Guest lectures

For these events no prior registration is required.

Winter Semester 2024/2025

Monday Lectures in Religious, Social and Cultural Studies

Übersicht Monday Lectures WiSe24/25

In the current winter semester, the Max-Weber-Kolleg, the Seminar for Religious Studies and the Theological Research Centre t³ Theology - Tradition - Transformation once again invite you to a series of exciting lectures.

Mondays, 16:15 to 17:45
Research Building ‘ Weltbeziehungen’ C19.00.02/03

From 15:45 to 16:15 there will be a small tea time in the lounge on the 1st floor of the research building.


Übersicht Treppenhaus-Lectures

The Max Weber Kolleg at the University of Erfurt is starting the winter semester 2024/25 with a new event format: In the ‘Staircase Lectures' (Treppenhaus-Lectures), academics from the Max Weber Kolleg will offer exciting insights into their research projects in short lectures.

The 30-minute events, which take place from 12:00 to 12:30 in the foyer of the research building ‘’Weltbeziehungen‘’, also offer participants the opportunity to ask questions and join in the discussion.

Tuesdays, 12:00 to 12:30 p.m.

Guest lectures of past semesters

Summer Semester 2024

Guest Lectures

  • 08.04.2024, 16:15 - 17:45
    Monday Lecture with Isabella Schwaderer and Gerdien Jonker: Book Launch: "Religious Entaglements Between Germans and Indians, 1800 - 1945"

  • 29.04.2024, 16:15 - 17:45
    Monday Lecture with Simon Wolfgang Fuchs: "The Mystical Appeal of a Revolution: Classified Documents, Islamic Third Worldism, and Iran in 1983"

  • 29.04.2024, 19:15 - 20:45
    Monday Lecture with Anselm Schubert: "Von der 'Manliness of Christ' zum 'Queeren Christus'. Geschlechteridentitäten Christi in der Theologie des 20. Jahrhunderts"

  • 06.05.2024, 16:15 - 17:45
    Monday Lecture with Kholoud Al-Ajarma: "Mecca in Morocco: Studying the socio cultural embeddedness of pilgrimage in Muslim everyday life"

  • 08.05.2024, 12:00 - 14:00
    Vortrag with Anatoly Reshetnikov: "Chasing Greatness: On Russia's Discursive Interaction with the West over the Past Millenium"

  • 27.05.2024, 16:15 - 17:45
    Monday Lecture with Simone Pfeifer: "Feminist Muslim Activists in Postdigital Spaces"

  • 03.06.2024, 16:15 - 17:45
    Monday Lecture with Elisa Iori: "Inside Out: An Urban Approach to the Archaeology of Early Buddhism"

  • 10.06.2024, 16:15 - 17:45
    Monday Lecture with Elisa Iori: "Spatialising Buddhist Practices in Urban Spaces: A 'City Lens' Approach"

  • 17.06.2024, 16:00 - 17:30
    Book Launch with Charles Taylor: "Cosmic Connections" | Veranstaltungsplakat

  • 24.06.2024, 16:15 - 17:45
    Monday Lecture with Elisa Iori: "Constitutive Tensions within Buddhism"

  • 01.07.2024, 16:15 - 17:45
    Monday Lecture with Elisa Iori: "Production, Consumption and Exchange"

Event series in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Thüringen e.V. and Katholisches Forum im Land Thüringen
"Die Natur gehört sich selbst?!"

  • Part I: "Welche Rechte hat die Natur?" | Link
  • Part II: "Scheitern mit Ansage -  Die christliche Schöpfungsverantwortung | Link
  • Part III: "Wem gehört die Natur? Juristische, philosophische und politische Aspekte" | Link
  • Part IV: "Exkursion im Natura 2000-Gebiet "Drei Gleichen" | Link  

Winter Semester 2023/2024

  • 16.10.2023, 16:15 – 17:45
    Monday Lecture with Penelope Davies: “Structural failure and resilience in ancient Rome: Ideologies and implications”
    Event poster

  • 01.11.2023, 10:15 – 11:45
    Ravi Vasudevan: “Melodrama, Mythopolitics and Authoritarian Populism in Contemporary India”

  • 07.11.2023, 14:15 – 15:45
    Jan Nederveen Pieterse: "Varieties of Market Economies"

  • 22.11.2023, 10:15 – 11:45
    Ioana Moraru: "Søren Kierkegaard und die existentielle Einbildungskraft"

