Before your studies

Are you thinking about studying Economics, Law and Social Science at the University of Erfurt, but don't know what to expect?


Then simply contact us by e-mail: We will be happy to answer your questions or arrange a phone call.

We (Pauline, Annika and Valentin) are studying different combinations of subjects in our Bachelor's program and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the content of your studies or future opportunities, but also about Erfurt as a city of study or our student life.

We are looking forward to meeting you!


Jetzt E-Mail schreiben!

Interdisciplinary academic advisory at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences

If you have general questions about your studies at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences, for example about the program or your internships, you can contact the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences.

Appointments with Ms. Ostermann or Ms. Kübel should be arranged in advance with the Dean's Office Secretary Ms. Förster. Please also note the indicated office hours.


[Translate to English:] Fragezeichen mit Kreide auf Tafel


Before you contact us for advice, you will also find a number of frequently asked questions answered in our FAQs


Mandy Förster
Mandy Förster
Dean's secretary
(Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)
Office hours
n. V.

General Academic Advising at the University of Erfurt

Anne Zimmermann, M.A.
Student advice and counselling
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – administration building / Erdgeschoss (Haupteingang)
Office hours
in person: Mondays to Thursdays 12-15 p.m. and by appointment

by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30 a.m.
Studierendenangelegenheiten (Dezernat 1: Studium und Lehre)
Student Affairs
(Department 1: Registrar‘s Office)
C02 – administration building / Erdgeschoss (Haupteingang)
Office hours
in person: Monday to Thursday 12-15 hrs and by appointment
by telephone: Monday to Friday 9-11:30


For more information on specific advising, please visit here