As Prof. Kessler is in sabbatical (term), his availability for expert reports and recommendations is limited. Thank you for your understanding!
We are happy to provide an expert report or letter of recommendation for master's programs, scholarships, etc., for which you would like to apply.
Third semester/formulated expert reports for semesters abroad
Here, special attention is paid to the grade of the course "Introduction to International Relations I". The preparation of an endorsing expert report is only possible for students who have completed this exam with a grade of at least 2.3.
Expert reports for MA study places
Expert reports can now only be prepared for students who have completed seminars in IB with appropriately high grades. Please contact the instructor with whom you have attended these seminars directly with your request for an expert report.
If you meet the above conditions, please send - at least four weeks before the deadline for submission of the expert report/recommendation letter - a
- a request by e-mail describing what you need the expert report/recommendation letter for and by when
- your current ELVIS grade report
- your bachelor's degree certificate (if you have already completed your studies)
- your CV and letter of motivation, which you usually have to attach to your application anyway
- the form to fill in, if available/requested by the recipient
On the pages of the International Office you will find all important information and forms concerning Learning Agreements.
On the pages of the Examination Board BA of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences you will find all important information about the recognition of study achievements abroad.