Gesine Manuwald
Personal Information
1998: PhD in Classics | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
2000: ‘Habilitation’ in Classics | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
1997 – 2003:member of staff | Department of Classics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
2003 – 2007: scholarship holder (‘Heisenberg-Stipendiatin’) | Department of Classics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
2007 – 2011: Senior Lecturer in Latin Language and Literature | Department of Greek and Latin, University College London
since 2011: Professor of Latin | Department of Greek and Latin, University College London
2012 – 2024: Head of Department | Department of Greek and Latin, University College London
2021 – 2024: Deputy Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University College London
Research Project
Early Roman Drama
This project on early Roman drama contributes to ongoing work to make these dramatic texts more accessible and to explore further their position within the political, social and religious context of the time. Thus, since many of the early dramatic texts only survive in fragmentary form, this project will work towards a bilingual edition of the fragments of the last tragic and the last comic writer of the Republican period, Accius and Turpilius respectively, since the availability of a modern English translation, notes and a comprehensive introduction will enable much easier access to these important texts. Another aspect of the project is the production of an introductory book on Terence’s Eunuchus; while this play is preserved in its entirety, it raises a number of questions relating to issues such as human interaction, social status and potential divine influence on the urban life of human beings. A book that explores all these questions against the background of the scholarly history and modern sensibilities will help readers to engage with and appreciate the play more fully. Once these early dramatic texts, which form the key evidence and thus the starting point of any discussion, are more easily accessible, more in-depth discussion about the role of these plays in society will become possible, as these dramas were performed at religious festivals in the city of Rome. These follow-on questions will be explored in conference presentations and articles.
Research Interests: Roman drama; Roman oratory; Roman epic; reception of antiquity especially in Neo-Latin literature
Publications (Selection)
Full list of publications is available here:
Die Cyzicus-Episode und ihre Funktion in den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus, Göttingen 1999 (Hypomnemata 127).
Fabulae praetextae. Spuren einer literarischen Gattung der Römer, München 2001 (Zetemata 108).
Pacuvius – summus tragicus poeta. Zum dramatischen Profil seiner Tragödien, München / Leipzig 2003 (BzA 191).
Cicero, Philippics 3–9. Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Vol. 1: Introduction, Text and Translation, References and Indexes; Vol. 2: Commentary, Berlin / New York 2007 (Texte und Kommentare 30).
Cicero. Philippics. Edited and translated by D.R. Shackleton Bailey. Revised by John T. Ramsey and Gesine Manuwald, 2 vol., Cambridge (MA) / London 2009; vol. 1 (Phil. 1–6); vol. 2 (Phil. 7–14) (Cicero XVa / b; LCL 189 / 507).
Roman Drama: A Reader, London 2010.
Roman Republican Theatre, Cambridge 2011.
Tragicorum Romanorum Fragmenta (TrRF). Volumen II. Ennius, Göttingen 2012.
Nero in Opera. Librettos as Transformations of Ancient Sources, Berlin / Boston 2013 (Transformationen der Antike 24).
Cicero, London 2015 (Understanding Classics).
Valerius Flaccus. Argonautica. Book III, Cambridge 2015 (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics).
Römisches Theater. Von den Anfängen bis zur frühen Kaiserzeit, Tübingen 2016 (UTB 4581).
Fragmentary Republican Latin. I. Ennius: Testimonia, Epic Fragments. Edited and translated by Sander M. Goldberg and Gesine Manuwald, Cambridge (MA) / London 2018 (LCL 294); lxxxviii + 498 pp. / Fragmentary Republican Latin. II. Ennius: Dramatic Fragments, Minor Works. Edited and translated by Sander M. Goldberg and Gesine Manuwald, Cambridge (MA) / London 2018 (LCL 538).
Cicero, Agrarian Speeches. Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary, Oxford 2018.
Reviving Cicero in Drama. From the Ancient World to the Modern Stage, London / New York 2018 (paperback 2020).
Fragmentary Republican Latin. III–V. Oratory. Parts 1–3. Edited and translated, Cambridge (MA) / London 2019 (LCL 540 / 541 / 542).
