Mentor distribution

On this page you will find the distribution of mentors, which is based on the year of your matriculation at the University of Erfurt. If your mentor is no longer working at the University of Erfurt, you will find the reallocation to a new mentor below.

Academic year 2023/24

Major "International Relations"

A-F: Mentor

G-L: Mentor

M-Sch: Mentor

Sh-Z: Mentor

Major "Law"

A - Fi: Mentor

Fr - Jh: Mentor

C - Sh: Mentor

Se - Z: Mentor

Major "Social Sciences"

A - E: Mentor

F - G: Mentor

H - Cl: Mentor

Ko - R: Mentor

S - Z: Mentor

Major "Economics"

A - D: Mentor

F - J: Mentor

K: Mentor

L - M: Mentor

R - S: Mentor

T - Z: Mentor

Academic year 2022/2023

Major "International Relations"

A-Me: Mentor

Mi-Z: Mentor

Major "Law"

A - G: Mentor

H - K: Mentor

L - R: Mentor

S - Z: Mentor

Major "Social Science"

A - C: Mentor

D - G: Mentor

H - Yes: Mentor

Je - M: Mentor

N - Sh: Mentor

Se - T: Mentor

U - Z: Mentor

Major "Economics"

A-E: Mentor

F - G: Mentor

H - K: Mentor

M - R: Mentor

Sch - Si: Mentor

St - Z: Mentor

Academic year 2021/22

Major "International Relations"

A - G: Mentor

H - L: Mentor

M - Scha: Mentor

Scho - Z: Mentor

Major "Law"

A - D: Professor Baldus (see redistribution)

E - J: Professor Blanke (see redistribution)

K - Me: Mentor

Mi - Ri: Mentor

Ro - Z: Mentor

Major "Social Sciences"

A-Ge: Mentor

Gö - H: Mentor

K - Ob: Mentor

Os - Sö: Mentor

Sp - Z: Mentor

Major "Economics"

A - C: Mentor

D - En: Mentor

Es - G: Mentor

H - K: Mentor

L: Professor Rötheli (see redistribution)

M - O: Mentor

P - Scha: Mentor

Schr - Z: Mentor

Academic year 2020/21

Major "International Relations"

A - K: Mentor

L - Z: Mentor

Major "Law"

A - G: Professor Baldus (see redistribution)

H - P: Professor Blanke (see redistribution)

Q - Z: Mentor

Major "Social Sciences"

A - De: Mentor

Do - Ho: Mentor

Hu- Lo: Mentor

Lö - Ph: Mentor

Pr - S: Mentor

T - Z: Professor Thumfart (see redistribution)

Major "Economics"

A - Be: Mentor

D: Mentor

H - K: Mentor

L - O: Mentor

P - R: Professor Wegner (see redistribution)

Sch: Mentor

Se - Z: Mentor

Academic year 2019/2020

Major "International Relations"

A-Br: Mentor

Bü-Mic: Mentor


Major "Law"

A-E: Professor Baldus (see redistribution)

F-M: Professor Blanke (see redistribution)

N-Z: Mentor

Major "Social Science"

A-Fuc: Mentor

Fun-Hua: Mentor

Hun-Pl: Mentor

Pö-Sche: Mentor

Schl-Z: Professor Thumfart (see redistribution)

Major "Economics"

A-D: Mentor

E-G: Mentor

H: Mentor

I-L: Mentor

M-Reic: Mentor

Reih-Schr: Mentor

Schw-Z: Mentor


Redistribution of Professor Baldus' mentees

Academic year 2021 (date of matriculation and registration):

Ba: new mentor

Be: new mentor

Di-Dö: new mentor

Du: new mentor

Academic year 2020 (date of matriculation and registration):

Ba-Bo: new mentor

Br-Bu: new mentor

C-Fe: new mentor

Fr-Gut: new mentor

Academic year 2019 (date of matriculation and registration):

A: new mentor

B: new mentor

C-De: new mentor

Tue-Ew: new mentor

Redistribution of mentees from Professor Blanke

Academic year 2022 (date of matriculation and registration):

H-Kr: new mentor

Academic year 2021 (time of matriculation and registration):

Ba-Je: new mentor

Academic year 2021 (time of matriculation and registration):

Ba-Bo: new mentor

Ha-Po: new mentor

Redistribution of mentees from Professor Rötheli

From 1 April 2023, Professor Rötheli's mentees will be supervised by Professor Rüth. Please contact Mrs Nier to arrange an appointment.

Redistribution of mentees from Professor Wegner

Mentees of Professor Wegner should contact Jan Grundmann, Coordinator of the Economics programme.

Redistribution of Professor Thumfart's mentees

Academic year 2021 (date of matriculation and registration):

Go: new mentor

Gr - Gu: new mentor

Hae: new mentor

Hag - Hay: new mentor

He - Hen: new mentor

Her - Heu: new mentor

Ho - Hu: new mentor

Academic year 2020 (date of matriculation and registration):

Th: new mentor

To - Tó: new mentor

Ts - V: new mentor

Wa: new mentor

We - Wi: new mentor

Wo - Wu: new mentor

Z: new mentor

Academic year 2019 (date of matriculation and registration):

Schl-Schm: new mentor

Schw: new mentor

Sp-St: new mentor

T: new mentor

V: new mentor

W: new mentor

Z: new mentor

Redistribution of Dr Gürerk's mentees

Se - To: new mentor

We - Z: new ment or

14.02.2020 Redistribution of the mentees from Mrs Arian

All enrolment years, Chair of International Relations:

A-Gö: new mentor

Ko-Z: new mentor

07.01.2020 New distribution - Professor Dr Augenhofer's mentees

D-Fei: new mentor

Fer-Koch: new mentor

Kochu-Pra: new mentor


Academic year 2018/2019 and older

If you have any questions regarding the allocation of mentors before the 2018/19 academic year, please contact the Deanery of Political Science withthe following information:

  • Start of studies (SoSe/WS, year)
  • Major field of study
  • Surname, first name
  • Matriculation number.