  • 11.12.2023, 14:15 – 15:45
    Urmila Goel: "Nun-Running. An analysis of discourses"

  • Monday Lectures with Valentino Gasparini: „The construction of divine power in Antiquity. A short introduction“

    15.01.2024, 16:15 – 17:45: "The power of the one"| Event poster
    22.01.2024, 16:15 – 17:45: "The power of the many"|Event poster
    29.01.2024, 16:15 – 17:45: "The power of otherness"| Event poster
    05.02.2024, 16:15 – 17:45: "From human to divine power"| Event poster

Summer Semester 2023

  • Tue | 02.05.2023
    Markus Schulz: „Rethinking Authority"
  • Tue | 02.05.2023
    Heinrich Lang: „The Global Sea: Trade and Transfer in the Mediterranean in the late Middle Ages"
  • Wed | 03.05.2023
    Cecilia Rikap: “Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism: How knowledge production and appropriation drives capital accumulation in the 21st century“
  • Mon | 08.05.2023
    Steffen Andrae: “The Fairy Tales Are Not Miracle Stories”. Siegfried Kracauer and the Reason of Fairy Tales“
  • Tue | 09.05.2023
    Jon Keune: "Navigating Buddhisms, Transnational Labor, and Social Upliftment: Ambedkarites in Diaspora" 
  • Tue | 16.05.2023
    Monica Green: "Transcontinental Microbial Exchanges: Experiences of the Black Death in Afro-Eurasia"
  • Mon | 22.05.2023
    Awadhendra Sharan: “(Post) Colonial Atmospheres: Air Pollution in Modern India”
  • Tue | 23.05.2023
    Susanne Rau: "A "global city"? Lyon and its fairs from the late Middle Ages to the early modern period"
  • Tue | 13.06.2023
    Josef Römelt: “God's relationship in resonance. Ecclesiastical Tradition and Critical Reason”
  • Tue | 13.06.2023
    Sara Keller:"Water in medieval India: Circulation and Integration of hydraulic knowledge"
  • Wed | 21.06.2023
    Dietmar Mieth: “Demokratie von innen? Zugänge bei Meister Eckhart.”
  • Tue | 27.06.2023
    Barbara Thériault: “Abenteuer einer linkshändigen Friseurin”
  • Wed | 28.06.2023
    Frank Grunert: "Naturrecht und Moral. Differenzen und Überschneidungen zweier Normtypen in der praktischen Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunderts"
  • Mon | 03.07.2023
    Peter Gottschalk: “Fanaticism, Muslims, and the Emotive Construction of Secular Urban Subjectivities: Britain, India, and the United States in the 19th Century"
  • Fri | 07.07.2023
    Solomon Benjamin: “PROPERTY’S MURMUR: Thinking Occupancies via thick and entangled Tenurial Spatialities”
  • Fri | 07.07.2023
    Bertram Lomfeld: „Every Thing Is Music: rechtliche Konstruktion(en) von Eigentum“
  • Thu | 13.07.2023
    Scott R. Stroud: „Ambedkar, Dewey, and the Evolution of Pragmatism in India“

Winter Semester 2022/2023

  • Mon | 24.10.2022 17:00 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 606)
    Public Lecture: together with Johanna Quandt Young Academy Summer School
    Hartmut Rosa “Resonance as a way of relating to the world”
  • Mon | 21.11.2022 18:00 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 606)
    Lara Weiss: 'Traversing Eternity betwixt Heaven and Earth' (Antrittsvorlesung)
    Weitere Informationen
  • Mon | 28.11.2022 18:00 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805)
    Public Lecture Laura Feldt: “Total Devotion – Passions and Plots in Radical Religion in the Ancient World”
  • Wed | 07.12.2022 10:15 (online)
    Lorenzo Cozzi: „The concept of prophecy in Nicholas of Lyra: the Prologue to the Commentary on the Psalms“
  • Tue | 20.12.2022 14:15 (online)
    Qian Zhao: “China's economists and policy makers’ re-conceptualisationof 'market' idea in modern Economic Reform”
  • Mon | 09.01.2023 18:00 (online)
    Jahresfeier des Max-Weber-Kollegs
  • Wed | 11.01.2023 10:15 (online)
    Martin Mulsow: "Eine kurze Geschichte der Wahrheit"
  • Tue | 17.01.2023 14:15 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805)
    Andrea Schmid: "RISE - Resonance in School Environments"
  • Mon | 30.01.2023 16:15 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805)
    Holger Zaborowski: “Freiheit und Menschenwürde als Koordinaten Europas”
  • Tue | 31.01.2023 14:15 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805)
    Steffen Andrae: Aesthetics and Social Criticism. Siegfried Kracauer’s Conception of "Fairy-tale Reason"