Cicero, Post reditum speeches. Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary, Oxford 2021.
Cato. Testimonia, Origines. / Cato. Orations, other fragments. Edited and translated, Cambridge (MA) / London 2023 (LCL 551 / 553).
Tragicorum Romanorum Fragmenta (TrRF). Volumen I: Testimonia tragoediae Romanae, Livius Andronicus, Naevius, Poetae tragici minores, Fragmenta tragica adespota, Fabula praetexta. Ed. Markus Schauer. Editionem alteram retractatam et auctam curavit Gesine Manuwald, Göttingen 2023. – Volumen II: Ennius. Editio altera retractata et aucta, Göttingen 2023.
Edited volumes
Ratis omnia vincet. Neue Untersuchungen zu den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus, in Zusammenarbeit mit G. Manuwald hg. v. U. Eigler u. E. Lefèvre, München 1998 (Zetemata 98).
Identität und Alterität in der frührömischen Tragödie, hg. v. G. Manuwald, Würzburg 2000 (Identitäten und Alteritäten, Bd. 3, Altertumswiss. Reihe, Bd. 1).
Der Satiriker Lucilius und seine Zeit, hg. v. G. Manuwald, München 2001 (Zetemata 110).
Accius und seine Zeit, hg. v. S. Faller u. G. Manuwald, Würzburg 2002 (Identitäten und Alteritäten, Bd. 13, Altertumswiss. Reihe, Bd. 3).
Seneca: philosophus et magister, hg. v. Th. Baier, G. Manuwald u. B. Zimmermann, Freiburg 2005 (Paradeigmata 4).
Syllecta Classica 19, 2008, 181–269: papers from the APA / CAMP three-year colloquium ‘Performing Ideology: Classicism, Modernity, and Social Context’, panel ‘Classical Drama as Political Drama’ (guest editor, with H. Marshall).
Helios 38.2, 2011, 1–116: papers from the APA / CAMP three-year colloquium ‘Performing Ideology: Classicism, Modernity, and Social Context’, panels ‘Ancient Theater and Sexuality in Modern Performance’ and ‘Performing ‘Identity’: National and Social Transformations in Modern Performance’ (guest editor).
Neo-Latin Poetry in the British Isles, ed. by L. Houghton and G. Manuwald, London 2012.
Flavian Epic Interactions, ed. by G. Manuwald and A. Voigt, Berlin / Boston 2013 (Trends in Classics – Suppl. Vol. 21).
Brill’s Companion to Valerius Flaccus, ed. by M. Heerink and G. Manuwald, Leiden / Boston 2014.
Roman Drama and its Contexts, ed. by S. Frangoulidis, S. J. Harrison and G. Manuwald, Berlin / Boston 2016 (Trends in Classics – Suppl. Vol. 34).
The Afterlife of Cicero, ed. by G. Manuwald, London 2016 (BICS Suppl. 135).
An Anthology of British Neo-Latin Literature, ed. by L.B.T. Houghton, G. Manuwald and L.R. Nicholas, London 2020 (Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series: Early Modern Texts and Anthologies 1).
An Anthology of European Neo-Latin Literature, ed. by D. Hadas, G. Manuwald and L.R. Nicholas, London 2020 (Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series: Early Modern Texts and Anthologies 2).
An Anthology of Neo-Latin Literature in British Universities, ed. by G. Manuwald and L.R. Nicholas, London 2022 (Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series: Early Modern Texts and Anthologies 3).
Cristiano Castelletti, Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica, Book 8. Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary. Edited by A. Augoustakis, M. Fucecchi, and G. Manuwald, Oxford 2022 (Oxford Commentaries on Flavian Poetry).
Baroque Latinity. Studies in the Neo-Latin Literature of the European Baroque, ed. by J. Glomski, G. Manuwald and A. Taylor, London 2023 (Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series: Studies in Early Modern Literature 1).
An Anthology of Neo-Latin Poetry by Classical Scholars, ed. by W.M. Barton, S. Harrison, G. Manuwald and B. Xinyue, London 2024 (Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series: Early Modern Texts and Anthologies 9).