Weberian Research Programme

The Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies (Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt) is unique in combining an Institute for Advanced Studies with permanent graduate and post-graduate programmes. Though part of the University of Erfurt, the Max-Weber-Kolleg Erfurt is not subordinated to any of the university’s academic departments or schools (Fakultäten) but has independent and equal standing.


Research in the cultural and social sciences at the Max-Weber-Kolleg is historical and comparative. The focus is on the interdisciplinary linking of the disciplines represented at the Kolleg, which were influenced in a special way by Max Weber: Sociology, History, Religious Studies, Economics, Law, Philosophy and Theology.

The research achievements in sociology of the Max-Weber-Kolleg were found to be excellent in the elaborate research rating of the German Science Council in 2008. The Max-Weber-Kolleg is thus one of the 4% best research units (9 out of 254) in the field of sociology in Germany.

Researchers from diverse regions are invited to the Max-Weber-Kolleg. The specific approach chosen in the Weberian research programme, which has its roots in understanding sociology (“Verstehende Soziologie” Max Weber), is intended to open up innovative perspectives that overcome Eurocentric and cognitivistically narrow views.

In this way, the Kolleg aims to make a contribution to dealing with socially relevant problems of the present, for example, with regard to understanding the role of material, ideal and cultural conditions for successful coexistence in pluralistic societies, the creation of common languages for narrative explanations of cultural heritage or the understanding of essential value systems in globalised modernity. The academic languages at the Kolleg are English and German.

We believe in the unifying power of international scientific cooperation, in the persuasive power of arguments in discourse and in the necessity of freedom, peace and human rights for the development of science and education. That is why we want to continue to work with scientists from all regions of the world (including Ukraine and Russia) who share these convictions.

This keyword is used to describe the so-called "third mission", i.e. the mission of science to society and to address social issues. The Max-Weber-Kolleg supports formats that bring society and science into contact.

For Peace, Diversity and Tolerance

bunte handfläche

The Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies supports the free and independent conduct of academic research and teaching and stands in solidarity with all researchers worldwide who are not able to pursue their studies independently for political reasons. .

We believe in the unifying power of international scientific cooperation, in the persuasive power of arguments in discourse and in the necessity of freedom, peace and human rights for science and education. That is why we want to continue to work together with scientists from all regions of the world.