
1987 - 1991 Studies of law at the University of Passau

1991 - 1996 Employee at the Chair of Civil Law and Commercial and Business Law II at the University of Passau (Professor Dr. Jan Wilhelm)

1992 - 1995 Legal clerkship in the district of the Higher Regional Court of Munich

13.12.1996 Doctorate (Doctor juris) by the Faculty of Law of the University of Passau

1996 - 1998 Lawyer in the law firm Haarmann, Hemmelrath & Partner. Frankfurt a.M.

1998 - 1999 Master's programme in Common Law at Georgetown University, Washington D.C.

1999 - 2002 Research employee at the Institute for German and European Corporate and Business Law at the Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg (Chair of Professor Dr. Dres. h. c. Peter Hommelhoff)

2002 - 2004 Research Fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG)

21.12.2005 Habilitation by the Faculty of Law of the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg; venia legendi for civil law, commercial law, corporate law and tax law

2006 - 2010 Substitute professorship in civil law at the Universities of Osnabrück, Marburg, Bonn and Erfurt, among others

2011 Appointment as W3 professor at Stuttgart Media University

2012 Appointment as University Professor and holder of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Endowed Professorship at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences, University of Erfurt

Publications (selection)

1. monographs

Takeover of stock corporations and transparency of shareholdings, Cologne et al. 1998 (dissertation) Group taxation - proposal for the further development of the law of the tax group, Cologne 2006 (habilitation thesis) GmbH law in practice, 3rd edition, Frankfurt a. M. 2015 (together with Markus Gehrlein and Michael Volmer)

2. contributions to joint works

The right to information at the shareholders' meeting as a typical minority right of shareholders; illustrated by the example of the request for information regarding shareholdings in other stock corporations, in: Armbrüster et al. (eds.),Private autonomy and imbalances, Yearbook of the Society of Young Civil Law Scientists 1995, Stuttgart et al. 1996, pp. 91-10 The reformed statute of limitations, in: Schwab/Witt (eds.), Examination knowledge on the new law of obligations, 2nd edition, Munich 2003, pp. 1-49 Corporate and Business Law in the European Union: Status and Perspectives 2004, in: Hartkamp/Hesselink/Hondius/Joustra/Perron/Veldman (eds.), Towards a European Civil Code, 3rd Edition, Nijmegen 2004, pp. 807-831 (together with Peter Hommelhoff and Christoph Teichmann) Group companies in the law of mandatory offers under German WpÜG, in: Waldburger/ Baer/Nobel/Bernet (eds.), Business Law at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Festschrift for Peter Nobel, Bern 2005, pp. 125-146 (together with Peter Hommelhoff) Commentary on the "Mandatory Offers" section (Sections 35-39 and 59 WpÜG), in: Haarmann/Schüppen (eds.), Frankfurt Commentary on the WpÜG, 3rd edition, Frankfurt a. M. 2008 (together with Peter Hommelhoff) (forthcoming: 4th edition 2015) Commentary on Section 117 of the German Stock Corporation Act (obligation to pay damages for use of influence on the company), in: K. Schmidt/Lutter (eds.), Kommentar zum Aktiengesetz, 2nd edition, Cologne 2010 (together with Peter Hommelhoff) (forthcoming: 3rd edition 2015) Commentary on Sections 29, 41-42a GmbHG, in: Bork/Schäfer (eds.), Kommentar zum GmbH-Gesetz, Cologne 2nd edition 2012 (forthcoming: 3rd edition 2015) Vorabausschüttungen in der GmbH, in: Erle u. a. (eds.), Festschrift für Peter Hommelhoff zum 70. Geburtstag, Cologne 2012, p. 1363-1374

Special chapter "Tax accounting for tax groups" (Appendix to § 271 HGB), in: Hennrichs/Kleindiek/ Watrin (eds.), Munich commentary on accounting law, Munich 2013 The SPE in German Tax Law, in: Hirte/Teichmann (eds.), The European Private Company-Societas Privata Europaea (SPE), ECFR Special Volume 3, Berlin/Boston 2013, pp. 397-434 Commercial Law, in: Kube u.a. (eds.),Guiding principles of the law, Paul Kirchhof on his 70th birthday, vol. II, Heidelberg u.a. 2013, pp. 1225-1234

The SPE in German tax law, in: Hommelhoff/Schubel/teichmann (eds.), Societas Privata Europaea (SPE) -the European corporation for medium-sized companies, Baden-Baden 2014, pp. 213-244.

