Please send inquiries in all matters of the examination board B.A. exclusively to the clerk! If you use another mail address of the chair of Prof. Blanke, a processing is not guaranteed.
Please send requests exclusively by post (not by mail). In addition, it is urgently requested that cover letters containing documents also be sent by mail to the address below. Please always include your UE e-mail address in case of queries!
Measures due to the Corona pandemic
Measures due to the Corona pandemic Until further notice, the examination board offers consultation only via e-mail. For this purpose, please use the address of the clerk!
Please read the general information on the recognition of study achievements on E.L.V.I.S. There you can find the form to be used.
Here you can find the guidelines for the recognition of foreign and domestic study achievements of the examination board as well as a sample application for the recognition of examination achievements.
Enclosure: Information on the recognition of credits earned during a semester abroad (ECTS)
Please note that the processing of these procedures is an administrative procedure which can take up to four weeks!
According to an explanation by the Vice President for Studies and Teaching, the regulations of § 15 para. 1 and para. 2 B-RPO as well as § 16 M-RPO will be applied in the future in such a way that module examinations will only be offered twice in each semester. Only those who have failed the first attempt or missed it for a valid reason may take part in the second examination. If, after two examination dates have been offered, a valid reason can be shown for absence from a previous relevant examination date in the same semester, the examination may have to be taken in a later semester. It is the responsibility of the instructor authorized to conduct the examination to decide whether a third examination date will be offered in the current semester, also taking into account the student's semester of study. Otherwise, the possibility of taking the outstanding examination attempt is regularly opened up in the following year at the latest, when the module examination is regularly offered again. Each lecturer is required to inform the students at the beginning of the semester whether more than two examination dates are offered within his/her course in the current semester.
Postal address
Universität Erfurt
Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Prüfungsausschuss B.A.
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
Postfachnummer (intern): 78
Please use the functional addresses of the subject areas to contact me!