des Mesmerismus in Deutschland (1784-1815)", Examples of the circulation of knowledge, FZG, 7 January 2021.
Lecture: Annika Raapke (Oldenburg): "Jenseits des Wendekreises. Excess and Possibility in Letters from the French Caribbean. 1744-1803", FZG, 13 January 2021.
Lecture: Florike Egmond (Leiden): "Representing Exotic Naturalia in Early-Modern European Epistemic Images", FZG, 21 January 2021.
Lecture: Susanne Friedrich (Munich/Erfurt): "The Indigo and the Pear. Experiential Knowledge, the Senses and the Dutch East India Company in the 17th Century", FZG, 4 February 2021.
Lecture: Wouter J. Hanegraaff (Amsterdam): "Imaginary Hermeticism and the Hermetic Imagination", FZG, 18 February 2021.
Lecture: Magnus Ressel (Frankfurt): "Bürgerliche Toleranz in der konfessionalisierten Praxis. The Lutheran community in Geneva in the 18th century", FZG, 6 May 2021.
Lecture: Matthias Bähr (Dresden): "Dead capital? The Economy of the Corpse in the British Isles (1600-1850)", FZG, 20 May 2021.
Lecture: Bettina Dietz (Hong Kong): "Iterative and networked. Publishing in 18th century botany", FZG, 3 June 2021.
Lecture: Elisabeth Décultot (Halle): "Antiquarian vs. historical science? Antique Arts in the Historiography of the 18th Century", FZG, 17 June 2021.
Lecture: Anselm Schubert (Erlangen): "When Christ was female. A gender history of the early modern period", FZG, 15 July 2021.
Book presentation: in cooperation with the Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung: Andreas Kossert (Berlin): "Flucht. A history of humanity", FZG, 1 July 2021.
Lecture: Adrian Masters (Tübingen): "Were the1500s Spanish Indies 'Radical'? Reflections on the Writing and Reading of Global History Today", FZG, 4 November 2021.
Lecture: Tobias Winnerling (Düsseldorf): "Disappeared Memory. How and why scholars were forgotten", FZG, 18 November 2021.
Lecture: Christina Brandt (Jena): "The biological time bomb". Future concepts in debates on the life sciences, 1950-1980, FZG, 9 January 2020.
Lecture: Jörg Dünne (Berlin): "Sinking ships. On two Portuguese fleet books from the 16th century", 16 January 2020.
Lecture: Friedrich Steinle (Berlin): "Colour knowledge in the 18th century. Ein Schnittfeld zwischen Handwerk, Arts und Akademie", in cooperation with the Historical Institute of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 23 January 2020.
Lecture: Kaspar von Greyerz (Basel): "Die Physikotheologie des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts als europäisches Phänomen. New Perspectives", in cooperation with the Historical Institute of the Friedrich Schiller University, University of Jena, 29 January 2020.
Lecture: Felix Lüttge (Basel): "The cartographer in the archive. Ozeanographie als Datenverarbeitung", Mappings: Raum- und neue Kartographiegeschichte, FZG, 6 February 2020.
Lecture: Ina Heumann (Berlin): "Travelling Dinosaurs: Zur Geschichte einer kolonialen Expedition und ihrer Objekte", 17 June 2020, online lecture in cooperation with the History Department of the University of Erfurt.
Lecture: Emma Spary (Cambridge): "The Virtues of Vanilla: Space, Efficacy and Drugs Knowledge in the First French Empire", 5 November 2020, online lecture.
Lecture: Rebekka von Mallinckrodt (Bremen): "Slavery in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation", 10 December 2020, online lecture.
Lecture: Franz Mauelshagen (Bielefeld): "Climate and Culture in Europe", in cooperation with the Gotha Collection and Research Network as part of the event series "Climate in Historical Perspective", 16 December 2020.
Study day: "Cartographic History and Literary Studies", chaired by Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Wolfgang Struck (Erfurt), Jörg Dünne (Berlin), 16 January 2020.
Workshop: "How to read? Historical and Literary Studies Approaches to Texts", EPPP History of Knowledge in the Modern Era and EPPP Texts. Signs. Media, Chair: Annemarie Mönch, Erik Liebscher, Small Synagogue Erfurt, 10 February 2020.
Workshop: "Digital Prosopography: The Case of Natural Lawyers", organised by the Research Centre for Early Modern Natural Law (MWK/FZG), coordination: Mikkel Munthe Jensen, Max Weber-Kolleg, FZG, 2-3 November 2020.
Lecture: Radu Leca (Heidelberg): "National Politics and the Subsurface Imaginary in Nineteenth-century Mappings of Tokyo Bay", Mappings: Raum- und neue Kartographiegeschichte, 10 January 2019.
Lecture: David Armitage (Harvard): "In Defence of Presentism", 24 January 2019.
Lecture: Tobias Göbel (Bremen/Bremerhaven): "On the trail of the collectors. New research on the history of Melanesian cultural assets and their collectors in the Bremen Überseemuseum around 1900", Mappings: Raum- und neue Kartographiegeschichte, 7 February 2019.
Lecture: Dorothea Mc. Ewan (London): "Abunä Sälama III - a painted biography", 11 April 2019.
Lecture: Staffan Müller-Wille (Exeter): "From diary to catalogue. Knowledge transfer in Carl von Linné's Lapland Journey (1732)", 25 April 2019.
Lecture: Frederic Theis (Bremerhaven): "Feuerschiff und Schlüsseltonne. Die Wesermündung in historischen Seekarten des 17. bis 20. Jahrhunderts", Mappings: Raum- und neue Kartographiegeschichte, 2 May 2019.
Lecture: Dagmar Freist (Oldenburg): "The Prize Papers", 16 May 2019.
Lecture: Sybilla Nikolow (Berlin): "Order through movement on Gotha's periphery. The pomo-logical cabinet of Sickler & Bertuch and the entomological collection of Forstrat Kellner as spaces of knowledge", 23 May 2019.
Lecture: Markus Bertsch (Hamburg): "Unleashed Nature. The image of catastrophe in the 18th and 19th centuries", 28 May 2019.
Lecture: Stéphane van Damme (Florence/Paris): "Towards a Metropolitan History of Science? Rematerialising Science, Nature and the City", 20 June 2019.
Lecture: Alexander Sievers (Mannheim): "Der Verlag Justus Perthes: Wissensgeschichte und Ökonomie", as part of the lecture series "Perthes im Gespräch" and the seminar "Mappings: Raum- und neue Kartographiegeschichte", Gotha Perthes Collection Gotha, 26 June 2019.
