About us

The Student Council (StuRa) of the University of Erfurt is made up of 17 elected representatives from all faculties in accordance with the statutes. A board of three people is elected from its own ranks. In addition, there are various departments that facilitate the work of the committee and deal with specific areas of responsibility.

Any student can work in the departments. If you are interested and would like to get involved, please contact the respective heads of department. The person responsible will be happy to help you and appreciate a little support. The latest information from each department is discussed at every Student Council meeting.

Anyone studying at the University of Erfurt for more than one semester can stand for the Student Council. Once a year, a new Student Council is elected by and from the university's student body. So if you want to be part of it and shape higher education policy with us for a year, get elected to the Student Council!

You're in the right place with any concerns you have about your studies - be it examination law, a desire for a university group or cases of discrimination. We will support you and work with you to make the university a place where we all want to be!

Our fields of activity

  • Constructive work in the representation of student interests, as well as structuring and professionalising the work of the StuRa and ensuring the transparency of its work
  • Actively endeavouring to maintain good relations and joint work with the student councils, student initiatives at the University of Erfurt and the university management
  • Improving student council and faculty relations with each other
  • Initialisation of joint activities
  • Promotion of higher education policy opinion-forming in the student body
  • Support for international students
  • Support for students affected by social hardship
  • Supporting student-university engagement and student cultural initiatives
  • Supporting the internationalisation of the courses offered at the University of Erfurt
  • Supporting student interests in the event of problems with the course programme
  • and much more.


In the Student Council, students at the University of Erfurt are involved in various departments. In addition to the Executive Board, these include the Finance Department, the Higher Education Policy Department, Culture, Public Relations and many more. In the overview opposite you can find out everything you need to know about the individual departments, their tasks and members.

If you are interested in becoming an employee in one of the departments or would simply like to ask what exactly we do, you can always write an email to the Executive Board! Or just drop by during office hours!

Where you can find us

Student Council office

Student Council office

The Student Council office is located in the low-rise building between the glass box and staff building 1. We have office hours: One person should be present from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 4pm on weekdays during the lecture period. So if you have any current concerns or information material about any university group, student councils or the cultural semester ticket, just come round during these times! If you want to borrow or return things, please contact the Internal Affairs Department, applications and invoices can be put in the letterbox next to the door.

If you have specific questions for a particular department (e.g. examination law advice, cases of discrimination, etc.), it is best to clarify by email in advance whether the respective employees are available and make an extra appointment if necessary.

You can find the individual contacts and email addresses on the pages of the individual departments.


The Student Council of the University of Erfurt always meets on Wednesdays at 20:00 in the conference room in the KIZ (Room 0.10), unless otherwise announced. This is the room with the glass fronts directly to the right of the entrance door to the Centre for Communication and Information (KIZ).

The meetings are open to the university public, i.e. all members of the University of Erfurt are welcome as guests. Current topics are discussed at the meetings, reports are given on the work of the departments, university committees, student councils and university groups, resolutions are passed and financial applications are dealt with. In order for a financial application to be dealt with, it is necessary for the applicant to be present at the meeting and to "defend" the financial application, i.e. to be available to answer questions about the cost breakdown and project description. In exceptional cases, external persons are confirmed for the meeting, e.g. if experts are invited for decision-making.

The agenda for each meeting is sent by email to StuR members, student representatives, university groups and applicants at least 48 hours before the meeting. It can also be viewed here. The meetings are recorded in minutes. The minutes can be viewed on Moodle.