3. essays

Proposal for a merger of sections 21 et seq. WpHG and Sections 20 et seq. AktG into a single set of regulations, AG 1998, 171-182 The New Proposal for an EC Directive on Takeover Bids, EWS 1998, 318-323 The Shareholder's Right to Information and its Enforcement in the United States, Great Britain and France - Functional Overall View in Comparison with German Law, AG 2000, 257-267 Majority-Rule Clauses in the Articles of Association and Resolutions on Capital Changes, AG 2000, 345-353 The legal figure of the valet in the conflict between the protection of existing buildings and traffic, AcP 201 (2001), 165-201 Comments on the German Takeover Act after the Failure of the Directive - At the Same Time a Look at Italy, RIW 2001, 561-569 (together with Peter Hommelhoff) Comment on the Judgment of the Federal Court of Justice II ZR 119/00 of 5. 11. 2001 (Retroactive annulment of a company agreement not entered in the Commercial Register in the case of a dependent one-man limited liability company), NotBZ 2002, 149-150 The Practical Case - Civil Law: Acquisition of Antiquarian Books in Good Faith, JuS 2003, 1091-1097 Case Study "Worries about Retirement", in: Rittershaus/Teichmann, Anwaltliche Vertragsgestaltung, 2. Auflage, Heidelberg 2003, pp. 233-252 Advanced exam - Civil Law: Fate of a priority notice of conveyance, JuS 2004, 48-52 Comment on the judgment of the Federal Court of Justice II ZR 235/01 of 7. 7. 2003 (Legal Consequences of a Hidden Contribution in Kind to a GmbH), JZ 2004, 202-205 Reversal of the Burden of Proof under Section 476 of the German Civil Code in the Case of External Damage to the Purchased Item, NJW 2005, 3468-3470 Offsetting against Loss Compensation Claims in a GmbH Contractual Group, NZG 2006, 735-737 Compensation for use in the case of subsequent delivery - BGH submission to the ECJ, NJW 2006, 3322-3325 Internal compensation between married couples assessed jointly, DStR 2007, 56-61 Reversal of the burden of proof in the sale of consumer goods under Section 476 BGB: An Attempt to Take Stock, ZGS 2007, 386-392 No Inheritability of Loss Carryforwards - The Resolution of the Grand Senate and its Consequences, BB 2008, 1199-1204 Dismantling and Installation under the Warranty for Defects under the Law of Sale, ZGS 2008, 369-374 Hidden Contribution in Kind, Entrepreneurial Company and Model Protocol, ZIP 2009, 1102-1106 Reform of Group Taxation, FR 2009, 1045-1049 Modernization of Corporate Law in Europe, ZGR 2009, 872-930 Damage Calculation in Motor Vehicle Accidents - New Nuances in Case Law on Fictitious Repair Costs and Residual Value, NJW 2010, 3329-3334 Acquisition in Good Faith Pursuant to Sec. 899a Sentence 2 in.V. mit § 892 Abs. 1 BGB: Scope, Characteristics andcondition strength, BB 2011, 259-264Entrepreneurship of a GmbH when buying consumer goods - At the same time on the priority of supplementary performance in the event of an ineffective exclusion of warranty, NJW 2011, 3402-3404 Beginning and end of the limitation periods in tenancy law, NZM 2012, 545 - 553 Active protection of the interests of the other party as a debtor's obligation according to § 241 para 2 BGB, NJW 2012, 3130-3132

Legal consequences of a breach of Section 57 AktG, ZGR 2013, 668-685

Appropriateness of a takeover or mandatory offer and attribution of voting rights - The Postbank decision of the BGH, DStR 2014, 2132-2137