Lecture: Ines Eben von Racknitz (Nanjing): "From Saint Petersburg to Beijing. The North China frontier in the early 19th century in the sources of the Gotha Perthes Collection", in cooperation with the FBG, 9 October 2019.
Lecture: Oliver Kann (Mülheim an der Ruhr): "Der Perthes Verlag im Ersten Weltkrieg", in cooperation with the FBG, 17 October 2019.
Lecture: Dror Wahrman (Jerusalem): "The Prince, the Jeweler and the Mogul. The Paradoxes of an Early Modern Object", 7 November 2019.
Lecture: Andrew Tompkins (Sheffield): "Europäisierung im Alltag: Grenzüberschreitungen an Rhein und Oder nach 1945", colloquium Globalgeschichte, FZG, 29 November 2019.
Lecture: Eva Dolezel, Meike Knittel, Marcus Becker (all Berlin): "Das Fenster zur Natur und Arts. A Berlin research project on the Brandenburg-Prussian Kunstkammer", organised by the Gotha Collection and Research Network, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 14 November 2019.
Lecture: Sabine Höhler (Stockholm): "Mapping El Niño. Local Stories and Global Satellite Images in the Pacific Ocean", 21 November 2019.
International workshop: "Beyond the Metropolis", led by Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Irina Podgorny (La Plata, Argentina/Gotha), Natalie Richard (Le Mans), 13-15 February 2019; sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.
Workshop: Johann Daniel Major - Study Day, led by Martin Mulsow, Vera Keller, Markus Friedrich, Bernhard Schirg, Warburg Haus Hamburg, 27 March 2019.
Study Day "Visual Sources and the many ways of History Writing in today's Ethiopia", research seminar with Dorothea Mc Ewan (London/Addis Ababa), 12 April 2019.
International conference: "Jacob Böhme in Britain", chaired by Lucinda Martin, Claudia Brink, Cecilia Muratori, St Michael's House, Coventry Cathedral. 23-25 May 2019.
Workshop: Deep Time and the Future. Deep History vor dem Hintergrund der Krise des 19. Jahrhunderts, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann (Berlin), Haus Hainstein (Eisenach), 3-5 June 2019.
International conference: "Global Religious Translation in the Early Modern Period", chaired by Lucinda Martin, FZG, 6-7 June 2019.
Conference: 4th alumni meeting of the Herzog-Ernst Scholarship Programme with international conference on Ulrich Jasper Seetzen (1767-1811), chaired by Julia Schmidt-Funke (Gotha), Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Natalia Bachour (Zurich), in cooperation with the Gotha Collection and Research Network, 13-15 June 2019.
International Conference: "The Reception of Jacob Böhme in Central and Eastern Europe", chaired by Lucinda Martin, Claudia Brink and Cecilia Muratori, FZG, 27-29 June 2019.
28th International Conference on the History of Cartography; Panel: S19 Special Session 5: From the Captain's Cabin to the Scientist's Desk: Genealogies of Cartographic Knowledge about the Oceans, c. 1850s - 1940s, P 55-57, 17 July 2019, Chair: Professor Wolfgang Struck (Erfurt); Panel: S3 Special Session 1: Between the Map and the Landscape: 'Drawing' Borders as an Act of Translation (Organisation: Catherine Gibson M. A., Verena Bunkus M. A. and Louis le Douarin M. A.), P 7-8, 16 July 2019; Amsterdam, 14-19 July 2019.
Study day "Being E(a)rnest". New research on Ernst II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg, organised by the Gotha Collection and Research Network, Illuminati Research Centre, organised by Marie Nosper, Olaf Simons (both Gotha), FZG, 13 November 2019.
Conference of the Research Centre for Early Modern Natural Law (MWK/FZG) "Early-Modern Natural Law in Eastern Europe", coordination: Mikkel Munthe Jensen, Max Weber Kolleg, 21-23 November 2019.
Workshop: "Marginalia at the centre: Contrasting readings of Grotius, De iure Belli ac Pacis", organised by the Research Centre for Early Modern Natural Law (MWK/FZG), coordinated by Mikkel Munthe Jensen, 26 November 2019.
Workshop University and Residence, Science and Collections, Göttingen and Gotha. Eine Beziehungsgeschichte, Chair: Julia Schmidt-Funke, Matthias Rekow (both Gotha), Organiser: Gotha Collection and Research Network, 11-12 December 2019.
Lecture: Holger Kürbis (Potsdam): "Die Schriften zur Reise des Prinzen Friedrich von Sachsen-Gotha nach Frankreich und Italien 1667/1668: Bericht zum Editionsprojekt", 1 February 2018.
Lecture: Achim Landwehr (Düsseldorf): "Geraume Zeiten", 26 April 2018.
Lecture: Bernhard Schär (Zurich): "From Batticaloa via Basel to Berlin. Transimperial science from Ceylon around 1900", 17 May 2018.
Lecture: Herfried Münkler (Berlin): "The Thirty Years' War. European catastrophe, German trauma 1618-1648", 24 May 2018.
Lecture: Alexander Sievers (Mannheim): "Cultural Dividend and Financial Organisation of Theodor von Heuglin's Expedition to East Africa, 1860-1863", 14 June 2018.
Lecture: James Secord (Cambridge): 'Global Geology and the Tectonics of Empire', 20 June 2018.
Lecture: Anthony Grafton (Princeton): "How Jean Mabillon Invented Palaeography", ceremonial lecture at the opening of the new research centre, 26 June 2018.
Lecture: Thomas Da Costa Kaufmann (Princeton): "'Zur Zierd': Sculpture Collecting and the Kunstkammer, Primarily Prague", 5 July 2018.
Lecture: Sarah Frenking (Göttingen): "Images, Maps and Reports. Practices and perceptions of German-French border-making around 1900", 12 July 2018.
Lecture: Charles W. J. Withers (University of Edinburgh), Zero Degrees. Geographies of the Prime Meridian, Friedenstein Castle Gotha 19 September 2018.
Lecture: Wolfram Dolz (Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon Dresden), Die kursächsische Landesvermessung von 1780 bis 1806/1825 von Friedrich Ludwig Aster, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 17 October 2018.
Lecture: Charles Withers (Edinburgh), "Zero Degrees. Geographies of the Prime Medirian", 19 September 2018, FBG.
Lecture: Marie de Rugy (Cambridge): "At the Edges of Empires. Maps and Territorial Constructions in the Northern Indochinese Peninsula, 1885-1914", 25 October 2018.
Lecture: Ronnie Po-chia Hsia (Pennsylvania State University): "Sino-Islamic, Geographical Knowledge and the European Discovery of China between Marco Polo and Matteo Ricci", 30 October 2018.
