Investigating the Systemic Impacts of the Global Energy Transition (ISIGET)

Coal being sold by the roadside

Project Description

The international energy transition is already delivering numerous benefits, but it is also creating new inequalities. The risks posed by this transformation will impact especially on developing countries, which lack access to technologies and capital. What, then, can be done to ensure that these countries can also make the transition to a low-carbon economy? The ISIGET project aims at developing recommendations for equitable forms of governance to reconcile conflicting policy goals.

ISIGET belongs to the research group 'Investigating the Systemic Impacts of the Global Energy Transition' at the IASS Potsdam







Can ambitious climate policies in the European Green Deal succeed when faced with rising societal divisions between Europeans?

Ambitious clean tech investment brings about strategic benefits, whereas fostering fossil infrastructure may put a country into a competitive disadvantage, Professor Goldthau argued during the German-Polish Forum held by the German Council on Foreign…

During his intervention at the 3-day COST Spring School organized by TU Darmstadt, Professor Andreas Goldthau called on the EU to rethink and broaden its foreign policy toolbox.

On April 27th, Professor Goldthau discussed the importance of clean energy tech as a central way to advance sustainable development in the Global South, as part of the launch of UNDP’s Global Governance Report on Paving the way for low-carbon…

Our PhD student Karina Marzano wrote a blog text for the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS) in Potsdam on the challenges of regulating global supply chains. She analyzes the German Due Diligence Law based on lessons learned…

Climate change gives rise to cascading risks of habitat destruction, infectious disease outbreaks or biodiversity loss.

New article published by Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter in the latest volume of Policy & Society.

New article in the magazine "KoBra Brasilicum" published by our PhD student Karina Marzano.