Faculty of Philosophy, Historisches Seminar, Studies, Events

Pink (K)Night – Aufklärungsveranstaltung zum gesellschaftlichen Bedeutungswandel der Farbe Rosa

11. Dec 2024, 7.00 pm - 8.30 pm
Queeres Zentrum (Johannesstraße 52)
Students in cooperation with the Queer Centre Erfurt
Event type
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An event organised by students from the seminar "Zeitgeschichte queer gelesen" in cooperation with the Queer Centre Erfurt.

Information from the organisers

As part of the seminar "East German contemporary history read queerly", we will be looking at the change in meaning of the colour pink from a delicate hint to the development of a protest colour and the history of the Pink Angle. We are looking forward to an informative evening with invited experts, snacks and many happy participants.

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