Lecture: Jörg Siegmund (Tutzing): "Identität, Macht und Vertrauen -100 Jahre Freistaat Gotha und die Perspektiven der parlamentarischen Demokratie", Schloßberg 2 Gotha, 8 November 2018.
Lecture: Eva Bischoff (Trier): "Interaktion kartographieren: Zur Geschichte der siedlerkolonialen Expansion und die Bedeutung der Sea Frontier", 22 November 2018.
Lecture: Haureh Hussein (Trier): "Whaling ships and cultural contact in focus", 22 November 2018.
Lecture: Ann Grönhammar (Stockholm): "Swedish Self-Representation on the Eve of the Thirty Years' War. The Coronation Saddle of Gustavus Adolphus (Uppsala 1617)", 13 December 2018.
Workshop: Materiality of the past. Regional antiquarianism and medieval numismatics in Arnstadt around 1700, led by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 25 January 2018.
Workshop: The whole world in Gotha. Spatial constructions and cartographic knowledge in the 19th-20th centuries, led by Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha) and Marie de Rugy (Cambridge), 6 March 2018.
International conference: Transimperial Cooperation and Transfers in the Age of Colonial Globalisation, chaired by Christian Methfessel (Erfurt), Florian Wagner (Erfurt), 22-24 March 2018.
Workshop: History(s) across spaces and times. Translocal perspectives on global space-times, led by Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Sebastian Dorsch (Erfurt), 26-27 April 2018.
Workshop: Selbstzeugnisse, Chair: Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), 18 May 2018.
Workshop: International Workshop: Mapping Asia. The Case of India and Indochina, led by Kapil Raj (EHESS Paris), Marie de Rugy (University of Cambridge), Iris Schröder (Gotha Research Centre), 25-26 October 2018. As part of the exhibition for the 9th "Gothaer Kartenwochen": Meridian Gotha. On the triangulation and surveying of Thuringia around 1800, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 10 September-28 October 2018.
International conference: In the middle of Germany - in the middle of war? Life and action in an exceptional situation, 1618-1648, chaired by Markus Meumann (Erfurt/Gotha), Astrid Ackermann (Jena), Julia Schmidt-Funke (Gotha) and Siegrid Westphal (Osnabrück), 12-14 September 2018.
Workshop: Second Writing Workshop History of Psychology, led by Verena Lehmbrock (Erfurt/Gotha), Carola Oßmer (Lüneburg) and Laurens Schlicht (Berlin), 25 to 26 September 2018.
Workshop: Civil Enlightenment Society or State within the State. New research on the Illuminati Order in its late phase, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Markus Meumann (Erfurt/Gotha) and Olaf Simons (Gotha), 16 November 2018.
Workshop: Duke Ernst Scholarship Holder Workshop, with presentations by: Francesco Berno (Rome), Felicity Loughlin (Edinburgh), Caren Reimann (Würzburg), Claudia Kreklau (Atlanta) and Magdalena Fricke (Leipzig), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 18 May 2017.
Workshop: Alchemy, led by Martin Mulsow and Thomas Moenius, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 13 June 2017.
Workshop: Gotha und die naturwissenschaftlichen Journale um 1800. Das "Magazin für das Neueste aus der Physik und Naturgeschichte", seminar room of the Gotha Research Centre, led by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Olaf Simons (Gotha), 23 June 2017.
Workshop: Between Butus and Syracuse. The Order of the Illuminati in Central Germany,
Final workshop of the DFG project "Illuminati Essays of the Late Enlightenment", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Markus Meumann (Gotha), Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Olaf Simons (Gotha), 30 June 2017.
International conference: False princesses, charlatans and self-proclaimed experts. Hochstapler in neuzeitlichen Gesellschaften, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Markus Meumann (Erfurt/Gotha); also 3rd alumni meeting of the Herzog Ernst Scholarship Programme of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, 10-12 July 2017.
International conference: Translating Babel. Religion and Translation in the Early Modern Period, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Lucinda Martin (Gotha), 20-22 July 2017.
Series of events as part of the 8th Gotha Map Weeks: Ethiopia in Gotha, 18 September to 29 October 2017 (organised by: Gotha Research Centre, Gotha Research Library):
International conference: Religious Media Conflicts in the Early Modern Period, organised by Kai Merten (Erfurt) and Claus-Michael Ort (Kiel) in collaboration with the Gotha Research Centre, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 27-29 September 2017.
Workshop for young researchers: Schreibwerkstatt Psychologiegeschichte, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, organised by: Verena Lehmbrock (Erfurt/Gotha), Laurens Schlicht (Berlin) and Carola Oßmer (Lüneburg), 10-11 October 2017.
Conference: The castle as lecture hall. Ludwig Christian Lichtenberg's "Vorlesung über die Naturlehre" und die residenzstädtische Wissensproduktion um 1800, conference of the Gotha Collection and Research Network, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Gunhild Berg (Halle), Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha) and Julia Schmidt-Funke (Gotha), 23-24 October 2017.
Conference: Alchemy in Text, Image and Music: 400 Years of Michael Maier's Atalanta fugiens, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Gotha), Rainer Werthmann (Kassel), 1 November 2017.
Conference: Heumann's 'Collegium Juris naturae'. Zugänge zu einem noch unbekanntenManuskript, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Frank Grunert (Halle), Knud Haakonssen (Erfurt), Martin Mulsow (Erfurt), 8 November 2017.
Lecture: Alexander Schunka (Berlin): "Wassermangel im frühneuzeitlichen Sachsen-Gotha. Perspectives on the history of resources", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 12 January 2017.
Lecture: Dagmar Schäfer (Berlin): "Der Kosmos der Seidenwürmer: Textilien und Naturvorstellungen im China des 12.-14. Jhd.", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 26 January 2017.
Lecture: Cornel Zwierlein (Bochum): "Chaplains and merchants of the Levant Company as religious scholars in the 17th and 18th centuries", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 25 April 2017.
Lecture: Graciela Silvestri (La Plata/Argentina): "Empathy and Distance. Two Forms of Understanding Fluvial Landscapes", in cooperation with the Laborgruppe Kulturtechniken, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 27 April 2017.
Lecture: Gianna Pomata (Baltimore), Case and Portrait: the Focus on Individuality in Early Modern Medicine and Art, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 10 May 2017.
Lecture: Damien Tricoire (Halle): "Christian Terror. Ivan the Terrible in the Age of Apocalyptic Expectations", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 15 June 2017.
Lecture: Michael Matzke (Basel): "In search of authentic antiquity. Giovanni da Cavino and the Paduans", as part of the DFG project Jacopo Strada's Magnum ac Novum Opus, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 29 June 2017.
Lecture: Andreas Kilcher (Zurich): "The Originality of the Secondary. Gershom Scholem's theory of commentary", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 20 October 2017.
