Prof. Dr. Miriam Zschoche

Prof. Dr. Miriam Zschoche

More about the person

Work experience

2017 - Professor (W3) for Strategic and International Management at University of Erfurt

2015 - 2017 Junior Professor for Strategic Management and Organization,

WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar

2011 - 2015 Research Associate (Postdoctoral Researcher), WHU - Otto

Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar

2007 - 2010 Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate, Chair for

Innovation and International Management, University of Augsburg

2006 - 2007 Research assistant in the area of "International Business

Development", Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Munich


2011 Doctorate, University of Augsburg

2004 Diploma in Economics, University of Potsdam

2001 Intermediate diploma in economics, University of Leipzig

1998 A-levels

Research stays

2017 University of Bergamo, Italy

2013 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA

University engagement

2023 - Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt

2019 - Member of the Senate of the University of Erfurt

2017 - 2023 - Equal Opportunity Officer of the Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences at the University of Erfurt

2017 - Member of the BA examination board of the University of Erfurt

2008 - 2010 - Women's representative of the Faculty of Economics at the University of



Fisch, J.H./Zschoche, M. (2011). Analyse von internationalen Produktionsnetzwerken mit dem Konzept der Operationalen Flexibilität. In: Puck, J. F. & Leitl, C. (Hrsg.): Außenhandel im Wandel. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Reinhard Moser. Berlin – Heidelberg: 239-257.

Jürgens, D./Sälzer, J./Zschoche, M. (2009). Öffentliche Förderung internationaler Forschungskooperationen – Strategien in der Zusammenarbeit mit Südkorea. In: Fisch, J. H. & Roß, J.-M. (Hrsg.): Fallstudien zum Innovationsmanagement. Wiesbaden: 321-340.

Liessem, C./Ricken, K./Zschoche, M. (2009). MAN Diesel – Schiffsmotoren von Augsburg in die Welt. In: Fisch, J. H. & Roß, J.-M. (Hrsg.): Fallstudien zum Innovationsmanagement. Wiesbaden: 415-430.

Fisch, J.H./Zschoche, M. (2009). Einfluss der Irreversibilität von Investitionen auf Entscheidungen zur Vergrößerung von Auslandsgesellschaften. In: Moser, R. (Hrsg.): Internationale Unternehmensführung – Entscheidungsfelder und politische Aspekte. Wiesbaden: 81-99.

Restructuring international production networks – determinants and performance effects based on operational flexibility

Opus Publication server Universität Augsburg, URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:384-opus4-18275

Academy of Management Annual Meeting (virtual), NHH Bergen (Norway)

Strategic Management Society Annual Conference (virtual)

Academy of Management Annual Meeting (virtual)

Academy of International Business Annual Meeting (Copenhagen), Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Boston), Strategic Management Society Special Conference (Frankfurt)

Academy of International Business Annual Meeting (Minneapolis)

Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Atlanta), Strategic Management Society Special Conference (Banff), Universität Bergamo

Pfingsttagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (München), German Economic Association of Business Administration (Basel), Strategic Management Society (Berlin)

Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Vancouver), German Economic Association of Business Administration (Hamburg)

Pfingsttagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (Leipzig), Strategic Management Society Annual Conference (Madrid)

Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Orlando), AKempor Arbeitskreis empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung (München), European International Business Academy Annual Conference (Bremen), German Economic Association of Business Administration (Magdeburg), MiDi-Workshop Deutsche Bundesbank (Frankfurt/Main), University of Texas at Dallas

Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Boston), German Economic Association of Business Administration (Graz), Kommission Internationales Management im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (Saarbrücken), Strategic Management Society Annual Conference (Prag)

Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Montreal), Academy of International Business Annual Conference (Rio), EIASM Workshop on International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management (Tübingen), European International Business Academy Annual Conference (Porto), Kommission Internationales Management im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (Berlin), MiDi-Workshop Deutsche Bundesbank (Frankfurt/Main), Strategic Management Society Annual Conference (Rom)

European International Business Academy Annual Conference (Valencia), MiDi-Workshop Deutsche Bundesbank (Frankfurt/Main)