Summer Semester 2022

  • Tue |19.04.2022 18:00 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 606 and online)
    Lecture Corine Pelluchon: Ecology, Universalism and Emancipation. The Case for an new enlightenment / Event-Poster
  • Thu | 05.05.2022 18:00 (Begegnungsstätte Kleine Synagoge)
    Lecture Markus Vinzent: „Two bricks of history turned upside down – facts and evidence“
    Contact: Julia Seeberger
  • Wed |18.05.2022 10:15-11:45 (online)
    Lecture Kathi Beier: title tba
  • Mon | 23.05.2022 14:15-15:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805 in presence)
    Lecture Renny Thomas: Beyond Disenchantment: An Anthropology of Science and Religion in India
  • Tue | 24.05.2022 14:15-15:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805 in presence)
    Lecture Mauro Basaure: “Rechtfertigung politischer Gewalt"
  • Wed | 01.06.2022 10:15-11:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805 in presence)
    Lecture Jean-Marc Tétaz: title tba
  • Wed | 01.06.2022 14:15-15:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805 in presence)
    Lecture Jasmin Siri: "Ein digitaler Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit? Suchbewegungen aus politisch-soziologischer Perspektive"
  • Tue | 07.06.2022 14:15-15:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805 in presence)
    Lecture Natalie Lang: title tba
  • Mon | 20.06.2022 16:15-17:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805 in presence)
    Lecture Frank Ettrich: title tba
  • Tue | 21.06.2022 14:15—15:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805 in presence)
    Lecture Sophie von Kalckreuth: title tba
  • Wed | 22.06.2022 10:15—11:45 (online)
    Lecture Gábor Gángó: title tba
  • Mon | 27.06.2022 14:15-15:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805 in presence)
    Lecture Rebecca Ullrich: title tba
  • Tue | 28.06.2022 14:15-15:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, in presence)
    Antrittsvorlesung, Lecture Elisabeth Schilling: title tba
  • Wed | 29.06.2022 10:15-11:45 (online)
    Lecture Julie Casteigt: title tba
  • Mon | 04.07.2022 14:15-15:45 (Max-Weber-Kolleg, 805 in presence)
    Lecture Sebastian Bandelin: title tba

Winter Semester 2021/2022

  • Mon|25.10.2021|18:00 (online)
    „Neue Bücher in der Diskussion – Author meets critiques“
    Online-Podium “Ich will JETZT glücklich sein! Moderne Lebensgestaltung und religiöse Hoffnung“ zum Buch von Josef Römelt „Erfüllung im Diesseits. Wie Gegenwartsutopien die christliche Heilsbotschaft herausfordern” in Kooperation mit dem Katholischen Forum im Land Thüringen
    Moderator: Jörg Rüpke
    Diskutanten: Cornelia Richter, Josef Römelt, Hartmut Rosa
    Bitte anmelden:
  • Tue|26.10.2021
    Jasmin Lorch: “Secular Political Elites, Politicized Religion, and the Making of Autocratic Rule: A Cross-Regional and Cross-Religious Comparative Investigation”
  • Wed|08.12.2021
    Mayaram: „Explorations in Political/Non-political Islam”
  • Wed|15.12.2021
    Jasmin Siri: "Ein digitaler Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit? Suchbewegungen aus politisch-soziologischer Perspektive"
  • Mon|10.01.2022 (online)
    Akademische Jahresfeier
  • Wed|26.01.2022
    Frank Grunert: "Ethics and Law. The Relationship between the 'Elementa philosophiae' of Johann Gottlieb Heineccius and his Natural Law"
  • Mon|31.01.2022
    Haiyan Hu von-Hinüber: "On the Early Buddhist Idea of the Social Equality: a project examining the respective records as kept in the Theravāda Canon (4th century BCE)"
  • Tue|01.02.2022
    Jean-Marc Tétaz: „Ricœurs Texthermeneutik. Sprachphilosophische Grundlagen und religionsphilosophische Relevanz“
  • Wed|02.02.2022
    Barbara Thériault: „Abenteuer einer linkshändigen Friseurin. Die ästhetische Dimension des Sozialen in einer deutschen Stadt“