Lecture: Sandro Jung (Glasgow): "Developments in the Eighteenth-Century. Illustration of German-language Poetry", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 7 December 2017.
Lecture: Knud Haakonssen (Erfurt/St. Andrews): "Eclecticism as method, style, and attitude: The case of Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754)", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 7 January 2016.
Lecture: John-Paul Ghobrial (Oxford): "In the Footsteps of Elias of Babylon. A Global Microhistory of Eastern Christianity", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 14 January 2016.
Lecture: Morgan Labbé (Paris): "An Atlas in Times of War: The Geographical-Statistical Atlas of Eugeniusz Romer", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 4 February 2016.
Lecture: Fabrizio Baldassarri (Gotha): "From scientia de anima to sciences of life. The basic functions of the vegetative soul in Descartes' natural philosophy", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 3 March 2016.
Lecture: Yann Calbérac (Reims/Erfurt): "Fieldwork and Actor Network Theory", (as part of the workshop Field-Work - Terrains de recherche - Feld-Forschung, in cooperation with the Erfurt Laborgruppe Kulturtechniken), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 12 May 2016.
Lecture: Anne Volvey (Arras): "'Glissements de terrain'. On the Aesthetics of Spatial Knowledge Between Art and Geography" (as part of the workshop Field-Work - Terrains de recherche - Feld-Forschung, in cooperation with the Erfurt Laborgruppe Kulturtechniken), 12 May 2016.
Lecture: Manfred Frank (Tübingen): "'Reduplicative Identity'. The key to Schelling's mature Philosophy", 19 May 2016.
Lecture: Gert Melville (Dresden): "From the closed to the open world. Kartographische Vorstellungen an der Schwelle vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit" (as part of the workshop Kartographien zeitlicher Dynamik), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 2 June 2016.
Lecture: Hubertus Büschel (Groningen): "Hitler's noble diplomat: The Duke of Coburg and the Third Reich', Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 9 June 2016.
Lecture: Stefan Hanß (Cambridge): "Bar actors in the early modern period" (as part of the workshop "An den Haaren herbeigezogen. On the cultural and knowledge history of hair), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 9 June 2016.
Lecture: Angelika Epple (Bielefeld): "Umkämpfte globale, nationale und lokale Ordnungen. Comparative practices in the context of the Spanish-American-Cuban War of 1898", 16 June 2016.
Lecture: Eckhart Hellmuth (Munich): "Human Rights in the Context of the Enlightenment", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 23 June 2016.
Lecture: Peter Burschel (Wolfenbüttel): "Zur kulturellen Codierung von Hautfarben in der Frühen Neuzeit", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 17 October 2016.
Lecture: Emma Spary (Cambridge): "Order and Object. Constructing Collections in late 18th century France", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 10 November 2016.
Lecture: Ina Prinz (Bonn): "Rechenknechte und Rechenmeister. Rechenbücher der Frühen Neuzeit aus der Sammlung des Arithmeums", Gothaer Vorträge zur Bildungsgeschichte (in cooperation with the Gotha Research Library), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 22 November 2016.
Workshop: Papieruniversum Gotha,led by Karin Kröger (Erfurt), Nina Wiedemeyer (Erfurt), in cooperation with the Erfurt Lab Group Cultural Techniques, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 21-23 April 2016.
Workshop: Field-Work - Terrains de recherche - Feld-Forschung, Gotha, Directed by Yann Calbérac (Reims), Jörg Dünne (Erfurt) and Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), in cooperation with the Erfurt Lab Group Cultural Techniques, 12-13 May 2016.
Workshop: Cartographies of temporal dynamics. 10th Workshop of Erfurt SpaceTime Research, chaired by Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Christian Holtorf (Coburg) and Sebastian Dorsch (Erfurt/Gotha), in cooperation with Coburg University of Applied Sciences, 2 - 3 June 2016.
Workshop: "Pulling your hair out". On the cultural and knowledge history of hair, Gotha Research Centre, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Professor Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 9 June 2016.
Workshop: Wissensdinge, Gotha Research Centre, chaired by Iris Schröder, in cooperation with the German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven and the Göttingen Postgraduate School of Humanities (GSGG) "Materialität des Wissens", 30 June-1 July 2016.
Conference: Towards a Global History of Ideas, Max-Weber-Kolleg at the University of Erfurt, chaired by Professor Dr Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Benjamin Steiner (Erfurt), in cooperation with the Kollegforschergruppe "Religiöse Individualisierung in historischer Perspektive", 7-9 July 2016.
Series of events: 7th Gotha Map Weeks, From the workshop of the Gotha cartographer Bruno Hassenstein (1839-1902), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 10 October-20 November 2016. selection:
Workshop: Objects in Translation, Gotha, chaired by Emma Spary (Cambridge), Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha) and Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 11 November 2016.
International Conference: All in All. Die Gedankenwelt des mystischen Philosophen Jacob Böhme, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Dr Lucinda Martin, Dr Claudia Brink (University of Dresden) and Dr Cecilia Muratori (University of Warwick), 16-18 November 2016.
International Workshop: Morelly and his Sources. A Symposium with John Jeremiah Sullivan, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 5-6 December.
International Conference: Divine Wisdom and Worldly Knowledge: Scholarly Culture and Religious Reform in the Seventeenth Century, Gotha Research Centre, chaired by Lucina Martin, 5-6 December 2016.
Workshop: The Reconstruction of Alchemical Processes, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 13 December 2016.
Perthes research seminar: Nils Bennemann, "Die technischen Rheinstrombefahrungskommissionen 1849-1908: Knowledge production, Rhine cartography and hydraulic engineering', 8 January 2015.
Lecture: Dieter Langewiesche (Tübingen): Lay historiography with high standards. Natural scientists explain history, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 15 January 2015.
Lecture: Thoralf Klein (Loughborough): East Asia and global history: China in global news communication, 1850-1970, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 22 January 2015.
Perthes research seminar: Wolfgang Struck, "Berichte über 'Märtyrer deutscher Wissenschaft' in Petermanns Geographischen Mitteilungen (1855-1878)", 29 January 2015.
Lecture: Nadin Heé (Berlin): Das Wissen um die Eroberung der Meere: Die japanischen Fischereikriege aus globaler Perspektive, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 3 February 2015.
Lecture: Benjamin Kaplan (New York/London): Religious Violence in the Age of Enlightenment, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 5 February 2015.
Lecture: Hans-Dietrich Schultz (Berlin): "'Ein wachsendes Volk braucht Raum' - Die deutsche Geographie vor, im und nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 9 April 2015.
