Examination board M.A.

Please send all enquiries and applications to the M.A. Examination Board to the Clerk!

News & Resolutions

Corona pandemic restrictions

Due to the current restrictions with regard to the Corona pandemic and the associated measures to restrict contact, it is requested that applications to be submitted to the MA Examination Committee be sent by post or digitally if possible until further notice.

In addition, it is possible to drop them in the night mailbox at the main entrance or in the mailbox at the dean's office.


Resolution of the M-PA on the submission of MA theses via Wiseflow (from WS 2021/22).

  1. The M-Examination Committee decides that starting with the winter semester 2020/21 all master theses must be submitted digitally as PDF via the WISEFlow platform. The plagiarism check of all submitted theses will be carried out uniformly via the software implemented on the platform.
  2. Accordingly, the obligation to submit printed versions will be reduced to only one copy as of the winter semester 2020/21 in deviation from the M-RPO.
  3. The date of receipt of the digital submission via WISEFlow will be assumed as the date of submission of the master's theses. The submission deadline is met if the PDF is uploaded to WISEflow on the last day of the processing deadline. The submission deadline can be viewed via WISEflow; renewals of the processing time granted upon request will be entered accordingly in WISEflow.
  4. In addition to the declaration of honor, the submitted work must contain a declaration of conformity(templates), which assures the conformity of the digital version with the analog version. The declarations must be signed by hand in the deposit copy to be submitted.


Please note the regulations regarding internships that will continue to apply for the summer semester 2021.

According to the decision of the Presidium dated 10.12.2020, the deadlines for submission of Master's theses will be postponed by two weeks to compensate for the disadvantages caused by the closure of the University Library in the period from 04 to 10.01.2021.


Click here for an overview of the Master's programs at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences. The application deadlines run from April 1 to July 15 for the winter semester and from October 1 to January 15 for the summer semester.

In addition, please refer to the instructions of the MA Review Committee for an application to a 1-focus master 's program.


Click here for the Master-FAQs


1. If necessary, specify the requirements to be met using the form enclosed with your acceptance letter with the responsible program officer:

2. Procedure according to form:

  • Part A: Completion and submission by the student to the Deanery + enclosure of the admission letter.
  • Part B: Pre-confirmation by the M.A. Examination Board
  • Part C: Forwarding to instructor for certification.
  • Part D: Forwarding to Study and Teaching for admission file.

The fulfillment of the requirements will be checked after the first year of study and is a prerequisite for the issue of the Master's thesis topic.

Here you will find general information on the recognition procedure.

Please submit applications to the Deanery of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences; inquiries should be directed to the clerk.

Please note that the processing of these procedures is an administrative procedure, which can take up to four weeks!

Here you can find information about the internship according to the M-PO-Sta-2020.

Please note the regulations regarding internships that will continue to apply for the summer semester 2021.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Identification of the topic & agreement with the supervisor to be proposed and the second examiner
  2. Completion of the form and signature of all parties involved
  3. Submission of the complete and signed application together with the certificate of matriculation to the Deanery - usually by 15.03. / 15.09. (Deviations are only possible in exceptional cases upon request!)
  4. Issue of the topic by the MA Examination Committee - usually by 01.04. / 01.10.
  5. Processing time 5 months & submission of the work via WISEflow as well as to the Dean´s office - usually by 31.08. / 28.02.
  6. Evaluation and submission of the expert reports
  7. Issue of the grade certificate by the examination board
  8. Sending to students & reporting to Department 1: Registrar's Office

Further information can be found in the FAQ's

Information on dealing with deceptions can be found here


Postal address

University of Erfurt Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
Deanery / Examination Board M.A.
PO Box 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

In-house PO Box Number: 17


Professorship for Applied Microeconomics
(Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
C03 – teaching building 1 / Raum 0044
Office hours
Thursdays 11-12 a.m. on appointment by email
Profile page


Liska Kübel, B.A.
Administrator for doctoral and habilitation matters as well as BA and MA examination matters
(Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
C03 – teaching building 1 / 0054
Office hours
Mon, Wed and Thu 10-13 and by appointment

Please use the functional addresses of the subject areas to contact me!