Lecture: Andreas Christoph (Jena): "Der Globus als Weltenmodell - Historische Einblicke und virtuelle Perspektiven", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 23 April 2015.
Lecture: Jürgen Müller (Dresden): "'cazzon da mulo' - Reflections on linguistic and pictorial humour in Caravaggio's 'Boy, bitten by a lizard'", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 23 April 2015.
Lecture: Benjamin Steiner (Frankfurt a.M./Erfurt): "Engineering Empire. Large-scale projects, global material cultures and local identities in the French colonial space (1608-1804)", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 11 June 2015.
International Workshop: Lines. RaumZeitliche Perspektiven organised by the Erfurter RaumZeit-Gruppe (ERZ) in cooperation with the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt and the Gotha Research Centre, chaired by Sebastian Dorsch (Erfurt), Jutta Vinzent (Birmingham/MWK Erfurt), 18-19 June 2015.
Lecture: John A. McCarthy (Nashville/Tennessee): "Thinking, writing, reading, acting ethically. Sources and Context of Illuminati Essay Writing", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 25 June 2015.
Lecture: Daniel Tröhler (Luxembourg): "Historische Bildungsforschung und die Alchemie der Curricula", in cooperation with the Gotha Research Library, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 1 July 2015.
Lecture: Claire Gantet (Fribourg): "Gelehrte Journale und Formen des wissenschaftlichen Austausches", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 3 July 2015.
Lecture: Sebastian Conrad (Berlin): "Die globale Revolution der Zeitregime im 19. Jahrhundert", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 4 July 2015.
Lecture: Anke te Heesen (Berlin): "'To Climb Into Other People's Head' - Thomas Kuhn, the History of Science and the Interview", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 5 November 2015.
Lecture: Christian Holtorf (Coburg): "Die Bilder der Arktis. On the history of knowledge of space and time", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 11 November 2015.
Lecture: Kapil Raj (Paris): "Imperialism, intercultural encounter and the mapping of South and Central Asia", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 19 November 2015.
Lecture: Willem Frijhoff (Rotterdam): "Multilingualism and plurilingualism - language use, teaching and proficiency in the Dutch Republic as social and cultural assets (17th-18th centuries)", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 8 December 2015.
Workshop: The importance of small things. Gems and other miniatures in antiquity and the early modern period, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 2 February 2015.
Workshop: Revisiting Humboldtian Science, chaired by Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Nils Güttler (Zurich), 12-13 February 2015.
International conference: Pietism in Thuringia - Pietism from Thuringia. Interactions of a religious reform movement in Central Germany in the 17th and 18th centuries, in cooperation with the Francke Foundations in Halle, Chair: Sascha Salatowsky (Gotha), Alexander Schunka (Erfurt/Gotha), 12-14 March 2015.
Workshop: Perthes workshops for young researchers and postdocs at the Gotha Research Centre (FZG) of the University of Erfurt, chaired by Norman Henniges, 26 March 2015.
International conference: Ludolf and Wansleben. Oriental Studies, Politics and History between Gotha and Africa 1650-1700, organised in cooperation with Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Asaph Ben-Tov (Erfurt/Gotha), Jan Loop (Canterbury) and Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 11-13 May 2015.
International Workshop: Specimen, Text, Image: Herbaria and Paper Technology, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Alix Cooper (New York/Berlin), Volker Hess (Berlin), 5-6 June 2015.
International conference: Essays as Media of Character Formation and Human Leadership in the Late Enlightenment, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Markus Meumann (Gotha), Olaf Simons (Gotha), 25-27 June 2015.
Conference: Citizens Arts Science. Citizen Science in Culture and the Humanities, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by René Smolarski and Kristin Oswald, 21-23 September 2015.
Workshop: Military knowledge from the 16th to the 19th century, Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt (FZG), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by André Bochynski (Erfurt/Gotha), Oliver Kann (Erfurt/Gotha), Michael Schwarz (Erfurt/Gotha), Markus Meumann (Gotha), Alexander Schunka (Berlin/Erfurt/Gotha), 24-25 September 2015.
International conference: German Pornography in the Enlightenment, chaired by Dirk Sangmeister and Martin Mulsow, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 21-23 October 2015.
Series of events: 6th Gotha Map Weeks: Die Welt in der Hand - 12 chapters from the history of the Stieler Hand-Atlas, joint event series of the Gotha Research Centre and Gotha Research Library, 12 October-22 November 2015.
Lecture: Rudolf Schlögl (Constance): Space as a twofold problem: of theory and of early modern society, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 9 January 2014.
Lecture: Caspar Hirschi (Zurich): Knowledge through tribunals. The court as epistemic authority and methodological reference in the 18th century, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 14 January 2014.
Lecture: Christoph Nübel (Berlin): Raum und Militärgeschichte am Beispiel des Stellungskrieges 1914-1918, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 4 February 2014.
Lecture: Mark Greengrass (Sheffield): Travelling Scientifically in Early-Modern Europe, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 26 February 2014.
Lecture: Ute Schneider (Essen): Configuring Territoriality: The International World Map (IWK) in the 20th Century, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 29 April 2014.
Lecture: Mary Lindemann (Miami): "Classical" versus Merchant Republicanism: Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Hamburg, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 1648-1790, 21 May 2014.
Lecture: Irina Podgorny (Weimar): Bone trade. South American fossils in the early 19th century sponsored by the Mercator Foundation, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 10 June 2014.
Lecture: Avner Ben-Zaken (Erfurt): Clues beneath the Lamp. On Copernicus's magical "Other", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 17 June 2014.
Lecture: Ruth Schilling (Berlin) "Wintergärten" und Lokalfloren: Raumbezüge und Wissensordnungen in frühneuzeitlichen Herbarien gefördert von der Stiftung Mercator, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 19 June 2014.
Lecture: Simon Schaffer (Cambridge): Optical philosophy and the republic of letters, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 24 June 2014.
Lecture: Vincent Houben (Berlin): Southeast Asia and Global History, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 1 July 2014.
Lecture: Emma Spary (Cambridge): "Artificial fruits: Nature, culture and colonialism in eighteenth-century France, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 15 July 2014.
Lecture: Gerd Schwerhoff (Dresden) Lust for Blasphemy? On the culture of invective in the early modern period, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 17 July 2014.
Lecture: Hartmut Kaelble (Berlin): How to write a global social history of the 20th century? Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 14 October 2014.
Lecture: Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann (Berlin): Johann Valentin Andreae: Rosicrucian and political theologian, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 4 November 2014.
Lecture: Daniel Hedinger (Munich): The dream of a new world order. The Tokyo - Rome - Berlin Axis, 1931-1942, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 18 November 2014.
Workshop: Mark Greengrass (Sheffield): Christendom Destroyed. A History of Europe (1517-1648), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 2 April 2014.
Conference: The Christian Turks - Cultural Encounters in Eastern Europe Chaired by: Tijana Krstic (Budapest), Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Gerard Wiegers (Amsterdam) in cooperation with the University of Budapest and the University of Amsterdam, funded by HERA, location: Central European University, Budapest, Center for Religious Studies, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 23-24 May 2014.
Conference: International Conference Books in Motion in Early Modern Europe. Beyond Production, Circulation and Consumption Chaired by Daniel Bellingradt (Erfurt), Jeroen Salman (Utrecht) in collaboration with the University of Utrecht, funded by the DFG, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 28-31 May 2014.
Working discussion: In Transit. Information Networks, Instrumentation, and Global Sciences, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Simon Schaffer (Cambridge), 25 June 2014.
Workshop: In Transit. Information Networks, Instrumentation and global Sciences, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Simon Schaffer (Cambridge), 25 June 2014.
Workshop: International Organisations and Spaces of Knowledge Chaired by Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Hubertus Büschel (Gießen), Christian Methfessel (Erfurt), Jonas Brendebach (Florence) in collaboration with the GCSC of the University of Gießen and the EUI (HEC) Florence, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 24-25 July 2014.
Conference: International conference Raumzeitlichkeit des Imperialen, Coelicum Erfurt / Spiegelsaal Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Holt Meyer, Susanne Rau, Sabine Schmolinsky, Katharina Waldner (all Erfurt), funded by the TMBWK, the DFG and the University of Erfurt's focus on religion, 8-11 October 2014.
Series of events: 5th Gotha Map Weeks: In Humboldt's Footsteps, 13 October-23 November 2014. et al:
Exhibition: In Humboldt's Footsteps, curated by Reiner Prass (Erfurt), opening with a keynote speech by Ottmar Ette (Potsdam): Cartographies (of) movement. Alexander von Humboldt's life science, 13 October 2014.
Lecture: Felix Driver (London): Intermediaries and the archive of exploration. Hidden histories?, 23 October 2014.
Lecture: Gerd Spittler (Bayreuth): Heinrich Barth as a traveller and scholar in Africa, 29 October 2014.
International Workshop: Revisiting Humboldtian Science, 6-7 November 2014, chaired by Nils Güttler (Zurich), Iris Schröder (postponed to 12-13 February 2015 due to rail strike).
Lecture: Rebekka Habermas (Göttingen): Born to go wild. Adventurers, missionaries, explorers and other travellers in the 19th century, 6 November 2014.
Reading: "In Humboldt's footsteps. A reading from travelogues and diaries", 12 November 2014.
Book presentation: The Holy Land in Gotha, together with keynote speech: Folker Reichert (Stuttgart): Money, patience, faith. The journey to the Holy Sepulchre according to certificates in Gotha, 19 November 2014.
Lecture: Antje Flüchter (Heidelberg): Transcultural dynamics and multiple demarcations. Conceptualisation and differentiation of religion in the writings of early modern Jesuits. A project presentation, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 14 January 2013.
Lecture: Suraiya Faroqhi (Istanbul): What could be learnt in Vienna. Ottoman ambassadors and European politics in the 'long' XVIIIth century. Jahrhundert, in cooperation with the Max-Weber-Kolleg, Erfurt, 4 February 2013.
Lecture: Maciej Ptaszyński (Warsaw): Narcissism of small differences. Why Socinians were expelled from Poland, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 11 March 2013.
Lecture: Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger (Münster): Entscheidung durch das Los - Zum Umgang mit Kontingenz in der Frühen Neuzeit, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 29 April 2013.
Lecture: Christine Lebeau (Paris): Translatio imperii and imperial knowledge. Vienna / Milan in the 18th century, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 13 May 2013.
Lecture: Stefan Brakensiek (Essen): Genealogy as a courtly-scholarly form of knowledge. Dresden and Turin in the 16th and 17th centuries, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 27 May 2013.
Lecture: Sebastian Kühn (Berlin): Kitchen politics. An Approach to Subaltern Knowledge Circulation in Courtly Contexts of the 17th and 18th Centuries, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 12 June 2013.
Lecture: Jeroen Salman (Utrecht): The International and Intermedial Dimensions of Popularisation Strategies in Print Culture (1700-1900) in collaboration with the Department of History, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 1 July 2013.
Lecture: Horst Carl (Gießen): Landfrieden und politische Raumbildung in der Frühen Neuzeit, in collaboration with the History Department of the University of Erfurt, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 27 November 2013.
Lecture: Thomas Kaufmann (Göttingen): Luther's view of Islam and Judaism, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 16 December 2013.
Conference: Conference Geheime Post. Kryptologie und Steganographie der diplomatischen Korrespondenz europäischer Höfe während der Frühen Neuzeit in Kooperation mit der Kollegforschergruppe "Religiöse Individualisierung in historischer Perspektive", gefördert vom Rotary Club Gotha, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Leitung: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Anne-Simone Rous (Gotha), 14-16 February 2013.
Conference: Conference Mixed Courts: Dynasty, Politics, and Religion in the Early Modern World in cooperation with the German Historical Institute London, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Alexander Schunka (Erfurt/Gotha), Benjamin Marschke (Arcata, USA), Michael Schaich (London), 14-16 March 2013.
Workshop: Die Dynamik des Polemischen im Spätmittelalter und in der Frühen Neuzeit, Erfurt, Chair: Matthias Rekow (Gotha), Anne Weinbrecht (Erfurt) (in cooperation with the History Department of the University of Erfurt), 16-18 May 2013.
Conference: Tolerance of religious diversity - concern for the true religion. Tolerance Debates in the Early Modern Period Conference of the Gotha Research Library in cooperation with the Philipps University of Marburg and the Gotha Research Centre, funded by the Thuringian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Winfried Schröder (Marburg), Sascha Salatowsky (Gotha), 22-24 July 2013.
Conference: International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS) Early Career Seminar Exploring the Early Modern Underground: Freethinkers, Heretics, Spies / La face cachée des Lumières: libres penseurs, hérétiques, espions, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 26-30 August 2013.
Series of events: 4th Gotha Map Weeks, including The Holy Land in Gotha - Exhibition - Exhibition Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 27 August-13 October 2013.
Lecture: 2nd Gotha Job-Ludolf Lecture Peter N. Miller (New York): Antiquitates - Historische Hilfswissenschaften - Kulturgeschichte - Material Culture. A Genealogy, 23 October 2013.
Former students meeting with workshop: An Intellectual History of Material Culture 1600-1900, chaired by Peter N. Miller (New York), 24 October 2013.
Workshop: Collection Economies. Vom Wert wissenschaftlicher Dinge, Teil 1: Sammeln und Markt seit dem späten 18. Jahrhundert, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Nils Güttler (Gotha), Ina Heumann (Berlin), in collaboration with Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Susanne Rau (Erfurt), Petra Weigel (Gotha) and the Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung Berlin, funded by the Thuringian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, 21-22 November 2013.
Workshop: Working on site, working on space. Geographische Expertisen zwischen den Weltregionen, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Iris Schröder (Erfurt/Gotha), Sebastian Dorsch (Erfurt), in cooperation with Erfurter RaumZeit-Forschung (ERZ), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), 2 December 2013.
Conference: Material Culture Research - An Interim Balance. Zum epistemischen Gewinn einer neuen Perspektive, in cooperation with the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) of the Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU), funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Annette Cremer (Giessen), 5-7 December 2013.
Lecture: Olaf Breidbach (Jena): Athanasius Kircher. Universal science as an early modern cultural technique, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 3 May 2012.
Lecture: Thomas Biskup (Hull): Imperial Interdependencies. Natural history in German-English scholarly networks in the second half of the 18th century, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 21 May 2012.
Lecture: Silvia Berti (Rome): Dissimulation or Overt Irreligiosity: The Choice of the Radical Enlightenment, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 4 June 2012.
Lecture: Heikki Lempa (Bethlehem, PA): Honour and Merit in Eighteenth-Century Germany, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 25 June 2012.
Lecture: Anthony Grafton (Princton): The Jewish Pandects. The Story of how the Talmud came to be seen as a Counterpart to the Digest of the Roman Law, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 2 July 2012.
Lecture: Bernd Roeck (Zurich): The Renaissance and the Rise of the West. Reflections on a major theme, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 9 July 2012.
Lecture: Friedrich Vollhardt (Munich): Spirit and letter. Sebastian Franck's Critique of Scripture, the Controversies in the Early Reformation and Some of the Consequences Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 13 November 2012.
Lecture: Andreas Pečar (Halle): The Enlightenment: pre-modernity or modernity? A plea for a change of perspective, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 4 December 2012.
Lecture: Holger Zaunstöck (Halle): "Bridges - Education. Fields of the scientific and cultural work of the Francke Foundations in Halle, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 13 December 2012.
Conference: Working meeting of the "Socinianism Research in Germany" network, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 13 January 2012.
Conference: How to write an intellectual biography from the archive? (with German Literature Archive Marbach), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Ulrich Raulff (Marbach), 23 February 2012.
Conference: What may be considered scholarly. Practices of demarcation in scholarly milieus of the pre-modern era, Göttingen, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Frank Rexroth (Göttingen), 29 February-2 March 2012.
Conference: Visualising Data Resources. The Potential of a Wikimedia Platform for the Digital Humanities, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Olaf Simons (Gotha) in cooperation with Wikimedia Deutschland, 27-28 April 2012.
Conference: Religiöse Verflechtung und Individualisierung, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Jörg Rüpke (Erfurt), 9 May 2012.
Summer Seminar: 1st Gotha Summer Seminar Alchemical Manuscripts and Prints of the Early Modern Period, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Joachim Telle (Heidelberg), 10-14 September 2012.
Series of events: 3rd Gotha Map Weeks, including Ex Africa semper aliquid novi - Aus Afrika immer etwas Neues Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 15 October-25 November 2012. selection:
Conference: Pietism and Economics, c. 1650 -1750, Mainz, chaired by Wolfgang Breul (Mainz), Peter Reifenberg (Mainz), Alexander Schunka (Erfurt/Gotha), 1-3 November 2012.
Conference: Cosmopolitanism and Universality. Münzkabinette und Numismatik im Zeitalter des Barock, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Wolfgang Steguweit (Gotha), 22-23 November 2012.
Lecture: Stefan Reichmuth (Bochum): The network approach in biographical research on the early modern period using the example of an 18th-century Islamic scholar, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 18 January 2011.
Lecture: H.C. Erik Midelfort (Virginia): Looking for Lucretius in Early Modern Germany, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 26 January 2011.
Lecture: Johann Anselm Steiger (Hamburg): Friedrich Breckling. Zur Physiognomie eines Mystikers und Nonkonformisten des 17. Jahrhunderts, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 16 March 2011.
Lecture: David Sabean (UCLA): Thoughts on Incest Spiegelsaal der Forschungsbibliothek, Gotha Research Library, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 31 March 2011.
Lecture: Terence McIntosh (Chapel Hill): Philipp Jakob Spener and the Jurist's Critique of Lutheran Confessional Practice in the Early Enlightenment, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 27 April 2011.
Lecture: Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer (Wolfenbüttel): The future of research libraries, Spiegelsaal der Forschungsbibliothek, Gotha Research Library, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 10 May 2011.
Lecture: Gudrun Gersmann (Paris): Among Barbarians: The Corres pondence of Constance de Salm. The example of a denied cultural transfer in the first half of the 19th century, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 11 May 2011.
Lecture: Benjamin Marschke (Humboldt State University): Creating and abolishing knowledge. Charlatanry, anti-intellectual tendencies and the early Enlightenment at the Prussian court in the early 18th century, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 8 June 2011.
Lecture: Markus Meumann (Halle/Saale): "Genius saeculi" as a historiographical and didactic category in the 17th and 18th centuries, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 16 June 2011.
Lecture: Kurt Flasch (Mainz): An enlightened Mainz theologian reads the Bible, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 1 November 2011.
Lecture: Kurt Flasch (Mainz): A German sermon by Meister Eckhart, Erfurt, 2 November 2011.
Conference: Clandestine Literature of Erfurt Authors and Publishers in the Age of the French Revolution (1780-1806), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Dirk Sangmeister (Nicosia), Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 10-12 November 2011.
Lecture: Robert Darnton (Harvard): Blogging now and then, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 10 November 2011.
Lecture: Howard Hotson (Oxford): Hugh Trevor-Roper's Three Foreigners Revisited: Vulgar Baconianism, Central Europe and the Origins of the Royal Society, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 14 November 2011.
Lecture: Sven Externbrink (Marburg): Diplomatie und Gelehrtenrepublik zwischen Konfessionellem Zeitalter und Frühaufklärung. Ezechiel Spanheim's European network, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 22 November 2011.
Lecture: Winfried Schröder (Marburg): Pagani ante Portas: Die philosophische Untergrundliteratur und die Wiederentdeckung der antiken Christentumskritik, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 15 December 2011.
Conference: Apologie/Rettung/Vindicatio: Zu einer beinahe vergessenen Gattung der Frühen Neuzeit, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Michael Multhammer 24-25 February 2011.
Exhibition: Friedrich Breckling (1629 - 1711): Preacher, "truth witness" and mediator of Pietism in Dutch exile. Event organised in cooperation with the Gotha Research Library and Gotha Research Centre and the Francke Foundations in Halle, Mirror Hall of the Research Library, 17 March-17 April 2011.
Series of events: 2nd Gotha Map Weeks in cooperation with the Gotha Perthes Collection of the Research Library, 23 May-3 July 2011. selection:
Exhibition: Botanical Images of the World, Exhibition Botanical Images of the World Oscar Drude and the Plant Geographical Maps of the Perthes Collection, Gotha Perthes Collection, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 23 May-3 July 2011.
Conference: What is the history of knowledge? Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Tilman Reitz , Alexander Schmidt, Steffen Siegel (Laboratorium Aufklärung, Jena), 23-24 June 2011.
Conference: The Construction of a European Consciousness: from the Baroque to 1920, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Eckhard Leuschner (Erfurt), Sabine Frommel (Paris), Leszek Kanczugowski (Paris), 27-29 October 2011.
Conference: Medien höfischer Kommunikation - Ihre Formen, Funktionen und Wandlungen am Beispiel des frühneuzeitlichen Gothaer Hofes, Gotha Research Library, Chair: Axel Walter (Klaipeda/Osnabrück), 17-19 November 2011.
Lecture series: Professor: Jan Assmann (Heidelberg):
Lecture: Lorraine Daston (Berlin): Scientific observation as a way of life, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 04 February 2010.
Lecture: Patricia Crone (Princeton): Who were the deniers of the afterlife in the Qur'an? Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 06 April 2010.
Lecture: Wolfgang Breul (Mainz): Pietist Non kon for mis mus? Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 19 May 2010.
Lecture: Jonathan Sheehan (Berkeley): Theology and Polemic, or, Did Martyrs Die for their Beliefs? Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 27 May 2010.
Lecture: Winfried Schulze (Bochum): My Early Modern Period. Review and Perspectives, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 20 October 2010.
Lecture: Reinhard Brandt (Marburg): New Examples and Reflections on Constellation 1, 2, 3 / 4, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 9 November 2010.
Lecture: Beatrice Gründler (Yale): Early Islamic Book Culture, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 15 November 2010.
Lecture: Martin Jay (Berkeley): Context and "the Event". The Challenge of Recent French Theory to Historicism, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 6 December 2010.
Lecture: Olga Fejtová (Prague): Bourgeois Book Culture on the Path from the Baroque to the Enlightenment, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 8 December 2010.
Conference: The problematic prophet. The biblical figure of Jonah in exegesis, theology, literature and the fine arts, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Ulrich Heinen (Wuppertal), Wilhelm Kühlmann (Heidelberg), Johann Anselm Steiger (Hamburg), 23-26 March 2010.
Conference: The End of the Library? Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Uwe Jochum (Constance), Armin Schlechter (Speyer), 22-23 April 2010.
Workshop: Inter arma silent litterae? Universities in the Thirty Years' War, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Matthias Asche, Marian Füssel, Thomas Kossert, (Working Group Military and Society in the Early Modern Period), 6-7 May 2010.
Series of events: 1st Gotha Map Weeks, The cartographer of the cold. How August Petermann invented the North Pole 31 May-18 July 2010. selection:
Conference: Antiquarianism and the Republic of Letters, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), Ann Blair (Harvard), Anthony Grafton (New York), William Stenhouse, 06-07 July 2010.
Workshop: Laukhard in the Underground. Zur Situation der deutschen Radikalaufklärung in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Guido Naschert (Gotha), 08-09 July 2010.
Conference: Model Gotha. Wissenskultur am protestantischen Hof um 1700, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 28-30 October 2010.
Founding meeting: Netzwerk Frühneuzeit-Orientalistik, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 20 November 2010.
Lecture: Peter Burke (Cambridge): The rise and fall of the European polymath, 1600-2000, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 07 May 2009.
Lecture: Carlo Ginzburg (Pisa): The Letter Kills. On Some Implications of 2 Corint hians 3, 6, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 15 June 2009.
Lecture: Kurt Flasch (Mainz): Aufklärung und historisches Bewußtsein in der Mainzer Theologie des 18. Jahrhunderts, Campus Erfurt, 25 June 2009.
Reading: Kurt Flasch (Mainz) / Ruedi Imbach (Paris): Lectura Dantis - Inferno V and XXVI - Readings and Interpretations of Dante's "Divine Comedy", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 26 June 2009.
Lecture: Jacob Soll (Camden, USA): The Benedictine in His Labyrinth: The Enlightenment Library and the Strange Origins of Modernity, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 1 October 2009.
Lecture: Robert Kolb (Saint-Louis, USA): Luther's Use of Narrative in Preaching and Lecturing, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 04 November 2009.
Lecture: Dag Nikolaus Hasse (Würzburg): Astrology in Byzantium and Arabia, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 01 December 2009.
Workshop: Underground Communication: Spies, Robbers, Freethinkers and Separatists, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 28-29 May 2009.
Workshop: Women at the Gotha Court, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Bärbel Raschke (Munich), 04-05 June 2009.
Workshop: World Fictions, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Jörg Dünne (Erfurt), 03 July 2009.
Workshop: Teaching and Learning in the Age of Reformation. Methods and Functions, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Gerlinde Huber-Rebenich (Jena), 30 October-01 November 2009.
Workshop: In search of the author of religious books. Conference of the project "Religiöse Buchpraxis der Frühen Neuzeit", Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Direction: Patrice Veit (Paris), Thomas Kaufmann (Göttingen), 8-11 November 2009.
Workshop: Socialisation among absentees: Spaces of the clandestine underground in the early modern period, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, Chair: Martin Mulsow (Erfurt/Gotha), 10-11 December 2009.
Lecture: Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann (Berlin): Die christliche Kabbala der Frühen Neuzeit, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 13 October 2008.
Lecture: Wilhelm Kühlmann (Heidelberg): Cagliostro in Mitau, Elisa von der Recke and Friedrich Nicolai - Motives and Contexts of a Rationalist Self-Enlightenment (1779 - 1787), Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 28 October 2008.
Lecture: Klaus Garber (Osnabrück): The young category of the early modern period and the introduced epochal nomenclatures. A literary-historical review, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, 10 November 2008.
Workshop: Images of Rome: The Acerra Philologica and Ancient Rome in the Early Modern Period, Friedenstein Castle Gotha, chaired by Veit Rosenberger (Erfurt), 10-12 July 2008.
Opening: Opening of the Gotha Research Centre with guided tours of the Pagenhaus, 09 October 2008.